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DSK, can we believe this?

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The possibility that the alleged victim may not now whiter than white, is something that the defense team can and will use and any jury could ponder on, if it gets that far.

It perhaps makes the defense team's job a little easier and a little harder for the prosecution . But if there is evidence of none consensual sexual intercourse eg rape as stated in the article ,the matter surely has to go to court?
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[quote user="Rabbie"]f this report is true then it puts a different complexion on this case. Perhaps we should all remember to reserve judgement until the facts emerge.[/quote]

Does that make him less sleazy?

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[quote user="Cat"]The report says that it was actually the prosecutor's investigators who uncovered the information, which does tend to lend credibility to the story.[/quote]

Yes they did but I’m sure his team of lawyers were putting a lot of pressure on the DA and prosecutors.

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Well, you can't remain in prison for cheating on your wife can you ? This has nothing to do with a rape, which must be severely punished . 

 Remember that for the majority of us, French, private life is private life, and it has nothing to do with politics. ( Even if this is contrary to what the majority on the forum seems to think . )

But , even if he is soon released, my opinion is that he will want a rest and won't accept to run for presidency.

Let's wait until justice does its job.

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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="Araucaria"]Something to do with this report in the New York Times?

[/quote]If this report is true then it puts a different complexion on this case. Perhaps we should all remember to reserve judgement until the facts emerge.[/quote]


That is why, even now there is that recorded phone conversation between the maid and a convict etc ( see the NY T article), I prefer to wait til facts are proved.

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Frenchie, Does it not concern you that DSK obviously has a weakness that has been so easily taken advantage of ? (and in some cases he has misused his position and power to get his own way )

It remains to be seen what actually did happen, but the fact that something took place (and from the article there is evidence of this) shows an appalling lack of judgement

"Although forensic tests found unambiguous evidence of a sexual encounter between Mr Strauss-Kahn and the woman"

You may think his private life is his private life, but the higher he went the more and more he would be open to blackmail - he was a sitting duck.

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The article also says that the

“evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual acts.”

IF that still remains true, then any woman whether a chambermaid who may have lied to get a visa or the dregs of humanity such as Rose West, they still deserve justice.
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[quote user="Gardener"]The article also says that the “evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual acts.” IF that still remains true, then any woman whether a chambermaid who may have lied to get a visa or the dregs of humanity such as Rose West, they still deserve justice.[/quote]Hear Hear. Even criminals deserve justice. In my opinion any nonconsensual sexual acts are immoral and the perpetrator desrves to be punished.


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13H25 - Abandon des poursuites? - Me Denis Chemla, avocat aux barreaux de Paris et de New York, estime que le procureur sera contraint d'abandonner les poursuites. Le procureur "peut cependant essayer de négocier avec DSK en vue de ne retenir que des charges moindres comme par exemple l'accusation de séquestration".

"A mon avis DSK va refuser en disant qu'il veut être totalement blanchi. Dès lors, le procureur abandonnera les poursuites car la dernière des choses qu'il souhaite c'est arriver au procès et voir le témoin sur lequel repose entièrement l'accusation massacré par la défense qui montrera que c'est une affabulatrice. Là il perdra son procès et ce sera la catastrophe: il aura traîné quelqu'un en justice, il lui aura fait dépenser des millions de dollars, il l'aura fait démissionner du FMI, l'aura peut-être empêché de se présenter à la présidentielle, pour rien".



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[quote user="Frenchie"]... Remember that for the majority of us, French, private life is private life, and it has nothing to do with politics...[/quote]

Right... private life is private life... nothing to do with politics... must remember that...

I don't remember any "respect for private life" when Rachida Dati decided she would not say who her baby's father was...

The speculation went on for weeks and quite a few names were offered for public consumption, too...

What happened? Was there any respect for her and their private life then?

Or is there "respect for private life" only when it suits the press? Or maybe only for some individuals? Or maybe only for some men? [blink]

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Where did you read that " evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual  acts " ? can't find it ..



2nd page of the NY times link that was posted near the end.

"After the indictment was filed, Mr. Vance spoke briefly on the courthouse steps addressing hundreds of local and foreign reporters who had been camped out in front of the imposing stone edifice. He characterized the charges as “extremely serious” and said the “evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual acts.”
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[quote user="Frenchie"]Where did you read that " evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual  acts " ? can't find it .. [/quote]

2nd page of the NY times link that was posted near the end.

"After the indictment was filed, Mr. Vance spoke briefly on the courthouse steps addressing hundreds of local and foreign reporters who had been camped out in front of the imposing stone edifice. He characterized the charges as “extremely serious” and said the “evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual acts.”
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[quote user="Gardener"][quote user="Frenchie"]Where did you read that " evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual  acts " ? can't find it .. [/quote]
2nd page of the NY times link that was posted near the end. "After the indictment was filed, Mr. Vance spoke briefly on the courthouse steps addressing hundreds of local and foreign reporters who had been camped out in front of the imposing stone edifice. He characterized the charges as “extremely serious” and said the “evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual acts.”[/quote]

"After the indictment".  Was that not before Gardener, at the time of the accusations, and nothing to do with today?


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="Frenchie"]... Remember that for the majority of us, French, private life is private life, and it has nothing to do with politics...[/quote]
Right... private life is private life... nothing to do with politics... must remember that...

I don't remember any "respect for private life" when Rachida Dati decided she would not say who her baby's father was...
The speculation went on for weeks and quite a few names were offered for public consumption, too...
What happened? Was there any respect for her and their private life then?

Or is there "respect for private life" only when it suits the press? Or maybe only for some individuals? Or maybe only for some men? [blink]


Was the name of the father known, or was her private life respected Clair?

I don't remember as it was not of concern to me.


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