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Military service in France

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The government is trying to set up a two week, compulsory civil service for all young people, on the lines of military service. The intention seems to be to bring together young people so that the different classes and social groups intermingle and review their relationship with the French State.

Seems a total waste of time to me.

Any thoughts?
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For kids that come from a solid family and that are well brought up (regardless of social class) it will do more harm than good. In fact it will be a disaster. You will just create more problem kids.

The school our kids went to in Paris was well, let's say, a bit hot. And it was one of the better schools. Half the reason we left. Education begins at home.

Certainly my kids will not be going.
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Kids are half British so they will be excempt due to Brexit.

All these kids will do is learn how to fire a gun and probably end up in later life joining the local chasse.

Not sure that is a good idea on the grounds of public safety.[/quote]

Why not a good idea? Are your kids unable to receive and understand training and to put it into practice with the necessary self-discipline?
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But as french kids ALBF they could well be obliged to do it anyway.

A few years ago a young man worked at the Eurotunnel in Folkestone. If memory serves his mother was french, and he had dual citizenship but had not lived in France. He had not registered for his military service.

The gendarmes came through the tunnel and arrested him and took him straight back to France.

This happened, whether they would do the same if this came in, I do not know.

Should they introduce this, I am not sure to be honest. Very costly, that is for sure.
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Harnser Said

"Why not a good idea? Are your kids unable to receive and understand training and to put it into practice with the necessary self-discipline?"

Yes they are thank you. What is your point exactly ?

Rather than spend money on this nonsense, how about investing the money instead in social services. Perhaps sorting out the root cause of poor discipline. Tearing down banlieues and making them a nicer place to live rather than a breeding ground for crime and delinquency.

I think I read somewhere that a hotline for abused women within families is not accepting any more calls due over demand.

With regards to the 'French state' what happened to Europe. I thought Macron wanted everyone to be European ???

National service and reducing the speed limit to 80 kph. Is that really going to solve the problems in France ?
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If you don't do the current one day course (JDC), you don't get your permis, you cannot take any government exam or concours before the age of 25, and you don't get to vote. Both our boys have done it, they were both shocked by the low level of reading and writing displayed by many of the other candidates.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]One current idea being explored is a period of three to six months which should please ALBF no end. (Figaro)[/quote]

Does not change anything Wooly. 1 day, 2 weeks or 3 months.

A no is a no.

Like I said, I will get them dual nationality and take them back to the UK.

I'm personally not fussed about staying in France.

Why people want to move here is beyond me but that is another debate.
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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]Does anyone have a link to any real information on this?[/quote] Not an offical source (too early) but... http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2018/02/14/01016-20180214ARTFIG00127--quoi-devrait-ressembler-le-service-national-obligatoire-voulu-par-macron.php
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Here is a thought, what about getting farmers to do some national service. They seem to have an awful lot of time on their hands.

Yesterday they blocked the A10 at Orleans and had a party. The police looked on of course and did nothing. OH had to leave the motorway in heavy snow and go cross country on minor D roads to get home.

Not very patriotic behaviour towards your fellow countrymen. People risking their lives to get home, those late to go to hospital appointments and funerals, to collect kids from school.

The tractors they blocked the motorway with looked very brand new !!!

How about sending chasseurs on national service. Perhaps teach them how to shoot straight rather killing innocent walkers or people in their garden.

I don't think the younger generation are the problem here.
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I do betise, but I don't think blocking a motorway and preventing someone from going to a hospital appointment to get chemotherapy or preventing someone from visiting their dying child or relative is the right way forward.

That is the reality of these endless blockades.

Talking of suicide rates, what about teachers and the police !!!

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Not always as simple or is as suggested by these protests:


I am somewhat shocked by this quote:

"Under the current budget, a massive €58 billion a year, or some 40 percent of the EU budget, goes to CAP payments, but 80 percent of that money heads to only 20 percent of farms".

I would suggest that those farmers with brand new tractors could perhaps be part of the 20% and nowt to do with the poorer farmers. Reform is indeed necessary and not just in france.

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Not always as simple or is as suggested by these protests:


I am somewhat shocked by this quote:

"Under the current budget, a massive €58 billion a year, or some 40 percent of the EU budget, goes to CAP payments, but 80 percent of that money heads to only 20 percent of farms".

I would suggest that those farmers with brand new tractors could perhaps be part of the 20% and nowt to do with the poorer farmers. Reform is indeed necessary and not just in france.

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