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Proud To Be British......


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Proud To Be British......

Being British is about driving in a German car

to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian

curry or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch

American shows on a Japanese TV.

And the most British thing of


Suspicion of all things foreign!

Only in Britain can a pizza

get to your house faster than an ambulance.

Only in Britain do

supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get

their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the


Only in Britain do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries

and a DIET coke.

Only in Britain do banks leave both doors open and chain

the pens to the counters.

Only in Britain do we leave cars worth

thousands of pounds on the drive and lock our junk and cheap lawn mower in the


Only in Britain do we use answering machines to screen calls and

then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to

talk to in the first place.

Only in Britain are there disabled parking

places in front of a skating rink.


3 Brits die

each year testing if a 9v battery works on their tongue.

142 Brits were

injured in 1999 by not removing all pins from new shirts.

58 Brits are

injured each year by using sharp knives instead of screwdrivers.

31 Brits

have died since 1996 by watering their Christmas tree while the fairy lights

were plugged in.

19 Brits have died in the last 3 years believing that

Christmas decorations were chocolate.

British Hospitals reported 4 broken

arms last year after Xmas cracker-pulling accidents.

18 Brits had serious

burns in 2000 trying on a new jumper with a lit cigarette in their


A massive 543 Brits were admitted to A&E in the last two years

after trying to open bottles of beer with their teeth.

5 Brits were

injured last year in accidents involving out-of-control Scalextric


and finally...

In 2000 eight Brits were admitted to hospital

with fractured skulls incurred whilst throwing up into the toilet pi**ed!!!!
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Yup. That looks about right...

A quick look at the ROSPA site shows that in 2002 611 people were injured by sewing or knitting equipment, but writing equipment was more dangerous, causing 964 injures. Linen was far more dangerous than either, with 1,288 injured. Clothing or footwear caused a massive 33,000 accidents, ahead of art objects at 5,900!  932 over-75s were injured whilst shopping - though how many of these were assaults by other shoppers in Sainsbury's on a Thursday is not revealed.

Fascinating, bizarre stuff.

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'5 Brits were

injured last year in accidents involving out-of-control Scalextric


HOW?? WHAT?? Were they giant ones?? I can't get my head round that one.

Can someone with a scalextric please go and try and hurt themselves with an out of control car?! I'd be intrigued to know if its possible. (And a good injury, not just a little scratch!) I'll try if someone can lend me one. [:D]


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[quote user="Chauffour"]..well, i know at least one Italian who almost lost a tumb trying to open a tin of confit de canard.... so you are not alone...  [B][/quote]

I wonder what the statistics are for that in France???

Hows it healing up?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Ah, statistics - the enemy of the politician. For example: nearly 3000 people killed on [so called] 9/11 - a desperate tragedy. Each year in the United States 30,000 people killed by guns - some of them as young as five, both perpetrators and victims. But we won't talk about that, we'll just rant and rave about 9/11 and kill lots of Muslims.


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Getting back to the lighthearted side ...


Czech Republic - A Czech tractor driver died under eight tons of manure

in a bizarre accident that has baffled his employers, local media



34-year old man, identified only as Martin T., suffocated after the

load fell on him while he was dumping it in a field near the western

Czech city of Karlovy Vary, news Web Site www.novinky.cz reported on

Sunday. “It absolutely beats me how this could happen,” said Vladimir

Erps, chief of the company employing the victim.


truck is operated from the tractor cabin, using hydraulics. There was

nothing for him to do under the truck, but it’s tough to blame him now

that he is dead,” the news site quoted him as saying.

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Happy to be British and more than happy to be living in France, but ................

Only in France can:

  • the old boy in front of you in the boulangerie queue be virtually bent double, deaf, with opaque glasses and then shuffle out to his 2CV to drive home
  • you be behind the aforementioned old boy for 5kms at 30kph, with missiles (cars) coming at you round every bend in the middle of the road
  • one's multiple requests for an invoice be met with a resigned shrug
  • failure to pay that eventually-presented invoice within a (quite) short period, risk a financial penalty
  • you want to get some DIY materials on a Saturday and find that at 11.45 (it's got to be the potentially busiest trading time of the week), and find that they're tannoying that "closure for lunch will be in 15 mins"

One could go on, but also:

  • the people be as nice as you could meet anywhere in the world and (seemingly) happily immune to national or worldwide events much further than 5kms from their front door 
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[quote user="Ian Horn"]

Happy to be British and more than happy to be living in France, but ................

Only in France can:[/quote]

  • you go to a checkout in a supermarket with only one person with a basket in front of you and know - just know - that there'll be a problem which means she (normally) needs to call the back office, call the surpervisor, scan his/her barcoded lapel, type in a security code, get it wrong, have to call the supervisor back again, get the cash office supervisor to check the €100 note, oh I could go on. But I'm used to it now...
  • there are so many rules. That are so routinely ignored...

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Oh Iain, why restrict themselves? What about chat for 10 minutes about her in the bakery, not get the purse out until all of the shopping has been transferred into the trolley (international, that one), sign the cheque VERY slowly and carefully, fill in the amount, subtract it from the total, write down the new total, say goodbye (often with bisous) then remember something else that happened at the weekend...

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Ho ho. Love this thread.

What about

Stand in a queue at the ONLY open guichet at a mainline station, behind an old couple who need to know EVERYTHING about the trainn they intend to take TOMORROW, while folk with trains to catch in ten minutes fume noisily behind you.


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You should have seen the look on the face of the French head waiter (and very tasty in his own right, too) yesterday while he was interogated at some length about how the Sole Veronique was cooked: poached or grilled ? Grapes peeled or not? If grilled, for how long ? etc

He may have been thinking 'only in England' but I wouldn't bet on it ! [:D][:D]

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