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They lie - Meteo etc


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Our farmer takes notice of the weather and has a weather station very near our barn - John just been told that the -3 promised for last night was -11 and the -5 for tonight is going to be -15.

I presume the plants we put in in the autumn may well not make it. Neighbours daughter is putting fleece over roses etc but the damage is done. Not lost the frost in 4 weeks and the freezing fog is just coming down again. Thanks goodness I left the green on the asparagus - I know we risk beetle but it may just make it through the winter, much else has no chance. When asked when Guy though the temp would get above freezing - the Gallic shrug was all we got.

The central heating men are downstairs putting in pipes but our log-burner is keeping us warm in our little bit of renovated barn - and I can see us living in here when the temps get silly next year.

Actually this is a bit like living in a Christmas Card - hoar frost and lots of small birds eating at the feeder. At least the sun shines every day [ip]

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That is cold Iceni -15 at night. Have you had such a cold winter in your previous winter's in France?

The meteo seem to do it by tea leaves, although I must admit that my Dad told me last week that they had forecast snow for today and today we had about 10 minutes of snow that fell. Considering we are just under 55degrees north it hasn't been that cold since we have been back. In fact we have only had one light frost. And in my opinion not enough rain either.

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[quote user="Teamedup"]

That is cold Iceni -15 at night. Have you had such a cold winter in your previous winter's in France?


Three years ago we had temperatures of minus 15 for a week.  The year after just minus 8 and last year two nights of minus 12, so it is quite normal to get this cold.  The last 10 days or so it has been very cold down to minus 8 most nights, clear blue skies during the day, fantastic haw frosts  (pics on  http://tinyurl.com/bhaja), so we had a snowless 'white' Christmas! But it does seem set to change at the weekend to milder weather for the New Year  [<:o)][D][:D]

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]Nice photos Suze.  It's lucky the wind dropped with the present temperatures.  When does Summer start   [:|][/quote]

Give over[:P]

We've only been in REAL winter for a week!

And let's not all forget that global warming means winters are getting warmer.............[*-)]


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Alcazar, everything I have heard recently has said that with global warming winters will get colder. So don't count on warmer winters yet.

We had snow this morning, just about all gone now although more is forecast on the east coast before the weekend. I only hope that friends from London will still come up here this weekend.

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I read somewhere that the Gulf Stream is at risk of being overwhelmed by the fresh water that is being released from the melting ice at the poles. If this happens this will be a warm winter - the report said that the change from our climate now to severe cold winters could take as little as 10 years - so as TU said, things may not get warmer - in the winter at least.

The last two winters have at times been very cold - but not the sustained below zero for 4 weeks type of cold, we just has a week or two here and there.

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http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4485840.stm is a pretty good explanation of what appears to be happening.

The overall warming effect in inland central and southern France is minimal, it is northern France, UK and Benelux/Scandinavia most at risk here.

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The locals around here in 47 say that nearly two weeks of freezing fog is very unusual, singing carols round the towns Christmas tree was like being in Lapland and we were frozen to the spot.  Pretty on the trees admittedly and great for the diy shops, as we are in there so often buying paraffin, we are on next years Christmas card list.  Three years ago it went to -15, had to have the car thawed out in the local car paint shop ovens !  Must say that meteo has been spot on for two weeks.
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I had to smile yesterday when I heard the BBC weather man say that it was going to be REALLY cold, 8 degrees!  I think this was probably not a lie but a slip of the tongue and he forgot the minus.  We have had a little snow yesterday and a frost today but I know if the weather has been really cold when my Arum lilies are cut down to the base.  It hasn't happened yet this year.  My avatar is an artichoke flower, artichoke crops which surround us are killed off if we get below minus 7, so let's hope the Gulf Stream doesn't switch off.  Welcome to sub-tropical Finistere [:)]


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When we collected our birds from the local farm on Christmas Eve I mentioned to the farmer's wife that we were due some heavy snow after Christmas (BBC) she laughed at me and the tone was definitely "stupide Anglaise" when she told me we wouldn't be getting any snow this side of the new year.  I hope I see her soon, just to see which side of her face she's laughing on now.  It was -5 at 9 o'clock this morning and we've been cut off by snow and ice since Tuesday!!!
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