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Bringing money into the country


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Easy to transfer money. There are many companies that will do it for you (as someone suggested already)

As for paying cash to a dealer, well, if you are shrewd there are certain benefits to be had with hard cash!!!!!!
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There is a limit of 10,000€ bringing cash into France and it could cause problems trying to prove where it came from and to pay that into a bank account. Stick to a "paper" trail. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/fr/IP_07_832

The maximum cash transaction for buying a car is 1500€ see Plafonds here: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F10999

Make sure the UK bank account the money comes from is declared on form 3916 and you might as well declare TransferWise as well (since that declaration seems a bit ambiguous). Make sure you can justify where the money in the UK account came from (and, if necessary, declare that).

Transfer it to a real French bank account. I'd probably opt to pay by cheque rather than by bank transfer from the French bank account even though a cheque might take longer to clear.. Doing it directly from TransferWise could cause problems with proving provenance.
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[quote user="pomme"]There is a limit of 10,000€ bringing cash into France and it could cause problems trying to prove where it came from and to pay that into a bank account. Stick to a "paper" trail. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/fr/IP_07_832

The maximum cash transaction for buying a car is 1500€
see Plafonds here: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F10999

Make sure the UK bank account the money comes from is declared on form 3916 and you might as well declare TransferWise as well (since that declaration seems a bit ambiguous). Make sure you can justify where the money in the UK account came from (and, if necessary, declare that).

Transfer it to a real French bank account. I'd probably opt to pay by cheque rather than by bank transfer from the French bank account even though a cheque might take longer to clear.. Doing it directly from TransferWise could cause problems with proving provenance.[/quote]

Not quite correct, I think you read that too quickly [:)]

The link you provided says:

Le paiement en espèces est soumis à des plafonds dans certaines situations.


paiement en espèces entre particuliers (achat d'une voiture ou d'un

tableau par exemple) n'est pas limité.
Un écrit est nécessaire au-delà

de 1 500 € pour prouver les versements.

Règlement des impôts et taxes

Le paiement en espèces au guichet des centres des finances publiques est limité à 300 €.

Paiement à un professionnel

Le paiement en espèces d'un particulier à un professionnel ou entre professionnels est autorisé jusqu'à 1 000 €.

Ce plafond est relevé à 15 000 € si le domicile fiscal du débiteur est à l'étranger et qu'il règle une dépense personnelle.

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Admittedly it's 4 years ago and I don't know whether Brexit has made any difference.

I used my UK bank account to transfer the money into my French bank account via Currency Fair.  from thereon, after paying the deposit by French credit card, I paid the rest by going to my French bank and asking for a payment to be made directly to the car company.  Had to pay a few euros for this and had to provide the car company's bank details which were taken as proof that the money was for the purchase.

The car was quite a bit in excess of 15k.

Hope that helps, Wools and, if you do buy from the company I recommended, they'd advise you on the process.  Job done, even had the car delivered to my door[:)]

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