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Help after child has accident


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I really struggled with the title for this post.

Anyway, my son had an accident at school the other day, nothing serious thankfully, however we had to take him to hospital.  The accident was caused by my son and one of his class mates, a kind of joint effort.

The college have asked me for a medical certificate from the hospital, of course I didn't know I needed such a thing and therefore didn't ask for one, nor was I offered one. That's ok, as I visited the hospital yesterday and I can go and pick one up on Monday.

I was then asked to contact our insurance company, I have the obligatory MAE cover for all of my children.  I was advised by the school Principal to ask for a declaration.  This arrived in the post today.

Thing is, I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to fill it in, or give it to the school.  I've been in the school three times already this week trying to sort all of this out, I don't want to have to go in and ask for advice again if I can avoid it.

Any help will be greatly received.



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Hi Dotty - I'm glad your son is okay.  Hope the other boy is too.

Not sure if this helps or not, but my daughter had an accident at school when she was 8 years old (she's almost 13 now).  In our case, the accident was caused by another student.  He was playing football and when the ball went flying past a wall in the school playground, the boy and my daughter (running from the other side of wall) ran slam into each other.  The boy's head went into my daughter's face.  Boy was fine, but daughter had a tooth knocked into her mouth (a permanent tooth).  I took her to the hospital and she had to have the tooth surgically repaired.  Luckily, it worked for her. 

Since it was the fault of the other student, when I went to my Insurance company, I was told to fill out all the various forms noting other child's name, insurer, etc.  Then, I was asked to get a formal report from the Director of the school.  The boy's parents were not helpful at all and made it quite difficult for us to report the necessary information to our insurer (for them to pursue the matter).  Since our payments were reimbursed to us by our private medical insurance, we did not pursue the matter.  It was just turning out to be a nightmare.

From what Groupama told me, once the school report and insurance forms are returned to the Insurer of the party responsible, along with any treatment receipts, the claim is processed.

Not sure how much help that is.


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Thanks for your reply Lori.

Thing is I don't want to claim anything.  The college are the ones getting me to contact insurance companies and asking for medical certificates.

I spent best part of the week going back and forth to the hospital and school.  I don't even know what gets covered, is it the medical expenses as I didn't get a bill from the hospital.  I've only paid for the prescription for dressings and pain killers so far.



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I suspect, if your child is considered the child at fault, the school is just protecting itself for the records with its own insurer.  If the other boy is also considered to be at fault, then the school most likely will write up the account of the accident (for their own insurance and perhaps yours), ask for any accompanying receipts for treatment (by all parties seeking medical treatment) and note the extent of any injuries.  This should be all they require.  If THEIR insurer asks for further details, you will be told by the school.

That should be the end of it.

If the other boy is NOT considered at fault, or in other words, is the injured party due to your boy, then his insurer will get involved in asking for the school's formal written account of the accident, your insurance details and the receipts for treatement will be sent off to your insurer for reimbursement.  The school will still want to write up their own account and result of the accident for their insurance.

At least this is how it worked for us. 


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    Hello Dotty,

Just to add my experience.  My son was knocked over at school by another boy and was taken to hospital because he hit his head and had a fit.   It seems that in France, as a general rule, you give your insurance company all the details (and the other person's company details) and you leave them to fight it out - this is what you pay them for!! If you have to pay out, then just make sure you keep all the bills as proof.  In our case the college didn't get involved, probably because the other boy's parents accepted full responsibility immediately.  We didn't have a top-up insurance (mutuel) so, in fact, the other boy's insurance company had to pay all the bills.  Incidentally the care he received was wonderful and he had no after effects (thank goodness!).

Sorry not to be more helpful, but every case is different.  Perhaps you should ask your insurance company for advice.


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