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In the great scheme of things, this is a mere nothing, but I don't think anyone's mentioned it so far. In fact, if they're anything like me, they haven't noticed it so far. I only spotted it this morning.


The headers for each column seem to be wildly out of synch with the columns beneath. Unless it's just on my screen...

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The top Post button is the one that gets me now every time. Type a short response and you find yourself using the top button which of course does not work.


Seems when I quote people it ends up 'centred' rather than left justified.


The double Enter for paragraphs also is a bind

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]In the great scheme of things, this is a mere nothing, but I don't think anyone's mentioned it so far. In fact, if they're anything like me, they haven't noticed it so far. I only spotted it this morning.


The headers for each column seem to be wildly out of synch with the columns beneath. Unless it's just on my screen...


I can also see this on the Active view, but it doesn't appear on the main forum page.

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IS have been working on the site. Aim was to resolve issues for posting etc first...


Compatibility on - should be resolved eg no white space in IE 7 and 8.


Title header changed from blue to white for easier reading.


Footer colours on pagination eg next, previous etc should be clearer.


Reply box has been re-sized.


Alignment of titles fixed.


Quick link and breadcrumb truncating fixed.


More fixes to come...

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

We've still got this problem whereby it appears that by pressing the return key we create a paragraph (ie it leaves a blank line in the text in the posting box) but when the post appears this is not the case.

What therefore happens is that if one writes a long post with lots of paragraphs, it is very hard to read as happened to me just now on the moaning thread.  Fine if we have to press the return key twice now but the posting box should look the same - ie when you return once it shouldn't produce an extra blank white line (which would make it consistent with other text writing programmes and good old-fashioned typewriters!)

Now doesn't that look awful?  Whereas it didn't when I typed it in the posting box.


This is on the list to be fixed soon.

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="You can call me Betty"]In the great scheme of things, this is a mere nothing, but I don't think anyone's mentioned it so far. In fact, if they're anything like me, they haven't noticed it so far. I only spotted it this morning.

The headers for each column seem to be wildly out of synch with the columns beneath. Unless it's just on my screen...


I can also see this on the Active view, but it doesn't appear on the main forum page.


Should be fixed.

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[quote user="Forum Admin"][quote user="Clair"][quote user="You can call me Betty"]The headers for each column seem to be wildly out of synch with the columns beneath. Unless it's just on my screen...[/quote]I can also see this on the Active view, but it doesn't appear on the main forum page.[/quote]Should be fixed.[/quote]

All OK now! Thank you.

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[quote user="Forum Admin"]

I have this as one of the issues outstanding:


Firefox/Safari : large white area to right.


It could be that the formatting work already completed has resolved this one as well? Is this still an issue?


Let me know.




No problem on either FF/Safari.

Well, not on my machine anyway.[:)]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]Now when I go to a thread and go to 'Last' (or indeed any number) in the page list I get a little box with a Google header and the duplicate numbers but nothing happens ( I don't get taken to the 'Last' post......[/quote]


Can you send me a screen grab please? Also what you are using eg IE7 with comp mode on. etc





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[quote user="Russethouse"]Now when I go to a thread and go to 'Last' (or indeed any number) in the page list I get a little box with a Google header and the duplicate numbers but nothing happens ( I don't get taken to the 'Last' post......[/quote]

No problem with W7/FF11.

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Another significant new problem today.

When attempting to reply to a post it's taking about 30 seconds for the text box to become active whilst the site seems to be trying to connect to something called forums.essexlife.net this is both with Firefox and IE.

I know I am an Essex boy but I left Essex life behind 5 years ago so don't need to be connected to it (for whatever reason) every time I try to use the forum.

Effectively the forum is now completely unusable and I won't be back until this is fixed !!!

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Checked in this morning to see how the repairs went yesterday (I just assumed nobody would be dealing with this over the weekend).  The lavender still dominates my screen. 

I can see:  20cms lavender (10 either side)

                 26 cms of forum of which 6 is taken up with our forum names etc to the left of the text and 1 cm blank space either side of the text within the text box.   Thus of 46cms of screen, just 18 is actual post.  Not good enough.  Sorry chaps.  If it were white I could just about live with it but I cannot face yet another headache (which I didn't make up, by the way.)  Happily for the three days during which I have not looked at the forum I have not had one.  Co-incidence?

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Checked in this morning to see how the repairs went yesterday (I just assumed nobody would be dealing with this over the weekend).  The lavender still dominates my screen. 

I can see:  20cms lavender (10 either side)

                 26 cms of forum of which 6 is taken up with our forum names etc to the left of the text and 1 cm blank space either side of the text within the text box.   Thus of 46cms of screen, just 18 is actual post.  Not good enough.  Sorry chaps.  If it were white I could just about live with it but I cannot face yet another headache (which I didn't make up, by the way.)  Happily for the three days during which I have not looked at the forum I have not had one.  Co-incidence?


You can use page zoom to make the text box and text larger - Press/hold CONTROL key and tap + key once or more or if you have a scroll mouse Just CONTROL and scroll. My PC remembers this between pages so I don't have to keep repeating it. Voila, less lavender and larger text.


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IE7 and W7


Tony.  The problem with this artificial fix is that everything else on the forum goes out of balance.  If I get the text print size right there is still a border either side (not so bad on my Netbook but still quite scary on a large monitor) albeit not so big.  The buttons top and bottom, thread titles etc are now oversized.  This isn't a major problem I suppose but it makes the forum look even more out of balance. If I were a web designer looking at what I'm looking at, I'd be horrified at the standard of the work.  If I were paying for this design I'd be feeling conned.  Sorry mods, I know this is the wrong thread for moans but I wanted to respond to Tony.

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[quote user="idun"]

I have to say that the 'top' post button not working has caught me out a few times now.


Is there any chance of it working? It isn't today either.




There are a number of issues which weren't working on the old forum location. This is the same build and same forum. We run community server across a number of sites and some of the issues here were always present. Compatibilty issues, top button not working, Safari issues, etc.

Some of these are therefore a wider scale and will need to be addressed across the group as a project.





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