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Military service in France

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Oh dear...


Lower than Hollande at the same moment !!!!

I like Macron, he is a breath of fresh air but he is starting to have Terresa May 'fox hunting' moments.

Now that Wooly called me an idiot when I said May's fox hunting crusade during the election would cost her. How right I was.

Chill Mr Macron, we don't need boot camps and 80 kph speed limits. We need economic prosperity.
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Albf wrote

Now that Wooly called me an idiot when I said May's fox hunting crusade during the election would cost her. How right I was.

You could be right but I suspect that the electorate saw through the fact that this woman ( no disrespect to women in general) seemed only capable of saying a maximum of 3 words at a time and would then repeat them ad nausium - in this case "Strong and Stable"

Strong as in a bad smell


Stable as in where you keep the donkeys.

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I do not think Military Service in the classical sense is possible. They are talking about 600,000 to 800,000 young people per year. The total French military in 2015 was 300,000.

There are not the barracks to house new people, nor the Military personnel to train them. After 3 or even 6 months training, they are no use to the professional military (apart from cannon fodder).

No new introduction National Service has had to cope with the rights of the multitude of divergent groups now at large in modern society.

Cost will dilute it to a shadow of the proposal.
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But even under the "old" system there were ways of not doing national service. In my company we had about 20-odd statistics a year in the UK office doing 18 months to 2 years "en entreprise" as an alternative to national service. And then when they stopped national service there was a second scheme which actually included girls (which NS didnt) and they again did a stage either in France or abroad.

BTW Idun makes a valid point. Dutch friends of ours had their youngest son born in France. They all thought he was Dutch until the Gendarmes came for him 'cos he hasn't shown up for his 3 jours. According to the authorities, he was born in France and thus French enough for NS.
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In general terms it should not exempt you if you're French. Mr Betty only found out he wasn't British when he was 22. Born in Cape Town, he was eligible for South African national service. Obvs they didn't come looking for him, but he took British nationality sharpish.
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On this, we can agree, ALBF. I've often marvelled at the rudeness and lack of consideration demonstrated by some of the over 50's to the under 20's. I always thought that leading by example was the best way, but clearly some believe that "do as I say, not as I do" is a maxim to live by.
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The first prerogative of any government is to protect its people I suggest that means supporting a a viable arm force at all times

If in need all andy pandy poofdeywoofeders need to enroll to support its nation

It will be good to identify individuals who are prepared to act in different rolls aggressive or supportive or even non participants for future national military force
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