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Should have known better!


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Totally agree, as I said on another thread.
These half-wit nonentities would be of no interest if it wasn't for the accident of who screwed their mother.

More serious is the extraordinary stupidity of the great British public who don't see this together with the ridiculous so called 'Golden Summer' of the two Olympics as a way of diverting attention away from the disastrous policies and record of the failing coalition


Wasn't it a good thing you moved to France !

Or is it pique? Paris didn't get the Olympics and neither does France have a Royal family.......whether you think either is good or bad there is no need to be rude, oh and  two of the 'half wit nonentities are serving their country, one in Apache helicopters in a theatre of war and the other flying a helicopter and saving lives with air/sea rescue. They aren't the first generation of the Royal family to engage in active service either, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Prince Andrew all served their country, two at the time of conflict.

IMHO the photographer was not much more than a peeping Tom.

For a change the Uk did have a 'lovely' summer, if you think that blinds the population to other things going on then I think you'll find you are mistaken, it is, as we knew it would be, all there waiting for us when summer is over, does that mean we can't enjoy what was taking place ? I think not.

Really Norman.....somedays.....[Www][Www]

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Zit just my imagination, or :

1.Wasn't it NuLabour under Tone who orchestrated the Olympic bid?

2. Does Norman really believe that the UK's almost unprecedented Olympic success was orchestrated by Downing Street?

3. Has Norman just joined the ranks of those whose outrage that the topless photo fandango merits any discussion doesn't extend to non-participation?

Can't stay...I've got to try and finish The Iliad before bed. And I need to set aside some time to worry about Africa and Syria

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'Wasn't it a good thing you moved to France !'

Sometimes I wonder why you post on here, since you have no idea of the major currents of opinion in the country which is the reason for this Forum.

You live in England and don't seem to be very aware of what other countries think. Perhaps you find languages challenging, but that is no reason to willingly  misunderstand  those of us who don't share your handicap.

Only the English  cared about the Olympics, because they were brainwashed to believe that it was something important. Similarly with this none-story about nonentities.

Please quote me examples  from the press of  other major European nations  which equals the frenzy given to these non-issues such as the Olympics in the UK (24 TV channels in the UK, 1 at a time in France), and this concern about something of no  importance  in a world where people are starving and being oppressed every day.

Isn't this a much more important story than concern about yet another Royal tart's tits?


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2. Does Norman really believe that the UK's almost unprecedented Olympic success was orchestrated by Downing Street?

I was totally unaware of this as was most of the world not manipulated by the British press.

Can't stay...I've got to try and finish The Iliad before bed.

I had to read it at 14 in Greek. Didn't you?

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"extraordinary stupidity of the great British public "

Steady on Norman. Do you really believe that everyone in Britain was completely uncritical of the Olympics ?

If I may remind posters this thread is supposed to be about the photographs of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on a private holiday at a villa owned by his cousin. I simply cannot see why they should be treated any differently from my relatives who are sometimes 'topless' sunbathers on my little terrace and the French courts agree with me.


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[quote user="NormanH"]

Only the English  cared about the Olympics, because they were brainwashed to believe that it was something important. Similarly with this none-story about nonentities.

Please quote me examples  from the press of  other major European nations  which equals the frenzy given to these non-issues such as the Olympics in the UK (24 TV channels in the UK, 1 at a time in France), and this concern about something of no  importance  in a world where people are starving and being oppressed every day.


Throughout the entire period of the Olympics, and, indeed, the preceding weeks including the Tour de France, I was in France. If my eyes and ears did not deceive me, the latter was broadcast live and in real time on French TV for its duration. Despite being won (and led for the most part) by a British cyclist, the Tour was only broadcast for a few hours a day on a minority UK channel. The former was a daily topic of conversation at least in the area of France in which I was staying. It was also being watched by most people with whom I had daily contact. They appeared to have been watching it on TV. Whether there were 24 channels or one at a time doesn't make much difference. One can still only watch one at a time. Had Paris won the Olympic bid, I suspect there would have been just as much emphasis placed upon the proceedings in France.

"The press of other European nations" - ha! Do you keep abreast of all of them, Norman?

Yet again, what exactly is the point of trying to claim some sort of moral or intellectual superiority by mentioning the starving and oppressed. Do you assume that everyone but you has only sufficient intellectual capacity to cope with one issue at a time?

I did Latin at school. [:D]

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Norman, Frankly I think you are misinformed as to the purpose of this forum. It is for people who are interested in France, who holiday there or who have second homes there, or indeed who live there.

I'm not going to explain my 'interests' in France to you, suffice to say I know quite a lot of French people, some pretty well. I have dealings with both French and English speaking people living in France, most days, sometimes on business and sometimes for pleasure, completely apart from this forum. 

 All I can say is not everyone thinks like you ! (And if they did the pictures in question would have been of no interest whatsoever )

I was here during the Olympics and know that the majority of people really embraced it, even if they had not been looking forward to it before, no one thought it was the end of our problems, but it was something completely different and it was refreshing to see people who had really achieved something get the kudos they deserved rather than someone manufactured by the X Factor or somesuch

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[quote user="NormanH"]

Only the English  cared about the Olympics, because they were brainwashed to believe that it was something important. Similarly with this none-story about nonentities.
[/quote]Not just the english. We scots enjoyed the games too. [:)]. I think you'll find lots of people in many countries enjoyed the games. Of course the BBC had to televise all the action as they were supplying all the pictures. Other countries just added their own commentary.  It was not obligatory to watch any of it if you didn't want to. Wonderful thing freedom of choice.
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Norman wrote:- Totally agree, as I said on another thread.

These half-wit nonentities would be of no interest if it wasn't for the accident of who screwed their mother.

More serious is the extraordinary stupidity of the great British public who don't see this together with the ridiculous so called 'Golden Summer' of the two Olympics as a way of diverting attention away from the disastrous policies and record of the failing coalition


I wonder how many of you spluttering in your early morning coffees buy OK and Hello magazines to look at the pictures of "celebrities" falling out of taxis or showing too much flesh whilst on a private holiday?

I bought the "Closer" the other day to see what all the fuss was about. It's seems to be the same sort of stuff as in OK and Hello.

As for the Olympics I watched a session in the velodrome and a couple of days in the athletic stadium watching some wonderful performances by some world class athletes, apparently they were handicapped! It didn't appear so from where I was sitting, they just seemed like fantastic competitors to me.

It was a brilliant experience and one of the best of my long life.

I looked up the biographies of some of the competitors when I got back. I am now even more in admiration of them all.

Yes I know, how stupid of me to be taken in by it all!

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I same Normans comment the other day and forgot to post my response to his comment of "These half-wit nonentities". I beg to differ on the half-wit bit. Yes I admit that Prince Charles is a bit eccentric but he holds a PPL for twin engine aircraft and has flown a few fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft in both the RAF and Navy. His two son's both fly helicopters and believe me there is no way a "half-wit" could do such a thing which I suspect is way beyond most people in our forum. Never met the Queen but met the Queen mum and had about 90 seconds of conversation with her. She seemed OK to me and knew what she was talking about and asked quite intelligent questions mor than I can say for MP's on PM's questions.
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[quote user="NormanH"]2. Does Norman really believe that the UK's almost unprecedented Olympic success was orchestrated by Downing Street?
I was totally unaware of this as was most of the world not manipulated by the British press.

Can't stay...I've got to try and finish The Iliad before bed.
I had to read it at 14 in Greek. Didn't you?

You must have been a young prodigy - or are you greek?

I didn't start to learn Greek until 15, and certainly was not able, nor expected, to read the Iliad for quite some time.

Sad that you now live in a Beziers barrel. Or did you decide to follow that old ascetic fart literally?[:D]

Incidentally, I really don't think you should refer to young ladies who you don't even know as "tarts", even if they marry into a family of which you don't approve. You're just falling back on the old socialist tactic of insulting those you don't agree with.

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