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Homeopathy, to be deremboursé?

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The high medical council for testing medicines of France has decided that homeopathy does no measurable good, so the government wants to remove it from the list of medicines which can be remboursé, to save the taxpayer money.

So, will it bite the bullet and go for 0% or go on a staged process which would be at 15%? If the latter , then the mutuelle will make up the shortfall unless it is 0%.

Except for those who have an ALD, who would continue to have full refunds. DUHHHH!

Macron himself may decide, remembering no doubt that the biggest manufacturer, Boiron, employs 1200 plus people.
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I never know quite what to make of homeopathy. Our toubib in France would happily prescribe tiny tiny tablets, of the stuff, several to be taken at a time, several times a day.

Snake oil, or doing it's stuff, we always got better anyway. I know our pharmacist believed in it, and why wouldn't she, must have been a right little earner. Or maybe she really did, how could one know.

I understand the why's of it, but it working like a vaccine...... ? dunnow[blink]

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Sugar pills have the same effect as homeopathy. That is they work well for the percentage that were going to get better anyway. I'm surprised they still reimburse it at all.. that and the two weeks at a thermal cure.. The manufacturers won't go out of business because there will be plenty of people still prepared to pay for their snake oil.
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Are you sure black mamba is still allowed with PC Ness and racism. Mamba of colour surely?


Some people do call the racism card for pretty much anything they disagree with though.

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Dickduck, how can a trans cat.target trans people unless it is a sort of crossed Bonny and Clyde pussycat carrying a gun in a gunny sack?

Loosen up man, take off the corsets, have a larf. None of the posts in this thread is racist, sexist, mambaphobic, transmamba phobic or even gettin at trans trans retrace Martians.

Now, if you wanna be nasty, you could target the Brexiteers who showed their back sides in the EU parliament. Was it a protest against the small number of LGBTTDFI people elected and was it an appropriate place for such a protest? Surely a public square would have been more appropriate as it gves an all round view?

Careful, this is an attempt at humour with undertones of irony and ridicule which approaches but does not break tabobobos whilst gently satirising the writer and the reader - well, some readers anyway.

Maybe Anne Waddlecome was joking in her speech, by the way.


Now can I go and get on with the housework as fussy child number 2 is coming and has eagle eyes for dust and dirty

fridges though the latter will be left to her.

And there are what seems like hundreds of metres of flowerbed edging still to do and the grass to cut and the tomatoes need urgent attention.

Dickduck, you are a distraction.

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