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Lots of cars come with slightly tinted windows as standard. They are of course perfectly EU legal and are nothing like the 'Gangsta look'. YUK!

It's to do with the percentage of light that can be transmitted that defines illegal or not.

Also, the regulations for front side and rear windows is different. That's why you see Limo's with blacked out rear windows.

I'm sure the French will have their own idea's on this subject.
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Vette, I'm reliably informed by the cyclists in my family that the inflating sealant completely nuggets up your bicycle tyres.

I love that autocorrect changed what I actually wrote to "nuggets", but it wouldn't have passed the rude words censor on here anyway ?
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Idun Wrote 'Wonder IF they will make those with them already, get rid of them' Yep, as understand it. You will have to change them. The police are shît scared of approaching vehicles with tinted windows. Fair point. I would as well. They look tack as well.[/quote]

Where did you get this information from? Have you been reading the Daily Mail or was it that Connexion again?   EDIT Just Googled it and my favourite misinformation site came up!

I've got a Renault (that's a little bit French too) bought new with tinted windows and the rear side ones are extra-tinted, which is great when we've got the grandchildren in the back in the height of summer (remember that... summer, hot weather?)  Heaven knows why you'd be afraid of approaching my car, because you can actually see inside! It's the OE glass that's tinted. I'm assuming that all this fuss concerns tint film which is applied after-market.

Who says they look tack? Surely we don't all want to look the same?


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Thanks for the link, however it's not an official website, one that has "gouv.fr" in its URL.

The reference is cloudy (ha ha) to say the least because new cars are governed by EU regulations in any case and cannot be sold with illegal windows.

The fuss, as I said earlier, concerns tint film added after market.

I note that there is nothing there that says that these look "naff".
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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Vette, I'm reliably informed by the cyclists in my family that the inflating sealant completely nuggets up your bicycle tyres.

I love that autocorrect changed what I actually wrote to "nuggets", but it wouldn't have passed the rude words censor on here anyway ?[/quote]

Thanks Betty.

Fortunately, it's not for my own road bike, but for the ones we lend to guests. Just a get them home measure. A new tube is only 3 euros but some folk haven't got the nouse to remove a wheel, etc.

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Done a lot of miles these last few days. Two roads were in wonderful condition, but the others.... several worse than where I live in the uk, others similar.

Friends tell me that now the budget for the mairies has been cut, and the roads are no longer down to the conseil generals... they are getting worse and worse as there is no money. Today friends said that their mairie had told everyone that they were not going to do any repairs any more and last winter was awful. Huge potholes.... got so bad that they had to fill the potholes eventually. The road is still in a terrible state though, as I witnessed today.

Maybe the Ile de France is better off than other regions, can afford to keep their infrastructure up to scratch and that makes everywhere else look 'poor' in comparison. No idea, just reporting what I have encountered.

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[quote user="sid"]Thanks for the link, however it's not an official website, one that has "gouv.fr" in its URL[/quote]Maybe so but it does contain a reference to the applicable section of the Code de la Route:

L'article 27 du décret n° 2016-448 du 13 avril 2016, qui entrera en

vigueur en 2017 (voir plus bas), interdit d'avoir des vitres latérales

teintées à l'avant de son véhicule dès lors que leur taux de

transparence est inférieur à 70 %. Les vitres arrières ne seront en

revanche pas concernées.

Blacked out windows, which is what we're really talking about, are for pimps and drug pushers and for those who fail to realise that that is what they make them look like [:P]

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... in your opinion, of course.

No-one has ever accused me of looking like a pimp or a drug pusher, and I object to the suggestion. You've disappointed me by being so rude.

Thankfully I don't have to comply with your ideas of what constitutes good taste.

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