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Thanks a Lot Macron


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I guess the gilets jaunes will not mind paying 8.6% extra for their Camembert and 9.9% extra for their Pastis, amongst other price increases. It is not as if the French are obsessed about their cheese and pastis.[:P]

Are there any politicians left with something between their ears? In France we seem to have a totally stupid President and in the UK a totally mad Prime Minister. Surely the law of averages means that there must be one out there somewhere, although I am not holding my breath.

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A very timely post, Grecian.  Have they put the prices up already?

Went to a small town near us because they have a Super U and there were many things I needed from there.  The bill came to just under 100 euros and that's with no meat, no alcohol, no greengroceries apart from 2 parsnips.

Mind you, I did check the bill and it was "correct".  I did stock up on fabric conditioner, fish (fresh and frozen) cheddar cheese (after someone on here said that Super U own brand was nice), biscuits, several packets of bread flour and just staples.

Even if there are no price hikes, the loss of the value of the pound will ensure that life on the whole is going to be more expensive and tougher altogether.

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If news reports are to be believed Nissan has decided not to invest In new models in Sunderland. This partly because of Brexit but also because Carlos Ghohn has been sacked as head of the Nissan/MitsubishiRenault follwing corruption allegations, to be replaced by a Frenchman…

What is the betting that a factory will now be announced in France?

Just what Macron wanted.

Oh, dont forget that Honda are also hesitating.

The slow rundown of the British motor industry has begun.

Thank you Brexiteers, I hope the increased unemployment benefit bill comes out of your taxes.
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Wooly, I'm not disputing your comments at all but you might find this interesting?


Incidentally, If the plant goes anywhere I would have a wager on Romania, seems to be the destination of choice lately for "Renault"
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Interesting, NickP. Link bookmarked.

Guessing, it all depends whether Macron throws his weight behind forcing them to come France, to gain popularity and to try and help get French unemployment figures down. The French State still has 15% of Renault equity after all, the biggest shareholding.

But, if Nissan do not want closer integration with Renault and Mitsubishi into a kind of super company, then there might be quite a lot of pushback against Macron’s ideas.

He might also want to be seen to stuff one to the Brits by stealing ‘their’ factories for France, as he seems to have largely failed to bribe the City to move to Paris.
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We're both wide of the mark Wooly, it's going to Japan.

Nissan already produces the X-Trail in Japan and now, thanks to the EU-Japan free trade agreement all tariffs on Japanese cars have been scrapped for 8 years."

Now, I wonder why they moved it?
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Wooly. FYI. Carlos Ghosn IS French. He has triple nationality...It's unlikely that the French govt can tell/influence Nissan what to do as they are considerably more successful/profitable than Renault (thanks to Ghosn, however corrupt he might be). The French Govt. is still a stakeholder in Renault. The two companies compete, so there's an argument for not encouraging Nissan to manufacture on Renault's home turf and take market share from a company part owned by the govt. Especially not when Renault needs all the market share it can get.

There's a Brexit factor, no doubt. Yet X-trail sales have tanked in the UK of late and in Europe generally. It being predominantly a diesel model isn't helping. I'd be inclined to think Sunderland have almost dodged a bullet.
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My wife has been stalking my computer and says she would put her money on manufacturing in Roumania or another C / E European locale. (She's a recently retired European Head of Tax for a fortune 100 company and her last job was setting up a manufacturing facility in Roumania.)

She also added there was precious little chance of a manufacturing facility being set up in France. While working for the same company they decided to set up a new European distribution hub and did a mathematical analysis of location to give shortest route to market. The optimum location was Eastern France - which was immediately ruled out. The centre was established in Germany instead.
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I have just read an article which states that the ruling not only means a price increase on any goods that do not have at least a 10% mark-up on them, but the end of BOGOFs as well. The supermarket is now only allowed to discount any item by a maximum of 34%, so obviously no more BOGOFs, the best that they can offer would be 3 for 2. When we went shopping yesterday there were no BOGOFs, so mint I assume that the increases came in on 1st February.

I really do not know where these politicians are coming from, they certainly do not know how ordinary people live. I see that our Emmanuel has another thread going, with another of his screwball ideas in the making. I feel so disillusioned at the moment with all politicians, that I really feel that I do not want to vote for anybody at the next general election. It seems the same in the UK at the moment, with both May and Corbyn determined to crash out the the EU in the hardest way possible, so both of the main parties seem hell-bent on screwing the ordinary person in the street, and the youngsters in particular. I guess a party may rise out of the ashes sometime in the future, but not really sure where it will come from.

Sorry I could not get to mention Nissan in my post.[Www]

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