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Hi Christine and thanks I will pass that on to Ben. He is a big boy at about 9 kilos and that is just big and not fat! He is learning to say Ron ron and likes chasing lizards. His mate Luke, a tabby, is very shy and would not pose for the photo!

On the subject of notifications I have just found a post saying LF have had problems sending to aol customers so I don't know what progress admin have had in chasing this.......................John

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Hi John.

You are using AOL I presume?

AOL are blocking the automated emails sent by this forum software for some reason. I have asked AOL what the problem is but they haven't replied.

It will mean that everyone on AOL won't receive notifications, passwords and registration details, pm message notification etc....and I get a very full inbox when they all bounce!

You could try adding james.parfitt@archant.co.uk to your address book in 'outlook' as this may make a difference, it does on other systems but not sure about AOL. Anyone got any other suggestions? I'd be happy to hear them.





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Hi Bizzer,

Could you do me a favour? Could you add james.parfitt@archant.co.uk to your address book in 'outlook' and then 'subscribe' (topic options) to a post and see if this does make a difference to you receiving the email notifications when someone else posts to that topic.

You could do this with this thread and then post yourself as a test and see if the notification comes through.

I'm trying to get to the bottom of this.





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  • 2 weeks later...
I have had occasional problems with e-mails from some UK ISPs on a couple of days in August. Some people sent me e-mails which did not arrive, but when I tested it from a web based UK e-mail account it worked fine. Then after a day or two I would get loads of e-mails come through. Those delayed e-mails were from a number of different people/companies and I put it down to some mail server on the route between me and them being overloaded.

When this happened, the senders were getting back messages saying that delivery of the message had been delayed for more than 4 hours and they whoever would continue trying.

I don’t know if LF were getting these messages back from anywhere ?

Also, I don’t think it was a Wanadoo thing as I could send from a yahoo.co.uk e-mail account to my Wanadoo account with immediate delivery.

Might be related ?


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