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Complete France Forum

Customer service/rights

Ty Korrigan

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Hello, I have noticed that here that things go smoothly for me in general and that when I order a thing it arrives in good time and that shop employees are generally very helpfull.

Until you want to return something...

I have spent 'untold sums of wealth' in a certain (my favourite) brico store. However when I came to return some excess bits and bobs, the woman at the service desk changed her face for the death mask of Napolean before coldly processing the refund. One small part was without its original plastic envelope and this was pushed towards me with a sharp NO!

Explaining my value as a customer to her fell on deaf ears as was my request to speak to the 'Responsable'

The value of the item was nothing but it was the principle that spurred me.

I ran retail outlets for many years in the U.K and we prided ourselves on an exceptional returns policy and customer service.

Why here in France is the attitude 30 years behind the U.K?

Today I found that the stand for my chauffe eau that was selected by a member of staff as compatible is in fact not and that the plastique sack that contained it has been binned... Another fruitless battle ahead...?

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You are not alone in this one, especially Brico's and insurance company's.

I have tried every way possible when taking faulty goods back, being pleasant angry, throwing the broken patio chairs up the aisles, writing to the Managing Directors, who don't even acknowledge the letters etc. customer service with the larger outlets just does not exist in France.

Life's to short.

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This is the one thing that we have found impossible to get used to in France. I wish this forum could be read by the powers that be who may have some influence. I just cannot understand how the French people put up with it. In Mr. Brico----- we have been made to feel almost like thieves when returning faulty goods. We bought a sink unit, flat pack, which the assistant had to get down from the very top shelf for us. I noticed the box was open, so asked him to check the contents as we lived 25 miles away. He did so, said it was all there, and off we went. You've guessed it - when beginning to assemble the unit, the side panel was not in the box. Another 25 mile trip back to the store, where they obviously thought we were lying and made it quite plain that was what they thought! They did begrudgingly change the item, but you would honestly think the money was coming out of their own pockets, judging by the attitude. We too had spent thousands of euros in that particular store whilst renovating. Not any more - we find Leroy M----n are much better - they exchange items without question as long as you have the receipt. Another maddening point - they will not under any circumstances give you a refund! Even when you bought the item on incorrect advice given by a member of staff. You get a 'bonne d'achat' (is that spelt right?) which they don't explain lasts only 6 weeks, so you forget all about using it until you have lost your money altogether!
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I am in total agreement on this topic. Is there or is there not any customer protection in France?

Does anyone have a French friend/neighbour who can confirm the rules. At present it appears that the French attitude to customer service  is caveat emptor

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I am reluctant to say this as I know I will get shot down, but we have found Castorama to be excellent in every respect - polite, helpful, knowledgeable and they take things back for exchange or refund - no questions asked. If the item was found to be damaged on opening then they are most concerned - that we do not think badly of them and are doubly determined to make sure the replacement item is perfect - rechecking the item and apologising  again and again.

Sue - who will probably return to Casto next week to discover it was all a dream and they really are dreadful.

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Customer Service?  Where?  In France

I think we all have the same experiences of a certain brico group that rhymes with sister ricolage.  At ours they have a notice about refunds that says items must be returned within 8 days, with till receipt and in original packaging UNOPENED  Now of course if it is unused items that is OK ,but how can it be found to be faulty if it is not taken out of the box!!

I bought a security light, installed it, turned it on,  glass exploded, took it and bag of glass back, and they said but you have used it  I explained what had happened and the manager examined the light, he seemed sure that I had dropped it, but he went to the shelf and was about to hand me a new light when he noticed a piece of paint missing from the fixing bracket where it had been screwed to the wall, so he stopped and then went to all the trouble of replacing the glass on the old light.  ON another occasion they refused to change a sander after 10 days as they said "they do not like dust in the motors"  I suppose in their defense if people take stuff back months after buying it as some do in the UK they have to have rules but I also wonder why the French put up with it, but maybe they don't as they have the language skills to fight their corner.

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But the French DO put up with it - that's what surprises me. I'm sure I read somewhere that Mr. B. is part of the B&Q group. Maybe they need to take a lesson on customer service from B&Q?

As far as consumer protection is concerned, we had problems with a big supermarket chain when we bought a shower cubicle that didn't work at all - we could only get totally cold or totally hot water. After literally months of complaining, during which time we never got anywhere with them and still had no shower to use, we went to ADIL in desperation, who pointed us in the direction of 'Familles Rurale' or similar. They have a consumer rights person (yes, really!) who listened to our story, immediately got on the phone to the supermarket, and after going around all the under managers, insisted on speaking to the General Manager, and gave him a right telling off!! It worked though - two days later we received a new mitigateur by registered mail and were able to have our first shower in over a year! Phew!

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