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Why I Love France, miserable posters keep out


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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]Leonard Cohen should get the Nobel for literature for his poetry much of which has been set to music - a thoroughly underserved reputation for writing music to top yourself by, his more recent stuff (last 15 years) is just superior.  And as for Neil Young, still up there with the greats.[/quote]

Somwhere I have a copy of the 1967 version of  Songs of Leonard Cohen and I agree that it was a bit depressing - but only if you took him seriously.

Agree totally about NY's greatness - saw him at Finsbury Park in 2003 (?) with the men from Booker T and the MGs, top of the bill consisting of Pearl Jam, James, Teenage Fanclub and 4 non-blondes - but he chooses depressing subjects at times. But I think he's great anyway.


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[quote user="Iceni"][quote user="Frenchie"]

Maybe in the future Ill go and live there, when my son needs me a bit less here.

Can you understand that ?


Changing countries just to get away from your offspring is a bit extreme, Frenchie, but it's your life.

WOT ???? [:-))] I never ever suggested that.. it s the other way round !! If Im still here, that s because I have my son in France and I don't want to leave him !!



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[quote user="Bugbear"][quote user="47AJM"]

Bugbear - "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. "

Seems very apt coming from yourself.      When the emphasis was on the word "Encouragement" in the previously posted thread, some spoke of suicides!   We spoke of banging our heads against a wall !   I do think an open forum is for each to give their thoughts or opinion, and I do believe that there is no right or wrong opinion, simply an opinion.  I also think that posts should try and aid the person to build a picture, be it a negative or positive, but I still think it would help if posters kept the Subject Title in mind when they post.      The title was clear enough........."miserable posters keep out".


Sorry you've lost me, who was on about suicide ?


Within the "Encouragement Please" thread...................

Re: Encouragement please!


Or how many French teenagers committed suicide this week?

or :

Re: Encouragement please!

I wonder how many teenagers were gunned down in France this week?

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Geordie girl wrote:-

My god Logan where're you coming from. Not all of us move to france because we were leading miserable lives elsewhere.

I dont think I quite said that. However if you have a fullfilling and satisfied life elsewhere then it's unlikely you would emigrate to another country. You might take your holidays there but why would you risk undermining a beautiful life? Not likely. I believe what we are talking about here is awareness of self. Being actually brave enough to admit to ourselves that things are just not right in our lives. It's a big step forward.

Hope you like the font!


I don't think I quite said that. What I did mean is if your life is fullfilling in your country of origin you are unlikely to have the inclination to move elsewhere. 

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[quote user="Logan"]

However if you have a fullfilling and satisfied life elsewhere then it's unlikely you would emigrate to another country. You might take your holidays there but why would you risk undermining a beautiful life? Not likely. I believe what we are talking about here is awareness of self. Being actually brave enough to admit to ourselves that things are just not right in our lives. It's a big step forward.

Hope you like the font!


I think you're wrong here Logan... Maybe rather than risk undermining a beautiful life, some of us simply have the confidence and sense of security to know that we will find fulfilling and satisfied lives wherever we live?  I was happy, fulfilled and satisfied in the UK and I am also now happy fulfilled and satisfied with our life in France. 

EDIT... Logan just to clarify when I say "I think you're wrong"... I'm not saying "I THINK YOU'RE WRONG [:@]" ... more "mmm not sure I agree with that [:$] [:$]"...

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Hi Logan,

I liked the old font and I like your avatar too.  It is almost like you are talking to us from beyond the grave.

I get exactly what you are saying.  However, when you say perhaps peoples lives are not right and that is why they move I think it could be taken quite personally by the receiver.  I think this need not be the case, anyone who shares their life with the M25 has a life that "isnt quite right". [:D]

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[quote user="pale pink specs"]

Maybe rather than risk undermining a beautiful life, some of us simply have the confidence and sense of security to know that we will find fulfilling and satisfied lives wherever we live?  I was happy, fulfilled and satisfied in the UK and I am also now happy fulfilled and satisfied with our life in France. 


I am completely in accord with your comments PPSpecs.

Some people take long holidays to far off countries to satisfy their urge to experience something new, however briefly and superficially. We (my OH and I) have chosen to take that experience to different level and move to another country, to succeed in a different life in a different culture - with all the challenges and rewards - that entails. There wasn't anything missing from our lives in the UK but there was an opportunity to try something new in a different country so we took it.

Logan. I am interested to see that you mention in an earlier post "awareness of self". To me, a big (and enormously interesting) part of awareness of self is acceptance that others are different. Different personalities, different competencies, different motivations. Which have all led to different life experiences and, in turn, expectations. I'm now getting the sense that divergence from what you understand yourself to be unsettle you.

I can understand intellectually where you are coming from... but I am not like you.

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Re the M25 - I was once waiting for a plane to Toulouse at Gatwick, having just made it in time by train. 3 business guys behind me were talking 2 english and one french. An englishman said" nearly didn't make it as the Dartford bridge is always blocked and closed when it rains." The french guy was amazed "Why???" Couldn't understand the complicated relationship of the english weather and the english road system. Logan - there are other reasons for coming to France and for me it was for adventure. Like you I'm getting on a bit but wanted at least one more adventure in my life, and coming to France fulfills this. Hoping to have another some time but don't yet know what or when.
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I agree with PPS and Catalpa.

I also think that some of the less positive folk find it hard to accept ('thou protesteth too much' (yawn)... etc.)  that there are some people who have left one happy life for another happy life, perhaps it's because they don't want to believe that (perhaps unlike them) some people can actually achieve both. 

They would make a fascinating study... the weirdest part of it for me is the unrelenting intent on stating 'you are wrong, you are not happy' where does this come from, why can they not just accept that some people are happy, they are not in denial, not on the run, just happy, it's all very odd...[8-)].  By all means post why you are not happy if that's your thing but don't insist that everyone else is in denial that's just plain weird..

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My avatar is a photo of my brave uncle. He fought right through the First World War with distinction and took part in all the major battles. Then a week before the armistice was declared he was killed aged 31 years. In using the photo as my avatar it keeps his memory alive in a very small way.

I could not be content at all if I did not understand myself and my relationship to the world. Very often it is said that thinking too much unsettles. It does that for a while. If the process continues throughout a lifetime that feeling of being unsettled passes, often after a eureka moment. I sometimes take sabbaticals and retreat from the world when I feel the need for more eureka. I return refreshed almost empowered. If you asked me if I was happy. I would ask you to explain what you mean by happiness. It’s such an abstract thing which needs explanation. Pale Pink Specs is confident she is happy. However what she regards as ‘happiness’ might to another seem very mundane, dull even. That’s the difficulty we all have understanding ourselves. I believe our lives are a voyage of discovery. Discovering who we are and how we relate to the world in which we live. Thinking about your state of being can only bring that realisation closer.

In writing here with reference to others my meaning is abstract. I don't mean in anyway to suggest that the happiness PPS feels is not genuine or real. Health warnings seem to have to be added to help understanding. Some of your responses to my posts show I have not explained myself so well.  



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I like your avatar very much, always have done.  And it's a very touching story indeed about your uncle.  He seems to me a most distinguished looking man.

Quite often, with your posts, Logan, I have agreed with you but only in parts.  I have read somewhere that the moment you ask yourself if you're happy, then you immediately cease to be so!  Be that as it may, I did post a thread recently about "Happiness" (however you wish to define it) and how it catches you at moments when you least expect it.

Happiness is not a right, a bonus in fact, and sometimes you have to earn it.  You're lucky if you just achieve it but, quite often, you work for it by putting in the right conditions and attitudes of mind, etc in order to be happy.  For example, some people's relationship goes through a bad patch and they work at putting it right and then, voila, it DOES become happy and right again.

Keep posting, Logan.  Different points of view always interest and fascinate me.  But do remember, there are different kinds of threads on the forum; some are practical and give good advice on the nitty gritty of living in France (or indeed elsewhere), some are for sharing experiences and some are there for sheer silliness and a good giggle.  They all have their place and it's actually quite nice to participate in different ones for the variety and for "meeting" different types of people.

Have a Happy Day, Logan!

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[quote user="Logan"]

 Pale Pink Specs is confident she is happy. However what she regards as ‘happiness’ might to another seem very mundane, dull even. That’s the difficulty we all have understanding ourselves. I believe our lives are a voyage of discovery. Discovering who we are and how we relate to the world in which we live. Thinking about your state of being can only bring that realisation closer.

In writing here with reference to others my meaning is abstract. I don't mean in anyway to suggest that the happiness PPS feels is not genuine or real. Health warnings seem to have to be added to help understanding. Some of your responses to my posts show I have not explained myself so well.  



Hi logan... I too like your avatar and I love the story behind the photo too.  And this time I do agree with you ... it is all relative and one persons heaven could indeed be another's hell... just part of life's rich tapestry I guess!  [:)]

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Anyway, now Im enjoying being warm in my lounge, with my lovely dog, and watching the birds in the trees outside... And no, that s not sad or boring to me ..

But Ill soon be just as happy when I am in Liverpool with my partner and we ll have a nice meal in a curry house for instance.. I love both countries, I feel I belong to both !!

And yes, deffo, your paradise might be my hell and vice versa .. ( and lyçée de Versailles as a friend says     LOL)



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My hell in France would be Paris ( except if I am really wealthy) or the places where it s too hot in the summer  ( the Beziers area, etc..)

I can't stand  heatwaves..  especially in some places in the south..

I ve never lived in Liverpool, but being a Beatle fan, for me it is " the place where it all began", and my partner is a northener...

We both like it up there .. We have great fun, and we can easily  drive to the Yorkshire dales, North Wales etc ..

I like the atmosphere in the north. People have always been very friendly to me .


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Liverpool has improved a lot over the years and is now lovely - especially around the docks.  I am not from Liverpool (we live about an hour away) but I agree with your comments about Northerners and also about the beautiful countryside nearby - imho every bit as nice as France.

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  Here's a glass for you Scooby !! [B]  Cheers ! a   nd you too Raindog !! [B]

I agree the docks are a nice area now , so much to do and see..

And Liverpool being the capital city of culture for 2008 , there will soon be plenty of events .

I ll be there soon, in less than 5 weeks, I can't wait !!


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