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Selling without an agent


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Hi, we have our house for sale with a couple of agents and privately via the internet, if we sell privately do we have to contact a notair, if so will we have to pay any of his fees and could we use the same one as our buyers? Any advice much appreciated 
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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]Think back - did you need a notaire to handle the sale when you bought your house originally?  Did you use the same notaire as your seller?  Who paid the notaire's fee then?[/quote]

Thanks for making the effort to reply "Sunday Driver" even if it was a bit sarcastic and not very helpful

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Assuming that you haven't signed an exclusive agreement with either of your agents, then you should find the process fairly easy.

Once you have found a buyer, you will need to contact a Notaire of your choice who will draw up the Compromis de Vente. You will also need to find out from the Notaire what reports you are required to have carried out befor ethe CdeV can be signed i.e. asbestos survey etc. You will then need to arrange for these things to be done which can take a few weeks.  Don't forget that during this time no contract is in place and your buyer can still pull out - unlike where an immobilier has produced the documents for the buyer to sign on the spot (sunject of course to the normal cooling off period). The Notaire will then call you to his office to sign the CdeV which will then be sent to the buyers for their signature (and their deposit).

Whether the buyers choose to use the Notaire that you appoint or not is entirely up to them. They have the right to use a different Notaire if they wish and, if they do, no extra is paid in fees - the fee is simply split between the two Notaires.

All Notaire's fees etc. are usually paid buy the buyer however you will need  to pay for the asbestos report and anything else that is required prior to the CdeV.

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[quote user="Rob Roy"]Sorry Krill, but Sunday Driver's reply was not unreasonable or sarcastic. You have already bought once in France, therefore one would presume you know the format.[/quote]

Just read it compared with the next reply, yes we have bought but never sold, surely no answer at all would be better than the one "Sunday Driver "gave  or maybe he's one of those sad individuals that has nothing better to do than feel oh so superior behind his keyboard

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Forums (like God) help those that help themselves. The way you worded your question was what one would expect from someone who had never been involved in buying French property, rather than someone who had only seen one side of it. You have to build on knowledge already gained; the same is true in many spheres.

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I am So ANGRY [:@]

You have got a bloody cheek coming on here and making judgements on people who give far more time to helping people moving to France than you ever have or ever will do.  SD is one of the people on this Forum who you can rely on. You call this very helpful man sad based on what? Just because he told you what he and most everybody else thought?  Did you not wonder how your house was bought in the first place and why you paid all the fees?  If you don't get any response to your next question on here don't be surprised because all the sad people will be too busy helping those who help themselves and then ask for help. 

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Ron - all is forgiven (seriously). You have said exactly what I wanted to say but couldn't put into words.

There has been a bit of this lately, hasn't there - people who think that they have a right to have a question answered and then abuse people who give them answers they don't like.

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[quote user="KathyC"]


Forums (like God) help those that help themselves. The way you worded your question was what one would expect from someone who had never been involved in buying French property, rather than someone who had only seen one side of it. You have to build on knowledge already gained; the same is true in many spheres.


Rather than judjing how little or much one knows why not just answer a simple question with a sensible and informative answer or if that's too much trouble then why answer at all. I worded my question quite simply and was very grateful fo a excellent reply from Eslier, the rest of the replies including this ridiculous quote above are to my mind a total waste of time by people with nothing better to do, if you cant help then don't write anything

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OK Krill, you're right and everyone else is wrong. But don't you think that it might be worth learning from these comments; perhaps giving it just a little bit of thought and realising, "Oh yes, I suppose I did know that from what happened when we bought our house. Wish I'd thought of that before posting". I suppose even a little bit of thought is too much effort when it's easier to get someone else to do the thinking for you.
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Do you really imagine I have nothing better to do than ask questions I already know the answers to? When I bought my house I was told what the price was and what I would have to pay for the fees. I was not told how much the person selling the house had to pay if anything and of course at the time that would have been of no concern to me, that was six years ago and since then I haven't had any dealings with the housing market so no a little bit or indeed a lot of thought before posting the question would have done no good what so ever. If you all think that answering a couple of simple questions is too much trouble then why do you read them in the first place? every question on here could be answered by research elswhere but to answer peoples questions is partly the point of the forum surely
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The points you NOW make are quite fair and perhaps should have been pointed out earlier, if they had been then I am sure SD and others would have helped, but to call him, and by implication, other people who may know answers to your questions, sad was totally unnecessary and unwelcome.

What SD was trying to do was make you think about what happened when you bought, so all you had to say was what you have now said, and not start insulting a poster who is normally the most patient and helful of people when replying to questions.

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I think that with all due respects to Krill there is another angle that is coming from this discussion. Most people trust the agent and notaire, and rightly so. But when parting with what is, after all, a comparatively large sum of money, it is in one's interests to see where it is all spent. On the compromis de vente and also at the acte de vente stage, you get a breakdown of the price you pay, which states the net vendeur figure (i.e. what the seller receives) and the various taxes, agency and notaire fees. It does happen that unnecessary 'extras' can be added in - either accidentally or, occasionally, deliberately by agents/notaires wanting to maximise their profits. So you should check this, and query anything you don't understand. The documents are written in French, so you may need to ask for a translation or explanation - which any decent agent or notaire will provide.

In Krill's case it was a long time ago, so you would not be expected to remember actual figures, but it is still a good idea to be aware of what goes where.

As far as selling without an agent is concerned, yes, there is normally no reason why you should not do this. But it means you have to do your own marketing, arrange for viewings, negotiate prices, deal with the notaire (who by law has to handle any property transaction in France), and, knowing how the system works, the buyer will probably expect you to reduce the asking price by at least the equivalent of the agency fees. So although it can work, it often is not worth all the extra hassle you could let yourself in for.

I hope you take these points in the way they are intended, which is as constructive comment for anybody buying or selling a house.

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I don't know if it's just me but I kept everything to do with buying my house and have it all in one folder. This includes the breakdown of fees and who gets what just as Will explained. Perhaps others just throw them away and keep the deeds.
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Thanks for that Will, yes it was a long time ago and I'm not that up on the house selling process so was hoping for advice from more experianced people which I have now had and am very grateful for, what I didn't need was people talking about me like I was some schoolboy who hadn't done his homework. I found that quite offensive, this is the last post I will write on the subject as I think it has gone on long enough. Thanks again to the people that took the time to answer my Questions

"It's only the giving that makes you what you are"    Jethro Tull

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Having received the information, Krill has now announced that the subject is closed.  However, as I've received a bit of a kicking here, I think I should be allowed to make a final comment.

He/she can look at my record in posting responses on this and other forums to verify how much care I take in providing answers to questions.  This is also evidenced by the supporting comments that other members have kindly added.

If Krill had posted something along the lines of "I'm selling my house, but it's so long since I was involved in the whole buying/selling process, I've forgotten some of the procedures.  Can anyone refresh my memory about......", then I would have given him/her a detailed explanation

In this case, however, the original post merely asked the sort questions which an existing householder would normally be expected to be aware of.  Now, I could have taken the typical approach and posted something along the lines of "use the search function, it's all been answered before".  Instead, my response was based on the fact that he/she probably knew some of the answers, so I felt that a gentle prompting of the memory would be helpful.  It's an established teaching technique that is often used with schoolboys who haven't done their homework.....

Clearly, Krill's fuse is as short as his/her original post.

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I would have thought that, with 173 postinfs Krill would have been well aware that SDs responses are full and helpful. To get the kind of response that was received from SD should have indicated that there was something wrong with the question.


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I would like to add my support to Sunday Driver, and to those who have already posted in support of him.  I have found Sunday Driver to be unfailingly extremely helpful and supportive, both to me personally, and to many others, often going out of his way to assist people asking for help.

I have noticed on this forum, that sometimes apparently lazy people try to take advantage of the good and helpful nature of posters like Sunday Driver and others, and ask silly questions which could easily be answered by a little research on the forum.  Often they could phrase their questions better.  These usually seem to be people new to the furum.

I actualy thought that Sunday Driver's initial response to Krill was perfectly in order and somewhat restrained, a little gentle prompting to remember what happened when Krill bought property in France.  When I read it I fully agreed.  I remember our purchase vividly, and still have all the papers, and I would not have needed to ask the question that Krill asked, as we covered all that when we bought our house.

Krill does not seem to be a new member on the forum, thus I cannot understand how he (or she) was not aware of Sunday Driver's reputation.  Krill's suggestion that Sunday Driver may be "one of those sad individuals etc etc" upset me and made me rather angry, as it was so unjustified.

Please accept my support Sunday Driver, and please continue to help others as you have in the past.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

I could have taken the typical approach and posted something along the lines of "use the search function, it's all been answered before".  Instead, my response was based on the fact that he/she probably knew some of the answers, so I felt that a gentle prompting of the memory would be helpful.  


I agree.  Questions are often asked which the enquirer could have answered for themselves with a bit of application and use of the search function.  I know that on a number of topics SD has had to post the same info several times because some people cannot be bothered to use their own noodle.  This might be forgiveable (just) in the case of someone new to the forum who does not spot that box called 'Search', but not for someone who has been around for a time.

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