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Ohhh me gawd!

Chris Head

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[quote user="verviale"]I,this thread ir really going off course.[/quote]


I sat on a bus with that Michelle Collins once. Honest to God, I was on the same bus. I got on first & she sat nowhere near me. Her loss. Murderous cow.

And when I was a lad...

I can remember my old man doing a gig with Emporer Rosko (I gather he is still alive) - Evesham Working Mens Club, Merstow Green & taking me along because he was famous (Rosko, not Pater).

And The Alma in Cambridge (Gonville Place, Hills Road?), wonderful scene in the late 70's. Sex Pistols, Billy Bragg (in Riff -Raff, "Romford girls go out in the Romford nightime...")

Malvern Winter Gardens - AC/DC (1972?), Camel, Budgie.. And the Pink Fairies ... Those were the days.

But that is not raelly name-dropping, more like place-dropping.


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[quote user="verviale"]I,this thread ir really going off course.[/quote]


I sat on a bus with that Michelle Collins once. Honest to God, I was on the same bus. I got on first & she sat nowhere near me. Her loss. Murderous cow.

And when I was a lad...

I can remember my old man doing a gig with Emporer Rosko (I gather he is still alive) - Evesham Working Mens Club, Merstow Green & taking me along because he was famous (Rosko, not Pater).

And The Alma in Cambridge (Gonville Place, Hills Road?), wonderful scene in the late 70's. Sex Pistols, Billy Bragg (in Riff -Raff, "Romford girls go out in the Romford nightime...")

Malvern Winter Gardens - AC/DC (1972?), Camel, Budgie.. And the Pink Fairies ... Those were the days.

But that is not raelly name-dropping, more like place-dropping.


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From Miki>>> ...We've got loads of those old peculiars around here. On the last fete day here, I stopped counting at three figures <<<

I think Mikki that you mean to say : I have lots of 'Old peculiar' ale in the cellar and at the last village fête, I stopped counting after 3 !!

Ohhh me gawd!
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From Cassis: >>> The thing about name dropping is that you must be subtle about it, never too obvious<<<

Quite right Cassis!

Did I ever tell you all, that in my life so far, I have met :

3 of the UK's senior royals,

1 prince from a middle east kingdom (now a republic),

2 TV chefs,

1 princess of a now deposed royal family in the far east,

1 famous rock musician from the 70's,

1 actress from a now forgotten TV soap of the 70's/80's,

1 actress from a current TV soap (actually when I first met her, she was one of my pupils and later became an actress!)

...who else ? ... now ... I won't drop names as it is quite an étiquette faux-pas!
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[quote user="nicktrollope"]

And The Alma in Cambridge (Gonville Place, Hills Road?), wonderful scene in the late 70's. Sex Pistols, Billy Bragg (in Riff -Raff, "Romford girls go out in the Romford nightime...")

Malvern Winter Gardens - AC/DC (1972?), Camel, Budgie.. And the Pink Fairies ... Those were the days.


I bet you remember Greenslade as well ...

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[quote user="missyesbut"]From Miki>>> ...We've got loads of

those old peculiars around here. On the last fete day here, I stopped

counting at three figures <<<

I think Mikki that you mean to say : I have lots of 'Old peculiar' ale

in the cellar and at the last village fête, I stopped counting after 3

!! Ohhh me gawd![/quote]


MB, I'm an Fullers man meself, well whenever I can get back I am  ! [:)]

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[quote user="Russethouse"]Where is 'Just Katie' ? Hope she is OK![/quote]

She will be pleased that somebody asked about her!  She's fine and has won a courtcase in Yorkshire!

Do you remember her story about her wed Wodeshian widge back (she can't pronouce her 'R's [:)]) she paid 500 quid for him and he didn't go red but black?  Well she took to scheming dog bweeder [;-)] to court and she won!

I think she's having problems getting on the computer 'cos' of her kids at the moment - and I've been working a lot and only looking in now and again.  I hope some of the more cynical persons on the forum don't think we are sock puppets or whatever you call those sad people who have several identities!

Who remembers back in March when we first arrived on the forum?  We were very naughty weren't we?  How I yearn for those mad, crazy days......Oh well - Tresco's back from her travels tomorrow so that's something to look forward to!


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Met George Martin plus hs wife and children Giles (now the record producer) and Lucy who was really the Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, later met them again with the late Ron Goodwin and his wife who were a lovely couple. Also met the late Marion Montgommery and her husband, Parkies master of music, Laurie Holloway (a lovely chap) Met Parky too, lovely blue eyes.

Anton Rogers once packed up my shopping for me at our local Waitrose where we have also spotted Kate Winslett and her sister helping their Mum with the Christmas shop

Had tea with the Douglas Homes not long after they had retired, the lady I worked for asked me to get the children dressed in something decent and to wear one of my longer skirts (instead of my usual mini !)[;-)][;-)] I was younger and thinner then !

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[quote user="timc17"]

[quote user="Jon D"]My brother went out with Bernard Matthews' daughter for a short while. She takes after her dad.


Which one? Kathy or Vicky?

I  used to hang around with his kids when i was a teenager in Norfolk.


Lord - I can't remember. It was about twenty years ago. They met at

what was then called the Samson & Hercules, I remember that much.

Where did you live?

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[quote user="Jon D"][quote user="timc17"]

[quote user="Jon D"]My brother went out with Bernard Matthews' daughter for a short while. She takes after her dad.

Which one? Kathy or Vicky?

I  used to hang around with his kids when i was a teenager in Norfolk.


Lord - I can't remember. It was about twenty years ago. They met at what was then called the Samson & Hercules, I remember that much. Where did you live?


Oh my, I had quite forgotten about Samson and Hercules.  I used to travel up from Ipswich for big nights out there, and then tuck into the biggest burgers I'd ever seen from Zac's burger van in the car-park afterwards. Must have been the late 70's.



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Twinks wrote, 'Who remembers back in March when we first arrived on the forum?  We were very naughty weren't we?  How I yearn for those mad, crazy days......Oh well - Tresco's back from her travels tomorrow so that's something to look forward to!'

Perhaps if the mods would promise to behave themselves we could have a crazy night every week. for those of us who weren't blessed with the greatest amount of sense or self control.?

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