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So, will he go to prison?

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Or is it a plot to stop Sarkozy running again, or part of a plot by the examining magistrates who hated him? The war of words goes on.[/quote]

I doubt that he would go to prison. Even if found guilty, he'd get a suspended sentence and be cleared on appeal. Look at Juppé - banned from holding public office for 10 years, then within 2 years he is back in power after an appeal! And de Villepin?

As I wrote this, I realised just how many of the politicians have been up before the beak on significant charges ...

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He is obviously a poor victim of misguided accusations....in 4 different affairs [:)]

He won't go to prison and I doubt he will be found guilty, but it might hamstring his capacity to wheel and deal for a while in his attempt to be re-elected in 2017.

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I think it was he who wished to  throttle the independence of the legal system and bring it under the control of the Ministry.

In  any case these affairs are always murky and full of dirty tricks, as was seen in the Clearstream business.

 It is Sarkozy's ex speechwriter  Henri "Guano" (sic) who is behind the accusations against  the judge and the judge is probably going to sue


In a strangely timed co-incidence did you note the "suicide" of the avocat Olivier Metzner, very much implicated in defending some of the people in these cases, found dead in the water off his private island in the Gulf of Morbihan?


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