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There have been plenty of posts about the UK and the EU, but now the FN are gaining popularity in France, or so it appears, then it has to be said that they are anti EU and anti €.

So who knows, maybe the UK will stay in..... but what if France left??????

And is anyone worried about these recent elections and how it could affect them, what with being foreigners?

I confess when J-M Le Pen was up against Chirac, I was worried, maybe I should not have been, but I was.

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I was worried then too, Idun. 2005, soon after we arrived. I remember

being in M. Bricolage and one of the men working there said to us "What do you think of France? For President we have a choice between a criminal and a n..a..z..i."

On Monday I was in our local market, Mirande, and they were out in force with their leaflets promoting Louis Aliot. A real turncoat, his mother was  an Algerian immigrant with a Jewish father. One of them tried to give me a leaflet and I told  him what I thought of his candidate. We don't have a vote in regional elections anyway. 

They've had an office in Mirande for some time now and I've often thought of going in to ask them what they would do with us if they were in power (socialists, English immigrants , Jews.) I might do that now.

I just hope these results are a flash in the pan.

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In an interview on BBC's Hardtalk some 3 or so years ago, Marine made it very clear that the FN was not targeting West Europeans in their anti foreigner propaganda.

In fact everything she said was frighteningly logical and reasonable - at face value at least.
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I have seen and heard enough of 'protest' votes and last time it frightened some as to what had happened. Doesn't seem to be having the same effect this time, from a distance, doesn't 'feel' the same.

OK, so I 'only' see french news and talk to my son and french friends,  however, this is massive, in fact looking at the figures all over europe, there is a movement at work at the moment. All on France 2 news tonight.

Personally I find it disturbing and I have no idea why Sarko has been looking so smug... at least that is what he looks like to me.

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It's all going jolly well, isn't it? ?

I wonder what a world will look like when international summits are attended by presidents Trump, Le Pen and Putin, and PM Farage ( although the last is of course and thankfully the biggest stretch of the imagination)?

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