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Criminal appeals

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Gave up having convictions years ago, Paul. Like Norman, duckin and divin, the end justifies the means, devil takes the hindmost etc.

Nowadays, if I am gonna travel in crowded places, always chew garlic first then breath out, get a seat etc.

Did draw the line at coughing and muttering aloud that I had just returned from West Africa as it seemed unfair to the peoples of those places.

No, what concerns me is the number of people who have successfully overturned criminal convictions in France; I have a feeling I heard it was incredibly low which could mean either the system is very good in the first place, or very, very bad. Just ponderin.

Thought it would draw Norman out of his reveries a bit too.
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Well you had me wondering too, so I looked at INSEE, Service Public.fr, and all sorts of gouv. legal sites in France and then the European Court of Justice and couldn't find a thing, other than how to go about it.

I'm sure others may find something, but I didn't.

System good, well, from the little I have seen of it, it stinks. In fact the guilty in at least one case did not even have it recorded, and I am so angry about that, as I know the victim. And let's face it, the delays in even getting to court and having to  be in prison until the case, means that you could die before you get a judgement.

IF you find some decent info, I am wondering how much reported crime is actually solved in France, bearing in mind that all french people have to give their finger prints to get their ID cards....... at least they always used to.

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Yes, giving fingerprints.......

I am quite happy for the authorities to have mine and DNA and if every one did then it would be far easier to solve crimes, but no civil liberties and privacy is quoted for not giving them.

There have been a number of crimes solved from years back but only after a driver has had to give samples because they have been stopped for drink driving and then a match is found.
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Apologies to woolybanana for going slightly OT, but this, to me, is one law that France should get a grip with and change now.


"Au mois de novembre, un Limougeaud s’est fait dérober son arme de chasse

après un vol à la roulotte dans sa voiture à Limoges. L’auteur du vol a

pu être identifié par la police grâce une vidéo. 


les images, un jeune âgé de 12 ans, frère de la “terreur” de Limoges,

est clairement vu en train de s’enfuir avec l’arme en question. 

Le mineur est irresponsable pénalement en raison de son âge. Quant à l’arme, elle est toujours dans la nature."

They know who the 'child' is but can do nothing?[:@]

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