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Electricity price rise much higher for those with TEMPO and pleines/creuses


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"Le prix TTC du kilowattheure passe de 0,4929 centimes

les jours rouge en heure pleine à 0,5026 centimes d'euros. De la même

façon, pour les jours bleus en heure pleine, il passe de 0,0577 à 0,0703

. Ici, la hausse frôle les 22%. "

I don't know about your particular case but


Les très petites installations de 3 Kilovoltampère

(kVa) voient ainsi leur abonnement annuel hors taxes passer de 21,48

euros à 51,24 euros soit une hausse de 138,5%. Pour ceux qui utilisent 6

kVa, la puissance supérieure, l'abonnement annuel passera de 54,48

euros HT à 58,32 euros (+7%). Ces deux abonnements sont souscrits par la

majorité de ménages.

A l'inverse, les gros consommateurs voient leur facture diminuer.

Pour les utilisateurs de 36 kVa, l'abonnement annuel passe de 743,52

euros à 528 euros HT soit une baisse de 29%."

then there is


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The EDF published that the 'average' price rise this year is only 1.9% for consumers.

Check the EDF website for the current prices and compare for the real rise:

Tarif  tempo blue (300 days)  is up 20-25%!

Tarif  heures pleines/heures creuses is up 4-9%!

Tarif option base is up only 1.7%

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The  EDF document quoted by Quillan is positively misleading when it says

"For example, the overall increase will be less for customers who have

signed up for the “Off-peak” package rather than the “Basic” package."

There hasn't been much reaction on this thread so far.

I expect it will come in 6 months to a year when there will be a spate of 'Why has my electricity bill shot up?' posts [8-)]
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Not much reaction from me so far because, although concerned since we are on the Tempo option, I don't quite follow all the intricacies of the rises - except that I know it is bound to be a rip-off, and designed to make the Tempo option unattractive so that customers will gradually all change their deals with EDF.

On the news today, it was said that the changes are complex and difficult to understand (deliberately no doubt), and how one wished for a lot more transparence.... again, they are no doubt deliberately complicated, so the real increases are not immediately obvious, and that not everyone protests at once or the government might have to step in, as in the gas increase recently.

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Ditto on that. I will wait and see what adjustment they make to my monthly payments as it seems as clear as mud to me at the moment.

I remember Lizzy turning on the first nuclear power station in the UK and everyone banging on about the way forward and we would have cheap electricity for years and years to come. Seeing that so much electricity is generated by this method in France and the price we pay either somebody is making a shed load of money or they lied, I wonder which one is correct.

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[quote user="JMB"]You could always burn a few tyres in the middle of the road and jump about with a banner or two. Or you could always make a bit more money and get over it.[/quote]

Or I can freeze to death, or warm my mittened hands over the candle I read by, wrapped in a blanket.

In fact the reason for my post wasn't a protest. There seems little point in that.

It was to warn people that the tariff for electricity is going up in many case far more than the 1,9% announced by EDF,  so that they can allow for that in budgeting. I for example will build in 5% extra into my 10 monthly payments over the amount EDF suggests based on this year.

Of course there may be posters for whom that is of no consequence, but some of us do need to watch expenses.

For Quillan and 5e I agree that it looks complicated, but there are two things which come out of the Tribune article pretty clearly

1) The tempo tariff for 'blue' days les jours bleus en heure pleine, il passe de 0,0577 à 0,0703


2) The abonnement for small Kw users (3Kw & 6kw  i.e. the majority) is going up.

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I have just done a calculation based on the bill 2008-2009

I am quoting the prices given on that bill, and then assuming exactly the same consumption for 2009-2010, but with the new tariffs published at


last year I used:

 3956 kwh 'creuses' at 0,0471 euros giving a cost of  186, 33 euros   this year (0,0764 euros)  this gives   290,37 euros

 4637 kwh 'pleines'  at 0,0802 euros giving a cost  of  340, 36 euros  this year (0,1154 euros)  this gives   535,11 euros

An 'abonnement' for 6 kVa of                                       94, 32 euros  this year                                          102,15 euros

Total with no  taxes or extras included                         621 euros                                                             927,63 euros

Which I reckon gives about a 49% increase!

With TVA local taxes etc I actually  paid                     887,04 euros

So if I factor in the 49% I can expect a bill of             1325,03 euros  next year or a  rise of   437, 99 euros

I would be very grateful (for once [:)]) if someone could check my calculations and pull a hole in my argument...

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That sort of increase would be insane NormanH, it just can't be right![+o(]

Looking more closely at this whole sorry business, I notice (shame on me, for the first time! - but we just followed the EDF guy's advice at the time) that our Tempo option is based on a 9Kw rate - which seems outrageous for a 100m2  house - we just trusted that this expert knew what he was talking about and have been paying on that basis all these years[:'(] )

Having looked at all the permutations, I still have no idea what kind of increase we will have. And judging by a number of people interviewed on the news last night, it seems most people have no idea either, and we will all be presented with the fait accompli.

Good time to look even more seriously at alternative forms of energy, whenever possible.

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[quote user="5-element"]That sort of increase would be insane NormanH, it just can't be right![+o(]


Good time to look even more seriously at alternative forms of energy, whenever possible.


And, for those who can afford the capital outlay , to make sure that all is as well insulated as possible.

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All the French media references were in fact quoting the P.D.G as wanting to increase prices by 20% over a 3 year period.

Given that the price of electricity is still decided by the French government and the fact that they have only allowed EDF a 1.9% increase one must take the 20% figure in the context that it was used, namely a kite flying opening bid from someone in a very weak bargaining position.

Unless of course you have a vested interest in promoting other types of energy...............[;-)]

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[quote user="J.Rs gone native"]

 one must take the 20% figure in the context that it was used, namely a kite flying opening bid from someone in a very weak bargaining position.

So the Daily Wail is taking it's hols in France then?  [:P]

Unless of course you have a vested interest in promoting other types of energy...............[;-)]

You are naughty J.R. in suggesting that.  [6]


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[quote user="J.Rs gone native"]Given that the price of electricity is still decided by the French government and the fact that they have only allowed EDF a 1.9% increase one must take the 20% figure in the context that it was used, namely a kite flying opening bid from someone in a very weak bargaining position.


It's worth bearing in mind that the EU Commission is reviewing the situation as far as the way the energy tariffs are regulated in France.

Things are bound to change and when they do, the average French consumer will be in for a shock.

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Given previous French government's propensity for ignoring, carrying on as normal or simply misinterpreting EU Commissions' findings I hardly think this or any future French government will be keen to implement any findings which lead to the sort of speculative figures being mentioned here. If they do they'll be in opposition for some time to come!

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It's a pitt that this thread, with the stupid mistake in calculation that I made  has attracted attention away from this one:


Where I believe I have correctly shown that the rise for users with Heures Pleines/Creuses could be 4,8 %

For Tempo users you have only to look what you used in kwH for the blue period last year, and replace with the new tarif


In the same way as I have done.

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