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My neighbor is planning on extending/adding to their tunneil, which if they do will significantly impact upon my existing river view. Short of speaking to the Mairie as I do not yet want to cause any angst with my neighbor, are there legal grounds that I could politely suggest to my neighbor so that he shouldn't attempt this renovation.  I am not sure that he is going to apply for the proper permitting so I don't know if I can count  on the Battiment de France to protect my interests.



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Ah, here I am correcting my own posts.  Thats a "tonnelle", not a tunneil.

Also, I not looking for legal grounds, just an understanding of what my legal rights would be in protecting my view.

Thanks again.  I'm now going to paint the "preview" button red so that my old eyes can see it better.


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I would say so, Gay.  An arbour or pergola.

If it is a permanent, fixed structure then it should be subject to a declaration des travaux.  If the neighbour is unwilling to change plans or compromise and you can't come to an amicable and informal agreement, I would check at the Mairie and ask what options are open to you and if you have a right to object if you do not like these plans.  I don't see the point of laying down the law to him in person if he won't settle it amicably - I would just go ahead and apply it, assuming the Mairie says you have grounds for objection.

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After much thought...and a bottle of wine, I decided to keep peace in the valley and not challenge the construction.  The benefit of saving the view would be destroyed by feeling uncomfortable sitting out there while my neghbor glares at me.

In life, you only get so many battles that you are allowed to win. Gotta choose them wisely.

Thanks to evryone for the input.


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"After much thought...and a bottle of wine, I decided to keep peace in the valley and not challenge the construction"

I think that's very generous of you but  it might be a good idea to ask your neighbour round for a lunchtime apero (i.e. in the daylight). Ask where exactly his pergola will be placed and then during this discussion perhaps you can point out the implications that it will have on your view, say it will be a shame for you but you can appreciate why he wants to build one.[;-)] You never know, you may be able to reach a compromise.

Looking on the bright side, if it is a pergola then the design may be quite open and your view not completely blocked. On the other hand modern tonelles often have canvas roofing and walls so one of these would not be so great.


Good luck and let us know how you get on.[:)]

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