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I posted this on another forum and am repeating it here hoping for some responses.

Has anyone experience of using one of the fumigene bombes in an occupied and decorated house?

I used one on the building 8 years ago as it had lain derelict for years and the cellar had been used for commercial growing of maggots for fishing bait so basically there were flies, roaches, spiders you name it, it did a good job and IIRC I did sleep there that night, my first night in fact but I was pretty much camping then and not cooking/eating etc.

I have one burning in the cellar at the moment and I just held my breath for a look and it is absolutely full of noxious smoke, my flat is the attached outbuilding so none coming my way at the moment but I do need to treat that as well as I mistakenly left my kitchen waste bin inside and then went away for a 3 month stretch, I dont know how long it was before my pal opened it to chuck away the junk mail but it released thousands of mouchettes who have in turn boosted the population of spiders, I think there are fleas and lice as well, en bref I have to fumigate it and next Monday is the day as I will be away all day at the lycée.

My concern is what am I going to return to, will the decoration be smoke damaged? its already looking pretty rough with all the flie spots, will my fruit and veg etc become contaminated?

Should i open all the cupboards and wardrobes (makes sense to do so) or will that again contaminate food and my clothes, bedding etc.

Will it be OK to sleep there that night? before I was in the middle of a 63m2 piece with massive doors and windows on the ground of 3 floors which I was able to aerate well, now its a tiny bedroom of less than 9m2.

Any tips or advice please?

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After a dreadful summer of flies I bought three of those and put one in the basement, one in the house and one in the loft and lit them all then scarpered and went out for the day. When I got back, my floor was littered with dead insects (quite a satisfying crunch as I walked over them) but, on the bad side, all my furniture and bed was also covered as I hadn't bothered to put a sheet over anything. None of the furnishings were damaged in any way. But I wouldn't trust fruit that was left out ... I put everything like that in the fridge.

What I did the next day was take all the bedding and air it properly outside but it didn't smell at all.

I hope your fumigation is successful.
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I have used them a few times with no ill effects for the decor or fittings etc.

A quick wipe down on the kitchen surfaces, and I wouldnt be eating any food that has been left out though.

Before use, I stripped the bed, gave the sheets a boil wash and the duvet went in the bin (it was a bit manky anyway) I had propped up the mattress so the smoke could circulate fully, and gave it a quick spin over with the hoover before making the bed again. I had also left all cupboards, wardrobe etc open with no problems.

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Where did you buy your bombe, Chancer? Point Vert or similar agricultural / horticultural emporium?

We have an outbuilding that has only been used for storage - hay, straw etc - for about the past 12 years and it is jumping with fleas and other bite-y things... that appear not to have had a good feed on warm blood for about the same length of time. [+o(] Clearing the building hasn't cleared the insects so something serious needs to be done before I can start to use it and a bombe sounds just the thing.

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The gamme vert ones were smaller and far more expensive than the bricolage ones.

I cant find my old one in the rubbish bin as its full of fruit n veg peelings but it was suitable for up to 100M2 or may have been 100M3, a point to watch, given the amount of choking smoke that it issued one would be enough for a whole house.

And the good news, I no longer itch and scratch in bed!!!!

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