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Re: Period of Reflection

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Hi Tony,

What are you sorry about?  Perhaps it was because I was asking TU about Miki and you have intervened as you do with me on many of the posts I make.

If TU knows about it, it may have been announced on a thread I have missed or quite rightly as you say it may be private and Miki may have discussed his being banned with her.

If she does not want to share it with me I am sure she is capable of telling me herself without your intervention.

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If this is true (why should I not believe it?) then it will be due to fragile egos being bruised. After all, Miki has been engaged in a spirited dispute with one of the moderators. If I recall correctly, the moderator involved did not like his ignorance of conditions in Britain being challenged by those who may be better informed.

Miki is a useful counterweight to the "France is Fairyland" brigade. Lift this silly ban.

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Miki could be persistent at times to the point of tedium for those not directly involved in the discussion, but he was usually right, and when he was not he had the grace to admit it. On the other hand he contributed a lot of useful information as well as a lot of lighter, enjoyable chat and has always been, at least in my view, a useful forum member.

I have been in touch with him and he has been put on suspension.

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[quote user="SaligoBay"][quote user="Teamedup"]

That is just how I am feeling now that Miki has been banned.

I don't like the way the board is policed at the moment c'est tout!  Maybe I am due for a break too.


I am shocked.  As shocked as I could be about an internet forum, anyway.

What nonsense.  I want Miki back.  [:@]


Me too or I'll have to buy sleeping pills, reading one of Miki's recent "I said this and you said that and I said this etc etc and I hate all mods posts" is a cure for the worst case of insomnia, not got onto the third page yet.[:D] 

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Hi Will, 

Arr, I can see him now standing in the classroom with his dunces hat on looking sadly out of the window at us lot playing and fighting in the playground.  Anyone for kiss chase.

Christine Animal has taken a lovely photo of him.  I sure she will be along to share it with us in a moment.

Will, how long has he been suspended for?

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I, for one, want to know what he did.

I was threatened with suspension by one of the mods in very odd circumstances, later denied by Admin. This is all getting very strange, with at least one of the mods taking pops at people in threads and off, and now one of the people this mod argues with being suspended.

This needs to be done in public, or people will be very suspicious indeed.

I am beginning to suspect that there is a 'moderators' agenda' since the last banning of you-know-who and all this fuss about reporting posts.

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[quote user="Will "]

Miki could be persistent at times to the point of tedium for those not directly involved in the discussion, but he was usually right, and when he was not he had the grace to admit it. On the other hand he contributed a lot of useful information as well as a lot of lighter, enjoyable chat and has always been, at least in my view, a useful forum member.

I have been in touch with him and he has been put on suspension.


I agree with Will's point that some of "Miki's posts could be persistent at times to the point of tedium for those not directly involved". However, there appeared to always be others that kept up the other side of the argument that was just as tedious. I for one would just stop immediately reading posts that start going along those lines (it is difficult enough with my addiction to read the ones I want to read [:)]).

Personally, I am shocked as well and forum members do have a choice which threads they do and don't want to read. I find most of Miki's posts very interesting and to ban a long time member and contributor seems completely OTT and very sad.

This is my favourite forum but I am also addicted to another (Total France), so perhaps he could start contributing more on that one. [Www]

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I have tried to contact Forum Admin - partly to discuss this, but also to discuss matters which have occurred when I have been threatened by a moderator apparently acting on their own initiative, people have reported my posts maliciously (and then been supported by mods) and other things. I have started a discussion with Admin about this, but now they have stopped responding. I have also reported an offensive post and received no feedback.

Can I have an address where I can discuss these matters, or would the mods prefer to do it on the open forum? I would prefer the latter as I think a lot of things have been happening which could do with a spotlight on them, but its up to you.

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

Will, how long has he been suspended for?


KKK - sorry, don't know the answer to that.

Dick - I regret that things seem to have changed in the last few weeks, I too hope that they can settle down. There is a 'contact us' link on the LF/Francemag home pages, but I don't know if that would be a different address from the one you have been using. I went through Carshalton earlier today (and your part of Manche yesterday)a nd thought of you [:)]

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Any chance of a lift back?

Questions for mods -

if you are moderators, why are your emails so personal in tone?

Why does it seem that you use your position as mods to settle personal grudges?

Why don't you have the confidence to state WHY people are banned?

Why do arguments with mods count as more important?

Question for Archant -

do you have any confidence in these people? Do you think we have?

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[quote user="Will "]

Miki could be persistent at times to the point of tedium for those not directly involved in the discussion, but he was usually right, and when he was not he had the grace to admit it. On the other hand he contributed a lot of useful information as well as a lot of lighter, enjoyable chat and has always been, at least in my view, a useful forum member.

I have been in touch with him and he has been put on suspension.


Will, I've just spoken with Miki. The suspension is for one month.

I'm absolutely disgusted with what has happened today.

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Couldn't agree more (with Tresco)

Viva - you must be joking. They let a menace run round for years and now they ban Miki for objecting to getting a warning because someone made a lot of reports against him - the same person.

I got a warning for the same reason, couched in very personal and threatening terms. When I tried to discuss it with Admin they just ignored me and stopped replying to my messages.

To be honest, it stinks of personal vendettas.

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No I'm not joking Dick.

In all fairness Miki , who I acknowledge is an authority on France and knows a great deal about life here, has been waging his own mini vendetta on here for some time. The person on the receiving end of this has behaved with dignity throughout and yet Miki continued to be belligerent and vindictive. I don't expect to get much / any support for my views but this is how it appeared to me.

I have nothing against Miki and enjoyed his posts and banter but in recent weeks, I feel he has been overly rude to the mods and the 'alleged' complainant. As I have said before, anyone can report a post not just the supposed injured party and I have reported posts when I have seen fit and if this makes me unpopular with some, too bad.

It seems that there are some who are just voyeurs rather than regular particpants and only come out of the woodwork to cause controversy and when they are rumbled they don't like it.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]I am beginning to suspect that there is a 'moderators' agenda' since the last banning of you-know-who 


Gosh! Whatever next! Dick's turned into Harry Potter, and Miki's become................no![;-)] Nearly-headless-Mik?

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