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We bought one of the cheapo mobile models and it does work, it's not mega cold but does seem to do the job, only had a day give me a week and I'll confirm.  It was 189 euro's, it's huge mind you about the size of one of those mobile gaz fires on wheels.


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HOW do they work? Simple physics says that if they take the heat (energy) out of the air to cool it, they have to PUT that heat (energy) somewhere else. Like it comes out of the rear of a fridge/freezer.

So in effect, the best a stand alone one can do is direct a stream of cool air onto you, while directing a stream of warm air onto someone else?

Unless, of course, YOU know better[;-)]

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You are quite correct except of course the net effect is to INCREASE the overall temperature as the unit itself some energy too!  There are, as I understand it, 2 types.  The first is effectively a humidifier which blows slightly cooled damp air into the room to give the illusion of cooling, these are quite cheap and cannot work because of the reasons above.   The second (much more expensive type) is a proper heat pump which will cool the room down (like air-con in your car) but needs a second unit or a big air pipe outside of the room in order to dump the heat.  These are popular in the USA where they use more electricity in summer for cooling than in winter for heating.
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I have had 3 stand alone portable air conditioning units and frankly they are a waste of money, they are really only good for spot cooling and the exhaust tube which need placing through a window gives off massive heat. The wall mounted split systems are excellent and some even reverse for heat in the winter, they come pre gassed and can be installed by a DIY'er. The prices are dropping dramatically and in the UK costs are around £250, so I suspect the French prices may be even less. A 12000btu unit is ideal for room sizes of approximately 450-500 sq ft (42M2), I bought mine from Ebay(UK) and it has given me faultless service for the last 2 years.


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Well of course the heat does need to go out of the room and as Pierre says this is with a big old pipe in our case out of the window.  It isn't totally useless, we are in a caravan and I could bear to be in the darn thing yesterday which is a first on a hot day, so it does do 'something'.  The air coming out of the big pipe is very warm and that going into the room is cool but not cold.  When we are in our house we will get the wall mounted type, they start at about 350 euro here so not too bad  (not sure if that's a very good one, I will check it out nearer the time), they can also reverse to warm in winter. 


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[quote user="KathyC"]We bought a wall mounted split air conditioning unit in Brico depot for 175E![/quote]

Were you able to install it correctly and change the electricity amp breaker? Very tricky. They need a 20ampC type. I have been quoted 500 euros for an installation.

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My split system was 129 euro from Brico-Depot can anyone beat that?

It was brilliant last summer and I used it as a heater in the winter as it only consumes 900 watts to give out 2750 and was very effective.

During the crazy weather in May (after the April heatwave) I was switching between heating one day and air con the next!

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Thanks everyone.... It is as I expected.... I dont want to install a split system where we are now because in a few million years ( maybe even longer ) we will have finished the renovation of our house and thats where we will want a split system. I thought they might help a bit in the mean time.... never mind I'll just have to continue sitting around the house in my under pants....

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