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Income tax

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[quote user="woolybanana"]The average taxpayer is not paying income tax this year as the country is transitioning to monthly payments. Had the country not done this people would have ended up, paying tax twice in the year.[/quote]

You won't be paying income tax in 2020 on 2019 income - providing the 2019 income is not significantly more than that for 2018 - but you will be paying income tax in 2020 on 2020 income.

It will either be taken from the bank account you nominated in June2019, when you made your return, or you will receive a bill for it.

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Tax for 2019 has been paid monthly at source since January, as will be the case in 2020, so where does the idea that "The average taxpayer is not paying income tax this year" come from?


Janvier 2019 : Le prélèvement à la source est entré en vigueur

A partir de ma déclaration de revenus effectuée au printemps 2018,

l’administration fiscale m’a transmis un taux de prélèvement


J’ai pu opter pour un taux non personnalisé ou un taux individualisé.

Depuis le 1er janvier 2019, le prélèvement à la source est appliqué sur mon salaire et mon employeur collecte mon impôt sur le revenu.

Retour au sommaire

Avril – Juin 2019 : Je déclare mes revenus

En avril, je déclare mes revenus, dans les mêmes conditions qu’auparavant, en quelques clics sur impots.gouv.fr grâce

à la déclaration pré-remplie. Cette déclaration permet de déterminer

mon nouveau taux de prélèvement et de calculer l’impôt que je dois payer

si j’ai eu des revenus exceptionnels en 2018.

Les informations sur le prélèvement à la source (taux de prélèvement

et options) sont affichées à l'issue de la déclaration de revenus en


Retour au sommaire

Septembre 2019 : Mon nouveau taux s’applique et je paie l’impôt sur mes revenus exceptionnels

Le nouveau taux, calculé à partir de la déclaration de revenus

déposée au printemps 2019, sera appliqué à partir de septembre 2019.

Si j’ai perçu des revenus exceptionnels en 2018,

je devrais également payer mon impôt sur le revenu en septembre.

S'agissant du paiement de l'impôt, il est rappelé qu'aucun prélèvement

automatique ne sera opéré cette année. Si j'ai un solde à régler, je

dois donc effectuer une démarche pour payer :

  • payer en ligne sur Internet (www.impots.gouv.fr), ou par smartphone ou tablette,
  • utiliser le talon figurant en bas de mon avis d’impôt pour payer par TIP SEPA ou chèque
  • si le montant dû est inférieur ou égal à 300 €, régler en espèces

    ou par carte bancaire auprès de mon centre des finances publiques.

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For my son it made not one iota of difference.

He paid his impots by  monthly prelevement, and then it came off his pay from last January instead, and that was kif kif for him.

For those who paid alternatively ie 'three monthly' was it, with interim payments, I suppose that they felt worse off, perhaps.

It is only the likes of yourself wooly who are not actually in the new PAYE system and pay later after that are affected.

Still it is nice to have a free year, in that I do agree. Must have felt like that first year when we finished our mortgage..... but......... unfortunately for you, it will restart again in 2020[:(]

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[quote user="idun"]
For my son it made not one iota of difference.

He paid his impots by  monthly prelevement, and then it came off his pay from last January instead, and that was kif kif for him. ....................


Ah, but when he retires, he will have already paid his taxes up to date, and won't have a bill for them the following year[;-)]

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Last time we discussed pensions he was convinced he'd have to be 80 before he got one the way things are going....... if at all.[:-))]

He pays into the french pension scheme, but paying in and getting back are two different things as far as he can currently imagine.

I am trying to think how it worked out for us, that year post retirement, but it was OK. The hardest thing is getting them to actually pay the pension in France, now that was and still is hard to do, for us, in spite of having ALL the paperwork duly done months in advance and the initial stuff being done several years in advance, still took them months and months to pay and that was only because 'I' menaced them. To which I was told I was being unreasonable as there were plenty who had been waiting even longer... which was not my problem, but theirs. However, such was my 'menace, that they got the it all sorted within a week.[:D]

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[quote user="Patf"]As far as I remember whether we had to pay tax or not depended mainly on the sterling/euro exchange rate for the previous year. As all our income comes from the UK.


We wouldn't mind if we had to pay a little more tax if the pound would return to the 1€67 we were getting for it when we moved here from Spain in 1999.

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Ah the roller coasters of the exchange rate.

We have had good exchange rates since we moved back, rarely exceeding 1.20 and often a lot less than that. But we chose to move back with french income and will live on whatsoever we get in the future.

So for us, cheering would be inappropriate, although we do pay less tax when we get less income.... every cloud nez pah!

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[quote user="mazandcol"]nomoss, how did you get 1.67 euros to 1£ in 1999? The euro only came in in 2001...[/quote]

You're right of course, I'd forgotten the actual date.

I looked up the rates, which were given since then, although the € existed only on paper.

By the time it came into material existence we were already very used to it, as we had been using it for our accounting since the rates were fixed. Most of our suppliers gave the equivalent on their bills, as we were importing into Spain from several EU countries.

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Sorry, I was obviously thinking of the physical money when I said 2001. I stand corrected as the concept of the euro (or ECU) was agreed in 1992 but didn't actually become a currency until much later...

"The currency was formed virtually in 1999; notes and coins began to circulate in 2002. "

"On 15 December 2001, banks began exchanging "euro starter kits", plastic pouches with a selection of the new coins in each country (generally, between 10 and 20 euros worth—though Finland's contained one of each coin, totalling €3.88). They would not be usable in commerce until 1 January, when notes would be made available as well. Larger starter kits, containing a roll of each denomination, were available as well in some nations"
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Well I thought that it came in in 1999 and everything was marked in french francs and € from then on, and then the actual currency came in a bit later.

In the early 2000's I reckon that the exchange rate was even 'worse' or 'good' depending on where one's income is from ie around 1.75 for a little while. OR have I misremembered that??? I don't think so.

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