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Norman, are you listening?


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Oh dear one of those forced Mediterranean tenors who sing as if they were a bull being castrated [:(]

In contrast listen to the young Pavarotti before he too became like that, when he was still under the influence of musicians such as Richard Bonynge


There he understands the power of controlled piano singing in the upper register, rather than the sad con belto most of them do nowadays.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you following the Leeds Piano Competition on BBC TV?

Pumped full of steriods, antibiotics, probiotics and all the usual asthma médicaments, I've only just remembered to mention this to you...

BTW, do you still keep your piano in the barrel?

OK, back to piano practice, I think, better way of spending my time than sodoku-ing.

I see the English Chamber Orchestra have just given a celebratory 50th anniversary concert.  But, apart from knowing that Vengerov and Kiri te Kanawa (what, is she still working?) took part, I have heard very little about it.


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I normally play Tureck's version. Sorry, can't seem to provide a link and don't know where the toolbar and half the "stuff" have gone. But I do think I prefer your pianist who is not, however, known to me[:(]

Edit:  don't know how I've got the sad look on the title bar.  Emphasise NOT sad but a bit flummoxed by the strange way the computer is operating at the mo!

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I have her version of the 48 on two boxed sets of CDs

Shostakovich wrote a set of preludes and Fugues in homage to Bach after hearing her play and she recorded them


She had a stroke performing them in the USA and died nine days later (not quite on stage as the story goes).

What a way to go!

Other performaces on Youtube:



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On another track do you know this?

An attempt to show Monteverdi madrigals in a modern setting.

Whether you like the idea or not the performance is staggering, and it is really helpful to have the text in subtitles

A taster


If you like that the complete book 4 is here


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  • 2 weeks later...

No, I didn't find the review amusing!  In fact, the whole of what was described filled me with horror, incredulity and a feeling of being utterly doomed.

As for the Monteverdi, the singing did me very well, without any of the er...setting [:(]

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Not sure if you can still catch this, Norman.

BBC Radio 3 (I heard it live last Monday afternoon) Kalinnikov Symphony No 1 with the BBC Welsh.

I hadn't heard of this composer before but I do know many of the players. It's always nice to find "new" music that intrigue.  And OH found it to be quite a revelation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Norman, if you can, do watch the interview with Fanny Waterman (BBC TV 4 last night); such an inspiring and lively person!

Great final but I haven't watched all of it so don't know if the winner was the "right" one but I do believe he can fill concert halls [:D] 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Much enjoyed the interview, especially when she quite rightly corrected the pompous interviewer who wanted her to call the 'front room' the 'parlour' but she stuck to her guns [:)]

Some music for November




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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the belated reply.  Have had much to do (and contend with as well).

I enjoyed the clips and the songs are totally lovely.

Having lost Radio 3 for just over a week (not sure where the signal went), I was so thrilled to eventually rediscover it and Saturday mornings are now back to normal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Norman, help needed please.

This afternoon, France Musique about 4 pm, 2 arias from Leonardo Vinci's opera l'Artaserse sung by Simone Kermes.

Could you a) please listen to it via réécoute and b) find out if there's been a CD made and where to get it?

So far, I have tried Amazon but it seems to be only for MP3 players and I still have vinyl records, so not much good to me.

Can't do much in the way of research en ce moment because the computer is sulking [:@] 

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Beautiful [:D] Bach always brings tears to my eyes, don't know why.

I've just read some of this thread for the first time - didn't realise it was about music .

You've pricked my conscience about the piano SW17 - I haven't played for ages, excuse of a poorly shoulder!

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Delighted to see you in this thread. It started out between me and sweet17 because I didn't read my pms, [:$] so she got frustrated and started posting here, but all are welcome of course, just that it hasn't got a very obvious title.

If you read back a bit you will see I have often posted links to Bach [:)]

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