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It's almost time to "Fall Backwards"


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In case you didn't know...

Le passage à l'heure d'hiver se déroulera dans la nuit du samedi 27 au dimanche 28 octobre 2018. À 3 heures du matin, il sera 2 heures.

or, as Google says...

The transition to winter time will take place on the night of Saturday 27 to Sunday, October 28, 2018. At 3 o'clock in the morning, it will be 2 o'clock.

Source: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/actualites/A12932
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mint wrote : Will this be the last year we move the clocks?

I'd like to think so but we will have to wait and see.

There are valid arguments for both points of view ..including either having really dark and bitterly cold early mornings and the children getting home from school in the evening before it is dark or having slightly less dark early mornings and the children getting home in the dark.
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I believe that the new regime will start in March. I remember reading that member countries will choose whether to stick with summertime or not. My neighbour (95 years old) said of it a few days ago that it will all turn out to be ‘une grande pagaille’.

It’s very nice to see you, Clair. I still use my Remoska a lot, bought on your recommendation and cook all sorts of good things in it.
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