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Complete France Forum

Have they killed it


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I have written to Archant, I asked if their intention had been to kill this board, because if it was, then they have just about succeeded!

These changes have been like adding weedol instead of a bit of fertilizer to a garden........ result a decimated board.

[:(]  [:(]  [:(]

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Not really. It seems to work quite well even if it is a bit bumpy at the moment.

More likely the membership have been mixing gin with their Wincarnis and are spark out on their floating sunbeds in the pool.

And Norman, bless his cotton socks, is on the run again. The Gendarme sheek him here, sheek him zere, sheek to shake him everywhere.
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[quote user="idun"]I have written to Archant, I asked if their intention had been to kill this board ...

These changes have been like adding weedol instead of a bit of fertilizer to a garden........ result a decimated board.


Unless I have taken complete leave of my senses I have noticed this evening that the width of visible screen has grown wider since I posted this morning.

Perhaps, just perhaps, someone-who-does has noticed what a pig's ear the new format was and is beginning to bring about rectifications.

Fingers crossed.


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You are right, Sue, the screen seems to have widened a bit.

What I most dislike is that you can't turn back a page easily (press the back arrow) to read a previous page.  It's so tedious and so un-user friendly that it must have been designed by a robot to be used by intelligent but non-nerdy humans.

Perhaps Archant, wishing to stop running the Forum, is using this tactic to hasten the death of the forum?  If so, it's time we said adieu?

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Trick of the eye, I think.

Looking at this screenshot from day 1....


The width of the text is still at the same point on my windows task bar, so I dont think its been widened at all.

Its shit, and probably going to stay that way. If they want to make it usable, there are 2 small changes that they must implement.

1 - Compress the avatar and the junk written under it or at the very least space it 20mm further left to easily differentiate it from the text of a post. When people have written more than about 6 lines of text, the "date joined" information is literally touching the text of their post. (Hoddy has something about his which takes up twice as much width as other users for some reason)

2 - On the forum page that lists the different boards, make the "last post" date and time easier to differentiate between the rest of the text so that we can see where the (very few) new posts are being posted.

Obviously I am not going into the details of the ridiculous page width, barely functioning quote system, browser incompatibility and dozens if not hundreds of script errors every single page generates as that is clearly well beyond the capabilities of whatever fuckwit is pushing the buttons at HQ, but the above two changes are basically minor graphical adjustments that will make it much, much easier to read and use and should be within their capabilities without screwing anything up further .

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Actually, I think they have maybe made the advert section narrower.

I no longer have the ads displayed, which might be affecting it, but the text area seems to be the same overall width as before.


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