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Income tax

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Did, as we did need FF, as we were still using Francs until the actually € coinage came in. From 1999 when the value of the € to the FF had been decided everything had it's € value marked on it too. An overlap period.

Then about 2? 3? years later we had our  €'s issued and I seem to think that for some time the ff value was also shown. But in spite of what the government said...... everyone I knew believed that all prices had gone up, maybe just a fraction but money was not going as far.


Yes Maz and Col,  I missed your post, and you answered my doubt about the date when we started getting €'s actually issued..........my time is not really my own at the moment, as I start a post and then 'demands' are made on my time and I end up finishing it later, sometimes much later as I don't get back to my computer.

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When I received my social charges intérêts moratoire calculation earlier this month, the spreadsheet used by the tax office still had a columns which contained the calculated interest in both French Francs and euro. The first year on the spreadsheet was 1993 and the annual rate then was over 10% (if I remember correctly, I'm on holiday).
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Interesting pomme and made me remember when we went to an open day at a local vauban style castle where there was much historical stuff from the local villages.

The accounts for our village were there from, I think, the 1800's, and were in three columns with the heading:-  £sd, much to my pleasure to see such a thing.

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