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Complete France Forum

Guru Meditation

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I just had a strange error turn up in this forum.

Error 503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable

Guru Meditation:
XID: 697743558

There was also a link to a Varnish Cache Server.

The last time I saw a Guru Meditation in an error message was when I was using Commodore Amigas seriously about 15+ years ago! Just what do Archant's systems run on?

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Presumably said Guru has found enlightenment since yesterday, as the forum has been functioning normally today; ie still slow on occasion - could be my adsl connection - but definitely no periods of meditation (of its navel) as previously.

Sue [:)];)

Edit: I did include a smilie but it didn't appear - rats, I forgot, need IE8 for that functionality, not FF.

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 I'm not sure what you want anyone to say after the problem is solved ? I'm not an expert on forum faults, except to know that sometimes there are some, and sometimes they are very frustrating, but I know from experience that the IT people tend to just get on with trying to get things right rather than communicate - they look after lots of forums, not just ours.
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