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Violent protests possible 2009?


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In another thread I posted the following this morning:

The longer I am here the prouder I am of the country I have chosen to live in. It is not based totally on 'l'argent roi'

It has a constitution of which some of the founding articles are:

ARTICLE PREMIER. Le but de la société est le bonheur commun. - Le

gouvernement est institué pour garantir à l'homme la puissance de ses

droits naturels et imprescriptibles.

ART. 2. - Ces droits sont l'égalité, la liberté, la sûreté, la propriété.

ART. 21. - Les secours publics sont une dette sacrée. La société doit

la subsistance aux citoyens malheureux, soit en leur procurant du

travail, soit en assurant les moyens d'exister à ceux qui sont hors

d'état de travailler.

and : ART. 35. - Quand le gouvernement viole les droits du peuple,

l'insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion du peuple, le

plus sacré des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs.

I don't think Thatcherism could have happened here.

Then I read this article which speaks of the possibility of a 'rebirth of violence' in France.

I must say that given the complete disregard the authorities have shown towards another founding principle 'ART. 13. - Tout homme étant présumé innocent jusqu'à ce qu'il ait été déclaré coupable,' given that there is no evidence against Coupat, it's not surprising that feelings are running high..

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If you look you will always find such texts from French extreme parties, galore. To take it up in GB papers without explanation is hardly fair.

But unfortunately you have  also Trade unions leaders who estimate they can do anything ( and that means breaking all laws ) which can help to impose their minority views, and that they should not be condemned by the French  justice.

One could say that is the argument between considering people as fighters for their countries rights and terrorists, which can hardly be solved.

But you are right, there will be quite some social conflicts, and some will be violent -  - unfortunately many on the grounds that the banks have cashed billions ( although in reality no bank, who has not gone broke, has been given a penny, without having to pay a normal rate of interest) and the State can not find a few millions to save a firm, who would have gone bust anyway.

The State has not done it job in explaining this fact.




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