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I think I've removed all the spam that appeared this morning.

Many thanks to all who reported it. Having spent ages deleting it all and being rather busy I hope that you will all take this as a personal thank you.

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I don't know how many new users the Forum is getting at the moment, but I suspect that the rate of new joinees is fairly low. On that basis, and in the full knowledge that this imposes yet another burden on the mods, is it feasible to turn on the "first post moderation" feature of the forum software? Apart from the spammers, we have also an increase in the "I'm posting an advert dressed as a question" and the "I have nothing to do with France, will be contributing nothing to your forum, but expect you to respond to my ill-thought-out survey whose results I will not bother to feed back to the forum" - type of posts.

On the latter issue, I may be being excessively grumpy today, but having been involved in the past with student research projects, most universities have rules about how students should go about collecting survey data (whether the students bother to read them or abide by them is, however, another matter), which have several aims, including:

Ensuring relevance of the survey to respondents (otherwise the data collected is rubbish, the research methodology is poor and the time of the student and respondent is being wasted)

Ensuring that the survey follows ethical guidelines (eg if the survey is actually being carried out for a commercial organisation, directly or indirectly, then this should be revealed)

Ensuring timely feedback to participants

Ensuring that the reputation of the institution is not damaged

Ensuring that retaliatory blanket bans on all surveys are not imposed by fed-up moderators!

I suggest that we add a sticky to the Forum requiring those who are joining solely for the purpose of posting survey requests to contact admin or mods BEFORE doing so, and that requests should clearly indicate:

1) the context of the survey research (eg post-graduate, undergraduate, primary/secondary school project, or whatever)

2) the full purpose of the research

3) whether the survey is directly or indirectly being carried out for a business, and if so, what consideration, material or in kind, is being provided by the client (eg someone's getting paid for this!)

4) who is supervising (named individual member of staff to whom complaints can be made if necessary - eg on the failure to post feedback

5) timescale for feedback

I am concerned that the most recent survey request appears to be directed at gathering data for a commercial organisation under the guise of a student project - and annoyed that the "student" has chosen to post again to bring the thread back up the list rather than let it drop off.

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[quote user="Pickles"]I don't know how many new users the Forum is getting at the moment, but I suspect that the rate of new joinees is fairly low. On that basis, and in the full knowledge that this imposes yet another burden on the mods, is it feasible to turn on the "first post moderation" feature of the forum software? Apart from the spammers, we have also an increase in the "I'm posting an advert dressed as a question" and the "I have nothing to do with France, will be contributing nothing to your forum, but expect you to respond to my ill-thought-out survey whose results I will not bother to feed back to the forum" - type of posts.


Oh, Pickles, how well you have summarised all that I thought and would have said if I could have done it so well!

I would also add that there has definitely been an increase of people who come here only when they have questions they seek answers to but rarely respond to others' posts.  I don't mean provide answers (heaven forbid!) but not even to make a comment or express an opinion.

I do realise that in "real" life, there are people who are shy or reticent and who don't wish to speak.  But, come on, not even to write a sentence or two in a sort of reciprocal dialogue? [blink]

There are some things which no one can do anything about so I am not asking the mods to lay down further rules, there will always be those who are happy to take and not give.

IMO, these sorts are rude and selfish.  There, said it now, and perhaps I'll provoke a rash of condemnatory posts?[:D]

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Seconded Sweets, although there are less pool owners and DIY ers in general, I try to help out, sometimes with tongue firmly in cheek and there are definitely areas of french life I dont understand esp the gite tax changes etc which I am greatful for assistance with. On another non french forum new posters cant post without a MOD looking over the content for the first few posts.
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Sorry, different opinion......

This seems quite a well disciplined forum and surely it is not that difficult for ordinary members to report a suspicious thread for the mods to take action if appropriate, than to give them more work policing new members. As has been said new members are needed and it does not need obstacles to be put in their way.

Whenever I have made a report action has been swift.
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And it's started again. Dunno if the Forum software allows banning via IP but it looks like it is the same crowd as this morning. I suspect that he/she/it is working on the premise that it is a bank holiday tomorrow and after the working day today, so it will not get attended to.

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Pickles, as this forum shares software with several other Archant related forums, I suspect that if we activated 1st post moderation it would have to be across the board.....somehow I doubt that will happen( or actually that things could ever be that 'joined up' ,,,jeez, did I say that ? ;-) )
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