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Channel 4: The Returned

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[quote user="Clair"] We're still nowhere near

finding out who Victor is... [/quote]

I first thought he might be a child (ie, a baby or infant) that Julie lost or

aborted... but that doesn't stand up to scrutiny as it would appear that the

returned haven't aged... judging by Simon and Camille. So perhaps her history

(whatever it might be but there is one judging by her tears and the scars)

makes her receptive to taking care of a child like Victor. Dunno.

[quote user="Clair"]And what about the young man beaten about the

head by the bar owner? and the dead hanging wolf (?) suddenly revived?[/quote]

Simon losing it in the bar puzzled me... perhaps they all have self-control

issues when they return. Their humanity is residual? Camille trashing her

sister's room, for eg. The dog (I assumed dog rather than wolf) was there to be

taxidermied, perhaps? because there were other stuffed animals in the house.

Bit of a bummer if they all start returning... [+o(] Nice that the bar owner

has a shotgun a) within easy reach and b) fully-loaded when he needs it. So

French. [;-)]

The guy who bar owner / taxidermist belted round the head with a shovel is the

killer (well, perhaps not killer) of underpass woman, isn't he? Judging by

clothes and by blood-spattered front? And bar owner is his brother? Or father?

Sometimes I'm so busy looking at the scene, I neither take in the French or get

to the sub-titles fast enough.

[quote user="Clair"]And there's something I don't like about the

religious counsellor bloke. He's more dodgy than anyone else...[/quote]

It's his mouth... there's something odd about it. Not the actor's fault, I'm

sure... I wonder if he's involved in the how / why of those returning.

The almost wedding service between Simon and Adèle... that was a church, wasn't

it? So they must have had the civil ceremony prior to any religious service? In

which case, Simon and Adèle were married... [8-)]



is really really good telly.
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But Catalpa, I do know some french people who have been married properly via the civil service, but do not believe themselves actually married until they have been through the church ceremony. So they have had the civil ceremony and returned to their own parent's homes until the church wedding. Such is the way some people believe.

I kept popping in to watch as that is not far from where I lived and it was lovely to see so many places that are so familiar to me. I really do not like creepy things, so will not manage a full episode.

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Idun, you miss my point. Which, since you aren't actually watching the series, isn't surprising.

Regardless of what French people think about civil vs religious ceremonies, if Adèle and Simon had their civil ceremony ahead of what looked like the religious ceremony, then they were married before he died. Now he has returned - and I'm guessing she will shortly realise that he's not an hallucination and is still "alive" - they're presumably still married. Which kinda puts a dampener on her imminent nuptials with Monsieur Gendarme (whose name escapes me).

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Who watched it last night? It was, once again, gripping: the policeman watching, on CCTV, his bride and her 'dead' fiancee embracing; the fact that Julie's stomach stars were the result of an underpass knife attack. I didn't understand what was in the kitchen bin (at Camille's) that was attracting the flies. Something dead, a cat? And why in the bin ... that wasn't explained.

And spooky Victor, the silent boy. After Julie's neighbour threatened to inform the authorities, he went over there and ... did what? Clearly she's dead now.

Where does he fit in with the knifeman in the lobby entrance who attacked Julie. Was that in her mind? Or is Victor the knifeman in some changed way?

Gripping, really is. What does everyone else think? What is your theory?
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Sorry, I cannot comment on last night's episode as I didn't watch it...

I went to bed very early (for me!) and only caught the attck at the beginning. But I am recording the whole series, so I'll catch up later [:D]

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[quote user="nectarine"]Who watched it last night? [/quote]

Meeeeeee... I watched it. So Clair, look away now... unless you've caught up.

Another engrossing episode. I still have no

idea what's going on... especially with the plumbing. The town seems to

have France's total allocation of cctv; is Camille's snacking habit now

grabbing the family cat off the end of the bed and chomping down? The

scene with Laure and Julie in their pvc onesies does at least explain

why Laure was so intense when interviewing the murder suspect last


I think Julie did see the killer in the hoodie

(that's Serge, right? He arrived to say hi to his taxidermist brother

wearing hoodie and suspiciously blood-stained t-shirt) but I think

Victor summoned the killer in some way... I really hope that little

Victor didn't take Mrs Nosy Neighbour's offer of "something to eat" that

literally. [:-))] Anyway, I think the killer was at the apartement

block to take care of Mrs Neighbour but, having seen him from the bus,

Julie then hallucinated him and was 'saved' by Victor.

I really

hope that the show is bought to an imaginative, quality conclusion and

that the writer doesn't just tell a good story but is capable of

providing a satisfying ending too.
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Following the mention of  Fred Vargas, googled her name, and found this interview with her from 2004.


Bit spooky, could have been written in last few weeks

"since she declared her support for an Italian author faced with extradition, her calls are monitored and she is followed by the intelligence services".  


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I've just caught up with last Sunday's episode and am more confused than ever!

SPOILER...if you haven't yet watched it

Is Pierre really part of the gang who appear to have killed Victor and his family?????

Lena's injury is getting rather gruesome....is it Camille sucking the life from her, vampire-style?

I'm hoping that the knife-wielding returned brother (can't remember his name) is going to help her rather than add to her heap of problems by knifing her!

I'm really hoping that the series has a "good" ending - by that I don't mean "happy ever after" but a well-written one to match the series (so far).


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Well, we're certainly encouraged to think that Pierre was the killer with a conscience... and more to the point, I reckon that's what Victor thinks... [:-))]

I can't figure out Léna's wound... maybe as they are twins, that's the injury that Camille suffered during the bus accident? They're getting to be a jolly little gang up at the Helping Hand... Victor, Mrs Costa, Simon...

Serge is the serial killer... poor Léna but really, empty road vs that underpass... I'd walk across the road every time.

I can't believe the ending will be as good as the story - it's a rare writer that has the imagination to follow through with a really satisfying, original ending. But I'm enjoying the storytelling...

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