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I am feeling very uneasy about this latest 'affaire' http://goo.gl/lYuJX.


That the policeman was taken into custody feels 'normal' to me. He had shot someone in the back, four times, they were armed, but this person died. Hopefully, this will be investigated properly, that is how it should be, in what may well be 'my' naieve world.


And the police are unhappy and actually took their police cars and had a manifestation on the Champs Elysee. Surely they are not allowed to use their work vehicules to protest in...........something is very wrong if that is allowed!


And then I have seen Sarkozy tonight on the tv saying that the forces of law and order should be able to go about their 'business' and not be taken into custody if someone is killed. WHAT is going on? How can the current president be saying such a thing. I have too many memories of young maghrebhin men and even boys, being shot by the police or gendarmes, when they were not armed and actually not doing anything wrong.


So beware if you don't look french, or your skin is olive or darker, you could be fair game if Sarkozy gets in again. The police and gendarmes may be given what I consider, a license to kill............ you......... me......... who knows!


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[quote user="woolybanana"]

Sarkozy has suggested that there should be a presumption of innocence for the police. Frightening, especially as it was part of the Le Pen agenda.



So when I wish to make a complaint the next time I get hanfcuffed to the railings opposite the Hôtel de Ville in Paris; instead of being advised that I'll get stuck in a cell and beaten up I will be shot in the back.

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="woolybanana"]

Sarkozy has suggested that there should be a presumption of innocence for the police. Frightening, especially as it was part of the Le Pen agenda.



So when I wish to make a complaint the next time I get hanfcuffed to the railings opposite the Hôtel de Ville in Paris; instead of being advised that I'll get stuck in a cell and beaten up I will be shot in the back.


And worth remembering that when Marine Le Pen announced the proposed policy, it was immediately ridiculed, out of hand, by Sarko's Minister of the Interior as being nothing more than...

                                        A LICENCE TO KILL


The manifestation of the dulcet tones of political opportunism.

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Yesterday he chilled my blood with his speech about this.

This actually feels worse to me than in 2002 when it was a contest between Chirac and Le Pen. At least Chirac did not appear to have caught the contagion of extreme right wing'ism............. and I never thought I would have ever had anything decent to say about Chirac!  



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[quote user="idun"]This actually feels worse to me than in 2002 when it was a contest between Chirac and Le Pen. At least Chirac did not appear to have caught the contagion of extreme right wing'ism............. and I never thought I would have ever had anything decent to say about Chirac!  [/quote]

Yes, but Chirac had to attract the LEFT-wing voters that time, since Jospin seemed to have forgotten to campaign in the first round.

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[quote user="idun"]

Yesterday he chilled my blood with his speech about this.

This actually feels worse to me than in 2002 when it was a contest between Chirac and Le Pen. At least Chirac did not appear to have caught the contagion of extreme right wing'ism............. and I never thought I would have ever had anything decent to say about Chirac!  




Chirac was a gentleman and a Gaullist with character and some moral scruples.

There are already mutterings close by across the border in La Vienne, fief de Raffarin ancien first minister of Chirac as to the "yellow" line in the sand that Sarko has crossed.

OT: On wednesday morning the water was cut off so I wandered up the road to where the contractors were doing the final connection to replaca an old fibro-cement pipe.

On the agenda, in fact , to plumbt the philosophy of the new sarko Mantra, namely " le vrai travail". Was cutting of my water un vrai travail or just to m'emmerder etc etc.

On of the workers rhetorical questions was..." Vous savez pouquoi les francais ont choisi le coq  comme leur mascotte nationale...parce que c'était le seul animal qui voulait chanter La Marseillaise avec deux pieds dans la merde."

A degree of resigned french peasant panache.

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PPP said:

On of the workers rhetorical questions was..." Vous savez pouquoi les francais ont choisi le coq  comme leur mascotte nationale...parce que c'était le seul animal qui voulait chanter La Marseillaise avec deux pieds dans la me r   de."



[:D][:D][:D] Always amused me.




PPP, I don't remember Chirac like that. We went from Tonton to Black Jack and neither felt to me like they were upstanding characters in any way what so ever.

When I moved to France, I was a republican. Within a couple of years, I realised that I prefered the UK royalist system and still do. I could never have imagined  me feeling like that, ever. And would I have wanted the likes of Thatcher or Blair with the ultimate pouvoir....... I would never want that. 

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