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So how many of us are still out there


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Louiseau like you I’m pleased to see some posters who I thought were long gone putting in an appearance. Also like you I remember the heady days of Dick and Mikki and I also stayed at Coco’s B & B. In particular I remember delicious pain perdu. The forum software in those days was very poor. It wasn’t possible to delete a whole thread and I remember Gay and I spending an entire Saturday afternoon deleting individual offensive posts. Things usually got worse later in the evening …….

Among other things I remember a rumour going round that the moderators were able to read private emails. We couldn’t then and we can’t now, but people just didn’t believe it and I always suspected that there was just one malicious person somewhere trying to foment trouble.

The things that have upset me the most have been people for whom I’ve done personal favours referring to me as a gauleiter and such like.

The board is much less lively than it used to be perhaps because it’s not so fashionable to have a holiday home in France these days or maybe because we are all older and perhaps consume less red wine. I still believe in its usefulness though.

As you say it’s good to see some former posters coming back.
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<< Among other things I remember a rumour going round that the moderators were able to read private emails. >>

Hello Hoddy [:D]
I think the "mods reading PMs" thing may have come about because (I later heard) it was possible and worse, did happen (due to a loophole in the software) on another forum popular at the time. That quirk vanished with a software upgrade. I suppose someone assumed if it was possible on the other forum it must be so here too (or, as you say, they started a rumour for malicious reasons) but the CF (LF?) forum software was different.

I suppose I gradually stopped using this forum because after some years living here, I had fewer questions (and those I had I could sort out for myself) and while I could contribute my experiences and knowledge, the longer one is here, the more out-of-date some of that knowledge is, particularly in relation to building regs, say. Even in France, things change.

I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that nowadays, this (Normandy) is just home, I know what I'm doing and have less need to talk about it on a forum... having said that, this year forums and messageboards are showing their value again.

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Yes, Judith, it's like other famous soliloquies as in Hamlet's to be or not to be and John of Gaunt's this royal throne of kings, this septred isle.

They are there, at the back of your mind, and you rack your brains, trying hard to remember the rest of the words and, in my case, always failing[:)]

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[quote user="mint"]
Yes, Judith, it's like other famous soliloquies as in Hamlet's to be or not to be and John of Gaunt's this royal throne of kings, this septred isle.

They are there, at the back of your mind, and you rack your brains, trying hard to remember the rest of the words and, in my case, always failing[:)]


Indeed, Mint, so many quotations you know, but cannot at all remember where they are from ... which has triggered a memory about a quotation - about memory - but can I rememebr what it is - of course not!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello - I'm Sunday Driver's daughter, Caroline. I was on this forum reading all the lovely comments you left when him and Mam were in the car crash. I thought I'd search for some of his posts when I came across this one. I'm really sorry to say he passed away January of this year after battling Alzheimer's and Dementia, not helped by mobility issues after the car crash.

I just wanted to thank everyone for those lovely messages you sent to him, I read them every now and again and they never fail to make me smile. My Dad was a wonderful man, and reading how he helped you all so much just helps me remember what a kind and generous person he was.

Take care everyone, stay safe
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Sunday Driver's Daughter wrote the following post at 17 Oct 2020 23:44:

Hello - I'm Sunday Driver's daughter, Caroline. I was on this forum reading all the lovely comments you left when him and Mam were in the car crash. I thought I'd search for some of his posts when I came across this one. I'm really sorry to say he passed away January of this year after battling Alzheimer's and Dementia, not helped by mobility issues after the car crash.

Thank you Caroline for taking the time to update us .. I am so sorry to hear of his death. He was so unstintingly helpful .. the slightest query and if it was in his realm of knowledge, then he would help.

There are quite a few of us left on here .. but there are those who have moved on. Your father's name still crops up, especially where something bureaucratic rears its head.

He was a genuinely lovely person so you must miss him hugely, we did when he left here .. so you take care of yourself .. and thank you once again.
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Caroline, I do find the news of your dad very sad.  I was a huge fan of his and had once been accused of being nauseating on account of my, I suppose, grateful posts about him.  He was full of knowledge about all things motoring and I remember asking him once whether he was a UK policeman.  To which his reply was "good evening....."  Made me laugh hugely[:D]

And cajal, thanks for the link and yes I do recognise some of my own posts[:)]

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What a lovely post by SD's daughter.

Sunday Driver used to be one of the pillars of expat forums - always patient, always polite and friendly, immensely knowledgeable and careful to give correct and relevant advice. Often he was a voice of reason in those interminable and sometimes heated discussions about cars and driving in France.

When I was a newbie to France and forums and looking for advice, I sometimes used to start wading through those long threads thinking "I'm sure most of this is rubbish but I'll read a few more posts in the hope that eventually someone will something that makes sense" and then I would see Sunday Driver's name a bit further down, and I would go straight to his post, and there would be the answer..

So I was very sad to read your post.

It may be a cliché but it is certainly true to say of SD that he may be gone but he is not forgotten.
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Very sorry to hear your news, Caroline.  Your father was extremely knowledgeable in his posts and always courteous.

I did have the pleasure of speaking to him on one occasion regarding some information I had been researching and wanted to run it past him for his opinion.
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