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DSK, can we believe this?

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I can believe it!

I think the guy is a sleaze.

I wouldn't be surprised to read that he (re)acted under the pressure of the latest mini-scandals (those we know about): The Porsche and The Suit!

Good riddance!

Having said that, they're all as bad as each other, so his disappearance from the political scene will not provoke a massive change for anyone, except perhaps Martine Aubry (who is barely preferable to Sego in my opinion)...

Got that off my chest!! [:D][:D][:D]

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Not the first time that DSK has been a naughty boy, but one wonders if it just coincidence that all these things are coming out at this particular moment. After all, the dwarf is the one who might benefit the most from discrediting his strongest(?) rival, and I am sure he is capable of letting cats out of the bag as and when necessary, having had control of the French spy setup for so long and gathered the information necessary to plunge the knife deep and definitively.
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I really don't like him either, never have. But one can't help wondering about the timing. I am also reminded of the accusations towards other figures that are an embarrassment and need eliminating, such as Julien Assange, to name but one.  Of course, in Berlusconi's case, there is no question.

So, who could have set up DSK, apart from himself?

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[quote user="woolybanana"]... After all, the dwarf is the one who might benefit the most from discrediting his strongest(?) rival... [/quote]

Is he really?

Martine Aubry would feel slighted by your casual dismissal of her chances! [:D]

Hints and rumours of a set-up are rife.

I am watching i-Tele on the iPad and they're reminding all that he was "blanchi" of previous (2008) allegations of abuse of power, as if all this current misadventure could also be a mountain out of a molehill, presumably as the previous one was.

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Also on i-Tele:

"Americans don't take this kind of allegations lightly (les Americans ne plaisantent pas sur ce genre d'affaires)"

Begs the question... who does?

Marine Le Pen (spit) talks of a "problem, known by the political and news people" concerning DSK's relations with women, "bordering on a pathological obsession, a weakness..."

Worth keeping an eye on (his wife's blog - She is a political commentator/journalist): http://annesinclair.typepad.fr/journal/

Martine Aubry is expected to talk to the news in a few minutes (11:30).

I wonder what François Hollande has to say about this... Does that mean he goes up one seat in list of potentials? Is he in front of or behind Sego?

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Of course we can believe it ! DSK has previous form.....

Another Champagne Socialist bites the dust - wonderful!

Arrested whilst seated in the First Class cabin of his Air France flight about to depart JFK - says it all really! Most probably about to tuck into his pre take off glass of champagne.

Sarko must be throwing another sausage on the barbie this afternoon!

Simon :-)


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[quote user="Simon-come-lately"]


Of course we can believe it ! DSK has previous form.....


The man may be a sleaze, but I don't think an extra marital affair quite equates with what he is being charged with.

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[quote user="5-element"]The whole thing really stinks, all of it, and all of them. How can one be expected to go and vote and kid oneself that things could ever change for the better? [:'(][/quote]

30-odd years ago, I used to hear about the Italian government and think "thank goodness, not here!" (I used to think that in French, not in English! [:P]).

I know better now...

I really really do not believe there's a single one in the current lot of politicians who is in a position to make any change for the better.

As for the cheap "champagne socialist" slur attempt, should a socialist aspire to be poor?

Why make poverty a virtue and riches a sin?

Is the only good socialist a poor socialist?

Do I need to live in a HLM to be a socialist?

Does a good socialist need to wrap him/herself in a cloak of self-righteousness and gloat of his/her superiority because he/she is poorer than another?

The mind boggles... [blink]

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[quote user="Clair"] should a socialist aspire to be poor?
Why make poverty a virtue and riches a sin?
Is the only good socialist a poor socialist?
Do I need to live in a HLM to be a socialist?
Does a good socialist need to wrap him/herself in a cloak of self-righteousness and gloat of his/her superiority because he/she is poorer than another?

[/quote]Dear god, I hope not, or that's me done for.[:)]
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[quote user="woolybanana"]The current crop of so-called socialists in France are however making an issue of the haves and encouraging jealousy of people who have been successful in whatever field. Which is why DSK was being pilloried for his Porsche and suits.[/quote]

Absolutely right.

It's a national trait, which is exploited all the time.

If you're a patron, you're exploiting your workers, the very people who enable your "wealth".

If you have a new car too often, you must be cheating the impôts.

If you drink champagne rather than mousseux, you're a champagne socialist and if you do so whilst flying first-class, well then, you must be a crook!

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[quote user="Clair"] As for the cheap "champagne socialist" slur attempt.....[/quote]

Not 'cheap' (VERY expensive), not a 'slur' and no 'attempt' - just holding up a mirror to the facts.

Touched a nerve have I ?

All for one and one for all! (not)

Simon :-)

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
Winston Churchill

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[quote user="Simon-come-lately"]Touched a nerve have I ?[/quote]

Oh, absolutely!

I do own my house, and I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge (it is my birthday after all) so I suppose that's my card marked! [:D] [:P]

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No nerves touched.  Just yawn-o-rama reaction to those who believe that anyone who thinks that the rich should share some of their good fortune with those less well off is somehow not entitled to be well of her/himself.  Just because one believes that some people are poor through no fault of their own and that any of us could be in that position tomorrow and thus the rest of us have a moral obligation to support them, does that mean that we cannot aspire to a fast car or a fancy suit of clothes?  Just because one believes that in a modern, wealthy and humane society that everybody should have the right to a roof over their heads, free hospital treatment and healthcare, to have food in their stomachs and clothes on their backs regardless of their bank balance, does that mean one can't have a nice house if one has used one's own sweat, effort and/or brain power to get it?

Sweeping generalisations are not, apparently, the exclusive domain of the left, are they?  And a quote from Churchill - a great war leader and orator maybe - doesn't prove anything about socialism, it only tells us about his view of it.

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Ok coops so.....does it go something like this....

1. Of course you're entitled to be well off - so long as you share it......

2. Of course you can aspire to a fast car or a fancy suit of clothes - so long as you share them......

3. Of course you can have a nice house (via whatever means) - so long as your share it....

Oh, and the point about the Churchill quote was that I agree with his view - not that it taught anyone anything about anything.

Simon :-)

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[quote user="Simon-come-lately"]


...Another Champagne Socialist bites the dust - wonderful!


So I take it you believe that his behaviour would be perfectly acceptable if he was from a right-of-centre party?

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The good thing to come out of this is surely that below-stairs can expect to be heard against upstairs,
the bad thing is of course the trial by media, lets hope that a fair trial can ensue. . . .

As for conspiracies, well perhaps he was set up by the right against the left [6]

or as Q might suggest a conspiracy by the US to reduce the effectiveness of the IMF to support the euro[:D][:D]

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[quote user="Will"][quote user="Simon-come-lately"]


...Another Champagne Socialist bites the dust - wonderful!


So I take it you believe that his behaviour would be perfectly acceptable if he was from a right-of-centre party?

Not quite sure how you arrive at that stunning conclusion - don't be a silly willy!!



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