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[:D] done everything right today, got new birth cert, because i read on here that my little small one was no use(phew good job there was only one whiskey in the bottle last night). done a car boot(do not like the early starts) and sold a lot of junk, and done loads of phone calls. see i can be good, aswell as naughty [6]. still dont no where to live yet, any ideas, you no, good points, bad points, and no just giving me bad points because you think i mental and you dont want me living close to you. my hubby is really nice honest [blink]
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You can live near me, egger, (or should it be eggeron), I can say this with some degree of safety due to the housing situation in the immediate vicinity of where we have our abode, so there is no chance of you actually being neighbours, even if, as I am sure is the case, you and he are wonderful people.


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gee thanks chris, so kind,(think i will text hubby and tell him to bring some wine back) just as you think hey its going to be ok over there, these people are ok, you get slammed in the stomac (oh how it hurts) rejected again [;-)]
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[quote user="egger"][:D] still dont no where to live yet, any ideas, you no, good points, bad points, and no just giving me bad points because you think i mental and you dont want me living close to you. my hubby is really nice honest [blink][/quote]

Where have you been in France before, and what do you want to see out of your windows when you get up in the morning?

I think Poitou-Charente is very popular, but it's a massive area. I just live in a tiny little part of it!

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ok here goes (you will all think we are mad) we have never been to france before (i can hear you all shouting at the screen WHAT). Yes i know its mad but, i worked in hairdressing all my life, run the business hardly had anytime off, and thought you know, your along time dead, so here we are. Now dont get me wrong i not sold just rented the shop and flat out, but we are selling the house(fingers crossed, he should sign next wednesday), and we going to rent out there to see if we like it, (you see not so mad after all). we wanted adventure and we going to get one, but didnt know where to start, so any comments about areas would be great, (we are thinking by the sea)  dont mind really, but we live in the country now so thought a change might be good (although we do like country).
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[quote user="egger"] but didnt know where to start, so any comments about areas would be great, (we are thinking by the sea)  dont mind really, but we live in the country now so thought a change might be good (although we do like country).[/quote]

Well, it'll certainly be a big change if you have never been to France before [:-))]

You aren't the first though...

Are you saying you sell your house in 6 days, but you don't know where you will be staying that night. I'm sorry, I haven't read all your posts and there is no way to search for them, but that is the way it reads to me.

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At least you aren't clashing with the tourist season, but you still need to get moving as far as somewhere to start goes.

OK, get a map, look at all the towns near the coasts, and get googling. If something sparks your interest, ask a question in the appropriate section of the forum.

Bear in mind that the North Coast is probably only a few degrees different in temperature to England, the North West Coast is misty (I believe) but very beautiful, the South west coast is largely flat, but the Atlantic is cool (of course they have that in Brittany etc too, but it is shrouded in mists[:D] 

I can't remember what the South Coasts were like due to excess consumption of Red Water...[:$]

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i know i know (always leave things till last min) think we going for brittany, just for a month, then move further down, maybe vendee, seen house there that i like, but will not buy yet, will just see how things go
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An adventure is an adventure.  You don't worry about what might happen.

Go for it.

As for rental, look on www.ouest-france.fr  under annonce, immobilier, louer,  and you might find somewhere.  Holiday areas are good because you can rent gĆ®tes cheaply over the winter.

Around here, you quite often see cards in the supermarket advertising property.  You can also visit the Mairie in a place you fancy and ask them.

Then, after living here a while, you will find out if France is the place for you....

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You sound a fairly social person, so my advice is don't fall for the rural charms of the pretty countryside but be in or near a town so that there is the posability of some kind of social life. One can be very isolated in the country in winter. You are doing the right thing by renting before you look to buy.

Also, I would head for somewhere where there is a fair few Brits to provide a support group (Charente, Dordogne, Lot, Vendee etc). If you don't have good French it will be years until you can have a proper conversation with a French person who does not speak English. Mind you the fact that you meet Brits in France does not automatically mean that they will be your friends.

I would buy from a British estate agent in France and ask him/her to let you talk to some satisfied clients.

Lastly make sure that you have good central heating (for winter), a garden if not a pool for summer.

Good luck!

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i dont speak french, am trying to learn with tapes, but not doing very well. Would love to have lessons , but very nervous about doing that, i not very good at english, so trying to do french, well! what am i expecting, i dont know, i love stone cottages, open space, but i also love how the french people seem to stand up for themselves, they have family values all these things are important to me. Your right, just because im english, does not mean i going to get on with every english person i meet, but hopefully some will want to speak.
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I am sure that you will be surprised and delighted by the goodwill that people, both French and English will show you, as I have been by all the goodwill offered. All I am saying is not to take it for granted. 

Taking French classes in France sounds a good way to make friends. As the classes will probably be in French, no need to worry about your English.

I would be interested to know your thoughts on the hair styles that you will see in France.

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i actually feel quite sick today, nerves are getting the better of me. I guess the hairstyles are going to be old fashioned in the country, and really modern in the citys, bit like here really. I guess i could be wrong ha ha, why what they like ?
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Me thinks you are very brave, quite like orange [;-)]. Is this where i tell you how good i am at both(not that i touting for business[Www]). It starts off as red, but fades to orange because the sun bleechs it, wish mine would fade because of sun [:'(] mine gets washed out with the rain.

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Someone once told me that the French can colour but can't cut but the English can cut but can't colour...or the other way around

Alexis, my French hairdresser would have me believe that only the French can cut with a certain flair (and colour come to that!) She hasn't been to the U.K. except many years ago on one school trip however she's quite bossy, does a splendid job and I don't argue![;-)]

In case you want to know, NO she hasn't forced me to go with the rouge![Www]

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