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Euphoric France Syndrome


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So Croixblanches you must have been very unusal too thirty years ago. Ofcourse people were emigrating all those years ago, but of all the folks I knew, it was only to where  english was spoken and the promise of an english style life.

And I was ignorant of France, but I didn't move because it was France, I was ready to try just about anywhere as long as there was a job for one of us or both and skiing.No kids at the time, why not. Still everyone thought we were mad. Now they tell me I am mad for moving back.

Opas/Bouffon, I reckon that you get some sort of peverse pleasure in my saying that I made a mistake with my kids lives. My good nature, for I do have one, would not, could not believe that a modern country would not only have such an archaic system in place, but such an insidious system in it's screening of the elite. Take it or leave it. I really do not envy anyone with their children in the french education system. I have made my mistakes and admit them. And you believing me or not, will not make one iota of difference to how it is and how your kids come out of it so good luck!

And if you think life is straight lines or always simple, it isn't for most of us.

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"One thing is for sure in  my marriage there is a male female kind of the majority relationship,not sure about you as your status is your thing,but some posters are more open in the way they relate to each other,are you in a same sex relationship for I am willing to admit that I married a real women"  (OPAS, but my bold)

Well,  Opas, i'm really uncertain as to how to reply. I know you are a woman, and above you imply you are married to another woman; and yet you go on to say

"One thing is for sure in  my marriage there is a male female kind of the majority relationship..."

(i'm not really sure what 'majority' means', and i'm confused, because you are now claiming you are het. and i'm guessing you think that is some sort of superior way to be)

"... ,not sure about you as your status is your thing,but some posters are more open in the way they relate to each other,..."

There is no secret about the fact that I am a woman, and married, to a man : have been for some time

'...are you in a same sex relationship for I am willing to admit that I married a real woman (Opas)

Well Mrs Opas, as it happens  - though I struggle to see the relevance to the discussion - i'm in a heterosexual relationship, (i.e, I am a woman, married to a  man, as noted above) but I will always defend your right to do whatever you want to do.

If, as a woman, you are indeed married to a 'real woman', there is no way I can dispute that, nor would I ever argue about the fact that you have a perfect right to be in a relationship with another woman: you will know this from many posts I have made on this subject..

Now, what was your point?

edit: don't bother answering, idiot/s


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[quote user="Opas"]One thing is for sure in  my marriage there is a male female kind of the majority relationship,not sure about you as your status is your thing,but some posters are more open in the way they relate to each other,are you in a same sex relationship for I am willing to admit that I married a real women.[/quote]

Sorry, to other users of the forum. I'm just using the quote function to just check/confirm that Opas did indeed use the words I quoted in my previous post.

For Tribe Opas: some of us are willing to just have one user name, and not have our partners posting in the same thread, (without ever previously acknowledging their relationship) or any thread at all, under our name, or any name, ever.

I am not talking about people who are openly using the same address but sign off with different names (e.g  John and Di @ Iceni).

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Could some kind soul please take the time to translate the Buffoon/Opas messages into a language I recognize so that I too can enjoy what undoubtedly must be their ironic, subtle wit and thought provoking views? Teaching English to foreigners for 35 years has never prepared me for this I am afraid.

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[quote user="Teamedup"]

You are right Tresco, the Opas-Bouffon's seem to be getting confused as to which name they are posting under.


To be sure - but you can always tell who is who by their individual turn of phrase!!

TU - don't beat yourself up too much about making mistakes over your kids schooling, we can all do that.  I still feel guilty for not knowing I didn't have to send my kids to school in the UK and not finding out until two of the three were already having problems because of the teaching methods being used, when I promptly withdrew them.  When we move to France I'll send them to school there so they learn the language and feel involved with the community, but comments that people such as yourself have made about the education system in France will make me monitor their progress and happiness very carefully and I won't hesitate to withdraw them again and return to homeschooling if I feel it's right.  How people get on in life isn't all down to their school education - their general life experience and the influences their close family and friends have on them and even heredity all contribute to their overall character which is what decides their path in life, I believe.

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[quote user="Forum Admin"]


As Opas and Le Bouffon post on the same computer, one needs to logout of the forum in order for the other to login as their own name... if they forget then they will post as the other accidentally...which is what happened here, simple mistake to make, no need for others to be deragatory.




As many have known from his first appearence, Le Bouffon is banned member (insert god knows how many user names). Bearing that in mind, I thought it reasonable to poke a little fun at him for his 'lapse', especially as it came in the form of one of his trade-mark nasty attacks.

It seems it's OK for him to suggest women in same sex relationships are not 'real women', but not OK for anyone to have a laugh about him outing himself - as 'Mr Multi Banned with Access to Unlimited ISPs Man' - again.


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Ah but in this cold dank time of year when Jack Frost is nibbling at out vitals and the spirits of the woods are terrifying us into staying close to fireside and bottle, we need a little light relief, a Cheeky Chappie/esse, a Laural and Hardy perhaps or to be in the spirit of things, a Mr Hulot with attitude. Let us leave him to drive the heavy lorry of his life along the motorways, down leafy byways, destroying ancient villages as he goes, knowing he is there to bring a chuckle, a laugh, sometimes a tear to our tired lives.  Yeah!
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Let us remember the parable of the Prodigal Son and go kill the fatted calf to welcome the sinner over the threshold once again! Fear not Buffoon we will protect you from the outrageous arrows being slung at you, oh misguided one.
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[quote user="Forum Admin"]

As Opas and Le Bouffon post on the same computer, one needs to logout of the forum in order for the other to login as their own name... if they forget then they will post as the other accidentally...which is what happened here, simple mistake to make, no need for others to be deragatory.


Quite so - in fact if you have Windows XP several people can have different user accounts on the same computer, so, as long as you log in as you when you go to the computer, it will handle different forum names and passwords automatically. Judie and I manage to maintain our separate logins for this forum without having to remember to log out and log in again from the forum.

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[quote user="Tag"]Let

us remember the parable of the Prodigal Son and go kill the fatted calf

to welcome the sinner over the threshold once again! Fear not Buffoon

we will protect you from the outrageous arrows being slung at you, oh

misguided one.

Ho-hum, you have to go and ruin my mood by reminding me that I have to

go and see my brother at Christmas, albeit for only a couple of hours.

A curse be upon your socks.

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[quote user="jond"][quote user="Tag"]Let

us remember the parable of the Prodigal Son and go kill the fatted calf

to welcome the sinner over the threshold once again! Fear not Buffoon

we will protect you from the outrageous arrows being slung at you, oh

misguided one.

Ho-hum, you have to go and ruin my mood by reminding me that I have to

go and see my brother at Christmas, albeit for only a couple of hours.

A curse be upon your socks.


Otherwise, I am DEFINITELY suffering with EFS this evening. Cheerful? I am verging on the manic!

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Ladies of the forum,


The Living France office has received a call from a journalist looking for a dynamic female subject for an interview to feature in Woman magazine Spring Special. See the details below:


My name is Sue Cooke. I’m writing a feature for the Woman magazine Spring Special on women who’ve achieved things they’ve always wanted to do. It’s a very positive, upbeat piece, to encourage and inspire others. I’m looking for a woman to interview who’s moved abroad with her family in the hope of a better life, better schooling, etc. The age group I’m looking for would preferably be somewhere between 25 and 50. I would like to do the interview within the next two weeks over the phone. It would take about half an hour and I can phone people in the evening if they prefer. I would also need a photo. If you’re interested, please e-mail me an outline of what you’ve done.


If you fit the bill and are interested please email: suecooke.features@virgin.net


Good luck!

Eleanor O'Kane

Assistant Editor - Living France magazine

[:)] I was just wondering whether a near and dear might have put herself forward for this most attractive offer. Or anyone else who is sufficiently euphoric.




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