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Talking about the flu jab

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My Pharmacist did it last year. What is a bits strange is that the lab who do all my blood tests aren't authorised to give the vaccination  despite using needles all day, but the pharmacist, who doesn't use them very often has been  given a special course in how to do it..[8-)]

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Spoke to my nurse today and she told me that it shouldn't be given until the week starting Nov 4.  Said that if you had it earlier, you wouldn't get the benefit towards the end of the flu season next year.

She is experienced and seems to know her stuff.  Indeed, last year, she made us wait as well.

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Not suggesting that anybody is being thus, but we shouldn’t be flippant about taking advantage of the flu jab.

Mrs G takes an immuno-suppressive drug and is therefore particularly susceptible to ‘real’ flu, or rather the effects would be more serious.

I was staggered to read that last year, the level of takeup here in the Gard was around 20%. Bonkers when you hear that people don’t think that their GP is doing his / her job if they don’t get a bucketload of items on their prescription after a visit.

I’ve (happily) only ever had ‘real’ flu once in my life. Very, very unpleasant. So get it done, even if you have to pay for it.

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