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As a pet owner I feel I have the responsibility to keep my pet under control as far as possible and to see that it does not annoy my neighbours. However I also feel I have a right to expect them to obey the law about the use of poison and guns. Apart from anything else has lehaut considered the effects the poison could have on other wild life
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Sadly it would appear that there are few responsible owners of cats such as yourselves. Yes, gentle converstations with owners have produced no perceptable results. Cat owners often think that their cats have rights that are different to other animals. Long converstions with owners who actually encourage strays by feeding them and their kittens ony served to make the problem worse as they cannot understand any other point of view. People don't take their responsibilties seriously. If people let their cats roam irresponsibly there are consequences. It is one of the downsides of living in a big town.

This is taken from a Cat site,


ATTENTION le fait que votre compagnon soit identifié et se promène à moins de 1000mètres de votre habitation ne vous dédouane pas des dégats qu'il pourrait occasionner

conséquence: si le voisin attrape votre ami et l'identifie il peut vous attaquer pour défaut de garde et vous demander réparation

idem si votre chat blesse l'un de ses animaux!!!


l'article L211-27 du code rural permet aux associations de protection des animaux d'entrer en collaboration avec la municipalité pour capturer, stériliser, identifier puis nourrir les chats errants qui n'ont pas de proprios

lorsque vous trouvez des chats errants et envisagez de vous en occuper vous avez interet à passer par ce type d'assoc pour éviter que d'autres voisins moins complaisants ne se plaignent en mairie de leur prolifération et de leurs nuisances comme cela arrive malheureusement très souvent !!

The law is also unclear:

Il est courant de laisser son chat se promener en toute liberté autour de la maison. Toutefois, la législation sur ce sujet est assez floue. Selon l’article 622-2 du Code pénal, « le fait, par le gardien d’un animal susceptible de présenter un danger pour les personnes, de laisser divaguer cet animal est puni de l’amende prévue pour les contraventions de la 2 e classe »

Cats are animals that can be classed as presenting a danger.

I will have to accept that there are two types of people, cat lovers and the rest!

Of course I would never condone entering anyone elses property to do harm or danger to them, their animals, or property or leave substances easily available that could harm wild life.

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I think the people who are appalled at your attitude are those people who are responsible owners.

You missed some important information from the quote, or mis-understood. The 622-2 code has been predominately defined for those people using animals as weapons to kill or injure i.e dogs. I think you would be really stretching the point of law to include cats in that.

Domesticated animals are protected by law and are subjected to the same laws of ownership as other more obvious objects. So, you would be penalised for harming my cat in as much the same way you would be penalised for throwing a brick through my car windscreen.

You can, of course, use the law to receive compensation for any damage some ones cat (or any 'owned' animal) had done to your property, as long as you could prove it and have the evidence. I suggest you try using the law to help you rather than what are advocating if you are so incensed. We had a problem with next doors lambs breaking through and causing damage. Rather than shoot the feckers and put them in the freezer...which I think is on a par with your thinking, i.e. it's on my land I can do what the hell I want, we talked to the owner who agreed that it was unacceptable behaviour and he made good.

I re-iterate, what you are doing is illegal.

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Suggest we give this up Lehaut (Sp? don't really care if I get this person's name wrong - not one I want to remember) is clearly a troll and the avatar says it all - all at sea and in the middle of a storm.

The fact that they quote code - relevant or irrelevant - suggests there is no sense of compromise they "know" their rights and will pursue them to the illogical conclusion.

Thank dog Normandy is a world away.
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Mrs 'Q' read the thread yesterday and sent be an email today asking if he/she or whatever lived near us.

She also said it reminded her of an old Jasper Carrot story (thinks it was him) about the guy who had a mole problem sitting in his garden all through the night with a shotgun and a touch attached. I vaguely remember the sketch and it did make me laugh.

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[quote user="The Riff-Raff Element"]Do cats eat moles? I seem to recall reading somewhere that they (moles - and probably cats too) taste bad. If cats do then I suppose it would be one very small point in their favour.

Ours have caught a couple over the years but they need to be above ground. One of our dogs is good at digging them out but I do not know what is worse the mole hills and tracks or the piles of earth where the dog has dug them out. We have seen the dog and one of the cats work together. The dog digging furiously and the cat sitting a metre away waiting for the mole to appear. Moles have really nice soft fine fur by the way.

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[quote user="The Riff-Raff Element"][quote user="Quillan"]Moles have really nice soft fine fur by the way.[/quote]

When I was, oh, about seven years old I was presented with a pair of moleskin trousers and I recall thinking "how ever many moles did they have to skin to make these?"


Moleskin trousers should be made out of cotton....... not moles' skins.

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[quote user="Araucaria"][quote user="The Riff-Raff Element"][quote user="Quillan"]Moles have really nice soft fine fur by the way.[/quote]

When I was, oh, about seven years old I was presented with a pair of moleskin trousers and I recall thinking "how ever many moles did they have to skin to make these?"


Moleskin trousers should be made out of cotton....... not moles' skins.


Indeed. I realised this (without resort to Wikipedia) a little later when I noted that the care label recommended laundering at 40°C cottons / colours. Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry.

Real mole skin would obviously have required dry cleaning.

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[quote user="The Riff-Raff Element"]

Indeed. I realised this (without resort to Wikipedia) a little later when I noted that the care label recommended laundering at 40°C cottons / colours. Do not bleach. Do not tumble dry.

Real mole skin would obviously have required dry cleaning.

Well, I never realised that!

You mean moles get out of their skins every now and again and take them down to the dry-cleaners?

I somehow don't think that could be right?[8-)]

PS  As Christine has said, nice to see you again, R-R.

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[quote user="The Riff-Raff Element"][quote user="sweet 17"]

You mean moles get out of their skins every now and again and take them down to the dry-cleaners?

I somehow don't think that could be right?[8-)]


Who knows what strange things may go in  the darkest France. Quite literally in the case of moles.

Oh, R-R, have you been watching the repeats of those le Carre films on British TV?[:P]

Of course, if you are into period drama instead, aren't moles those dark artificial patches they put on their faces because moles were meant to be beautiful?

Perhaps I am indeed very beautiful, judging by the age spots, moles, sun-damaged splodges I have on my face?[:$]

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