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Declaration de travaux


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What is the basic difference between Declaration de travaux and Permis de construire,   when we phoned the Marie to ask what we need to do to change the intergrated garage door to a patio door, we were told we did not need permission but need to complete a declaration, which we have done with all necessary drawings and photos, but they keep asking for further things, can a Declaration be refused???  I thought we were just informing them of what we are doing and would get taxed accordingly!

Lollie   44

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A déclaration is for small works like inserting doors and windows or Velux etc and a PdeC is for over 20m² if you are building or changing the original building a great deal and also for a change of use. Also a Pde C usually means that your Taxe d'Habitation will increase because you have increased your living space as well and there are other restrictions to take into account. Your work is small so only a declaration is needed and dosn't need a lot of investigation by the DDE. You may not have included the materials to be used on the application or the correct measurements or even a plan cadastral for it to be refused at first and other buildings if there are any are also taken into account regarding light restriction and monuments historiques and yes,they can be refused outright. What exactly are the other items you have been asked for?
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We sent the form with photos of the front facade of the house together a technical drawing of how it will be with the doors, measurements, materials etc, it is literally taking out the old door and placing with glass door, no changes to size etc, they have asked for a drawing of before and after!  Interestingly enough they have not asked what we are converting  the garage inside to.   The garage is part of our sous sol.  I must admit I thought the declaration was so that our tax d'habitation would charge with the extra room.   We are not actually creating anymore floor space.


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It seems our problem is that the new window is plain double glazed glass and all our other windows are old small squared glass, which it was out intention to change over the new few years, we have 15 of them, taking advange of the tax credits for enery saving double glazing.  Should we change our declaration to include all our windows, and how long do you get to complete the work?    Have spent all morning driving around our town, and there are loads of properties with mixed windows, so not very pleased at the mo!   for the very first time in three years.   The house is not particularly old, 1970, not in a preservation area and all the houses here are different styles, colours, etc.  No historique buildings within 800m.

It was the secretary at the marie who said we should not put our plans in as they are.   I am being optimistic and think she is trying to be helpful. 



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You will notice on your tax forms there is a space for puting in any costs of materials for energy saving materials purchased during that tax year, ie on double glazed units 20% of the costs of the materials can be offset against your tax bill for that year.  Upgrading central heating systems is another.  Obviously an official receipt from an artisan is required as proof.

Other tax credits include paying for private tutors for your children in certain areas of education.  

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But remember that you do have to have all the work done by a registered artisan too, so if you are into DIY, you must work out if the additional cost of installation is cost effective.

This tax break also applies to installing an enclosed wood burning stove in place of an open fire.

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