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French Tax Form 2006


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You can't sort it out yet, the forms have not been done, we've only

just had the request for our first third, which is based on what we

paid in 2005 for 2004.  As you paid nothing last year, they will

just send you a form when they have them, and if they don't then go

back to the hotel des impots (NOT the mairie) and pick one up. 

Fill it in (easier said than done - looking forward to pre printed

forms although as my situation keeps changing for year to year I don't

think it will do me much good!) They will send you a bill in

September.  HTH

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Just fill it in all of you and stop beefing!!!

This year the form will not be sent out UNTIL MAY!

French tax isn't as bad as all that and this years form will reflect your income for 2005.

If you are not hiding anything then you've nothing to worry about. Declare it and get it over and done with - you know it makes sense!


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Ops, sorry didn't mean to rattle your cage - but having plowed through three pages of rather uninformed, incorrect answers it seemed VERY much like beefing to me!

You, "we", will have to fill in your form like the rest of the population of France, when you, "we" receive it! Remembering to send it back by the said date otherwise you will have to pay an extra 10%. You have made the  filling in of  this form into an enormous task for the newcomers, which is not the case. There is an address at the top of your form where you can go, locally, to get help filling in the form, or, you can go to your Mairie where the Secretary will guide you also. Having done it for nearly 30 years now, I think you should agree that I know what I am talking about!


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Who is that last post addressed to Maureen?  You did not rattle my cage with it, but you have now [:@]

You may have been here 30 years but you certainly do not know all there is to know when comes to completing a tax form.  If you know so much about French Income tax, its a pity that you have not posted anything constructive or helpful on the subject. Yes, there were some misunderstandings earlier on in the thread about when a person should fill in a tax form but that was corrected, so to qualify it all as un-informed and incorrect is a bit rich after what you  posted.[:$]

Perhaps in the Dordogne they hold your hand and fill in your tax form with you and all the Mairies are open every day and have secretaries just waiting to help with Income Tax forms,  we know from a helpful posting on here that you even have an English speaking tax assistant in the SW tax office who will answer e-mailed queries, well good for you[:^)]

However for those who don't live in the Dordogne and who choose to help themselves or even complete  on-line, the Tax Offices are not so accommodating and the Mairie is the last place to go for tax help.  Yes,  most tax offices will help if you can get to one, they are not all local,  and if you are prepared to wait for an assistant  who has the time and patience to help you,   Oh and don't count on English speakers outside of the Dordogne either.  If you complete on-line as we are being encouraged to do, there is no local office, so for those people  there are Forums like this with helpful people like Les lauriers and Derf who help people without making pointless and unhelpful  comments[:#].

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Not all of us need English speaking assistants...some of us can speak french.You will find that there IS information in my posting if you bother to read it and stop getting overheated.

Or perhaps you don't like hearing comments from women, new ones to the forum at that. What happened to freedom of speech?


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without wanting to add fuel to a fire, it is not always as simple as 'just filling in the form'.

My mairie and the local Trésor Publique both don't know where I should get a form from, as this is my 1st year to do one so neither of them think I will get one automagically. To add to the complications, as a Travailleur Independente I gather from research on the gouv.fr sites that the actual forms I have to do vary according to my status and income (e.g. Micro BNC with income under the limit or over, etc).

It's quite a worrying time for those of us used to PAYE, as it won't be until the last minute that we know if we've put aside enough to pay what they decide we owe. Oh, and it's not just a case of putting a % aside each month either - s h 1 t happens, and what with an irregular income and all, good intentions fall apart under the strain of survival :(


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We were advised last year to go back to the Hotel des Impots to collect our tax forms in March.  We have just come back from there where we were told that the date had changed from March to May and they did not have any forms to give us now.  We have to go back in May.

We were also told that I don't have to fill in a separate form as it will all be done on my husbands.


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Hallo Hoverfrog. I have just received the spring edition of Siddalls ( financial advisers) magazine. They have offices at Bordeaux and the 56,84 and 83 regions.

Inside is a very comprehensive article entitled "2006 Income Tax return and Budget Update", telling you all about the various forms and how to calculate your tax payments. You may find the same article on their site  http:// www.siddalls.net    otherwise you can subscribe to their mag. on line.

If you would like to post your own 'location' on this site perhaps a forum member could point you in the direction of your local Hôtel des Impots!


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You don't have to calculate youir own tax figures you can do it on line at the French Impots website.  You don't have to declare it, you can just calculate it.

It is quite straight forward unless you have a complicated tax regime.  If you have done a  tax return before, you can also send your return on-line and receive a 20€ deduction in your tax bill,

 go to http://impots.gouv.fr/portal/dgi/home?pageId=home&sfid=00

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I don't think it's the Hotel d'Impot I have to deal with, it's the Direction Generale Des Impots. I think I'll ring up the lovely lady there who helped me complete my taxe professionelle over the phone!

I have the 'Guide Pratique du Contribuable' for impots sur revenus 2006, which although helpful just serves to show how compicated things can be when you don't quite fit in a category :)  According to their estimator my taxes will be 2/3 of what I'd thought, but I'm not sure if I did the calculations right :(

What I really don't like is all the people (I mean at the mairie, trésor publique, etc., not on the forums!) who say to go away and worry about it in May!! Some of us like to be prepared :)


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Quite.  It is not your husband's tax form, but a joint one, you

are not "attached" to it.  Although I wouldn't know it given the

struggle I have had to get my name on it (rather than just Mme Pierre

Dupont).  Despite the fact that a married woman never legally

changes her name. [8o|]

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After living in England for nearly 50 years, I still find it hard to come to terms that the French seem to think a married woman "is part of" her marriage to her husband.  All our bills come to my husband even though we registered in joint names exept for the bank.  I can cope with it, but what if something happened to the OH.  Would I have a hard time convincing the authorities that I am still a person in my own right???

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