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What's the point of living north of the Loire?

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What's the point of living in Northern France? As far as I can see, it's for Brits who like their rain a bit warmer. I once lived in the Limousin, because a company which flogged French homes told me that "south of the Loire the weather changes." Like a fool, I believed them. Now I am snug and smug in Herault, and I feel sorry for people in Normandy, and, even worse, Brittany, which is full of faux-Celts and awful cider. Today (March 3rd) I sat out on my terrace drinking the village wine in the warm Languedoc sun and feeling sorry for all those poor Brits north of the Loire. Just though I'd like to share this.
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Dont't feel sorry for me in Finistere. It is beautiful all year round come rain or shine, great beaches and a superb coastline and full of faux celts? Don't think so, just full of wonderful Bretons!

Nowhere on earth I'd rather be. If I'd have wanted sun in March I would have moved to Spain!

BTW. were you a southerner in the UK...just wonderin [;)]

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I suspect that may people who have, like us, only a holiday home at the moment, made the decision to buy it somewhere that is driveable in one go, so as to be able to visit as often as possible, and spend as much time as possible there, rather than "on the road".

I reckon Southern Haute Vienne/Northern Dordogne as being just about far enough.[:P]

After all, those of us who have to work and continue to maintain a house in Bliar's UK, can't ALL afford to have a house in France that needs no renovation.

However, I'll think of you when I can still water my garden, and wash my car, come summer[;)] 


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[quote user="jond"]Ah, but the cooler weather slows down the aging process. Anyway, I thought the mistral drove you all insane down there? I seem to hear plenty about it. [:D]

All those people with lizard skin. and Ok yah accents.  You can't fall out with the neighbours here in the north we only have cows.


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I live in the south and frankly it did not take me long to realise that hot summers are highly over rated. To say I dread them  is rather an understatement.

Brittany however is, as far as we are concerned, the very best bit of France. We have visited often over the years in winter and summer, wonderful place, wonderful people. I really cannot say that about all the other regions we have visited, they have been quite a mixed lot really.


So there is much point in living north of the south of France.

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Is this just another experiment like that one by the ejit Padraig? Is he just a TFer trying to interfere with us because we like Kittens and puppies and Beavers? Does it matter that you don't like north of the Loire? does anyone else need to know if you like it or not? In the immorral words of that wonderfull Kathlean Tate one off the telly  "are we bovvered?"

I think the fartist is really jealous of the fortunate few that have a home in these grand parts of France!

In our lovely area we can experience so much more of the real France and we can experience all the seasons and all the smells that go with them. The bread and the ham are so beautiful here. We have joy, we have fun, we have seasons in the sun, and the wine tasted fine and the rabbits are all mine..... Remember that lovely song by Mungo Jerry Jackson? He has a house in Calvados! He actually wrote that song all about his experiences in Normandie.

Hugo Von Stradermeister once described Herault as  "the toilet of France"  I have never been there, so I just don't know? It might be a lovely place? It's like some people like mashed spuds and some don't, and some people like Richard and Judy and some don't!  All I can say is, Try it, you might like it!

I never realised I liked Linda McCartney deep country pies untill I tried them!

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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

I think the fartist is really jealous of the fortunate few that have a home in these grand parts of France!


There was I thinking the poster was a safe breaker. Both my little dogs like mashed spuds but are not keen on Richard and Judy especially after Judy went on the stage to collect her award with those two little puppies tucked inside her shirt showing just their little pink noses.


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The way poor owl Judy has aged over the years! and yet Richard seems to get better looking with age. I wonder if he has them buttocks injections in his face? Naomi Campbell does not have them, nor does Marion Johnson.

Maybe Richard has a painting in the loft like that Doreen Grey?  I wonder if you can still get a Playtex cross your heart bra?



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Why don't they bring back the Horse of the Year Show again, I used to like seeing that Pegasus kick his hind legs out as he jumped over those high walls and the commentator Doreen Grey had such a soothing voice.

Say what you like about Naomi Campbell, but in my view after what she went through as a child losing your father like that its a wonder she hasn't taken to drugs and things.  It makes it worse every time they show that Bluebird flipping over and crashing on Lake Coniston.  Darren turned out OK it didn't stop him winning a silver medal at the Olympics did it. I see her Uncle Ming won the vote of both Lib Dem supporters, before he does his speeches he wants to sort out his spellcheck.


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Back to thepoint.  Why live north of the Loire? 

Because I don't want to look like a shrivelled old prune by the time I'm 50

Because the really hot weather makes me irritable

Because my husband doesn't like hot sunshine

Because there is nothing more beautiful than a deserted Normandy beach in winter

Because we get the most wonderful seafood that our friends only 2 hours from the Med can't get

Because we get lovely fresh milk and cream not that UHT muck you lot darn sarf have to tolerate

Because as much as I enjoy a nice summer I also love a Spring, Autumn and winter too

Because I've just taken delivery of a dozen lovely rose bushes which will look and smell devine in the summer and they would probably shrivel up (like too many of the ladies in their teenie-weenie bikinis and gold sandals) and die if we were further south

But mainly, because life is always a compromise, and whilst I wouldn't mind a little more sunshine in the summer, there are very few places more beautiful than Normandy

I could go on and on, but why bother?  It's just as well we don't all want to live in the same place or it could get pretty crowded.

Personally I've watched a few of those living in the sun (ie southern Spain) programmes with Nadia Sawalha (incidentally, why does she carry a whole litter of puppies around under her T-shirt [;)]) and I can't understand why ANYONE would want to buy a house in those aweful barren wastelands just for the sun!

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[quote user="Turnip"]Furry - are you pissed? - the coloured ink is difficult to read ![/quote]

Impossible. On my screen I can see there is something there but cannot read it.

Do you linke the new style of "quoting" the forum software is using for me (as above)

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Now look you here you three, my world is confused enough as it is without you making it worse. Do we have a posting like the kings new clothes as I don't understand the last 3 postings.  Please keep to the subject, you have been told before.

If Uri Geller's pal took up kick boxing could you receive a side-kick from the psychics side-kick.

What is Cuba famous for apart from heels?


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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

...we like Kittens and puppies and Beavers? Does it matter that you don't like north of the Loire? does anyone else need to know if you like it or not? In the immorral words of that wonderfull Kathlean Tate one off the telly  "are we bovvered?"


For Turnip; you can see Mr Nixs' text if you highlight it.

Is there some kind of North-South 'divide' breaking out here, as well as a new and rather charming comedy double act between Mr Nix and Weedon?

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Huge thanks to you Turnip for posting about Furry's coloured bits,  I thought it was my eyesight  going.


So is Guantanamo Bay in Cuba then?...Quelle surprise...I thought it was part of never never land where normal rules don't apply and everybody can be anonymous, wear the same clothes and  you don't worry about names as everybody is a number. You know, a bit like Patrick McGoohan in that programme called.........


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Apart from Guantanamo Bay?

Certainly an escape from the noises of UK politicians – who are amazingly silent about it and would certainly do nothing to interfere with your stay there.. However, there seem to be more and more people sneeking in there every week. Its popularity seems to be increasing now people have found you can get free flights there courtesy of the CIA (in private jets as well). If you do move there should be plenty of solitude, they keep the rif-raf “outsiders” well away so paparazzi, solicitors, red-cross and the like would no longer trouble you.


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