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How are your days going


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I have to say that  three weeks into lockdown, and it feels like it has whizzed by.

We are in a funny lazy old rhythm and are feeling fine.

We do little jobs, nothing exerting, take our own sweet time about every thing and the days gently pass, and quite pleasantly at that.

We don't have much of a garden here, a handkerchief, but it is ok. we have a Boris Walk and we sit in the sunshine too.

So far I haven't felt any great urge to go anywhere but be in this mini world I now live in.

And the 'icing' on the cake today was that I managed to buy a bag of plain flour. It felt like something special.......who would have thought.[blink]  There was dried yeast, two different types, but I cannot use it, but it is good that it is there.

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Idun wrote : And the 'icing' on the cake today was that I managed to buy a bag of plain flour. It felt like something special.......who would have thought.

There was dried yeast, two different types, but I cannot use it, but it is good that it is there.

I managed to find a bag of plain white flour .. which we don't usually have as I am wholemeal flour person.

But, but .. I wanted to make a Sicilian take on a focaccia as it sounded so delicious .. but totally no dried yeast anywhere also not any fresh, though dried is preferred for this recipe.

Woe is me .. woe is me.

I know in the great scheme of things this is not a tragedy but .. even tho OH is a reasonably good cook (plus he enjoys it) and I am but a reluctant cook these days I keep wanting to try out smthg new to keep us going.

After way more than 40 years trying to conjure up smthg interesting, at least once, if not twice a day, I find I need the push of smthg new or different to encourage me.

Edit: And no, after 4 weeks confinement already here .. this is beginning to get me down.

Not only me but friends too .. we live by the sea but cannot go there for a walk, just because some selfish people amassed and got together, so we are all then excluded.

I realise I am whinging but there you go.
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I agree, idun, about the time flying past.

I started lockdown full of good intentions to turn out drawers and clean out the kitchen cupboards. Halfway through that, I became distracted with jigsaw puzzles. And now the sun is out, I am spending more time tidying up my small London garden. I hunted the shelves for some seeds to plant, and so far have stuck in some radishes (already showing through) and french beans (no sign of them yet after a week, but they were about three years out of date!). I discovered some flower seeds a friend had saved from her garden for me, so I made a cocktail of those and sowed them in tubs. Wonder what they will look like.

And I am almost exhausted by the relentless virtual socialising on Zoom! One yesterday, two today, and another planned for tomorrow.

Sadly, a neighbour died last week (not of CV). His funeral of course will be a tiny family affair, but arrangements are being made for the hearse to pass along our road on the way to it, at 11am on Friday, so we can all wave him goodbye.

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Even I am sometimes a reluctant cook. Everyday cooking can be boring.

Saying that I would never try and do something new every day, I am probably far too lazy for that.

A good friend gave up smoking after 40 odd years and started cooking in a more adventurous way, she gets her recipe books out and most days matches what she has in, to new recipes.  As I said, I think I am too lazy to do that, but they are happy with their new regime.

I like inventing when in the mood. I jot down what I do as I do it and then if it is awful, leave the recipe in my book, with a big note on it, to NEVER do it again, I do the same with bought recipe books as some should never have been put on the printed page[Www].

Pity you cannot go down to the sea, we are within walking distance and do that nearly every day. There is hardly anyone around when we go.

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Even worse this morning on learning what the powers-that-be might well have in store for us over 65ers .. continued confinement .. potentially until a vaccine is found.

Hmm .. suddenly the idea of breaking a rule seems like quite a good idea.

Because of the confinement the beaches are empty .. tho if you dare to go there a helicopter appears and then a police car .. but it might be worth it for a walk along the edge of the sea or even a quick paddle.

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And if we've had weeks of solid rain I think everyone would feel very different.

Apart from a couple of days my solar panels have been very productive.

But now the veg patch needs water, so hopefully the rain forecast here for the end of the month will materialise?
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Apart from the element of risk that is involved in going to the shops, my life continues very much as normal.

I spend 23 hours a day alone at home in intellectual and scholarly activity, rather like a monk without the religious obligations[:)]

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The strange thing is - it’s beginning to feel normal !

We are very, very lucky in that we live in the middle of stunningly beautiful countryside and we have a huge garden which is my hobby, and we have each other for company. The glorious weather has helped - we might feel very differently if it had rained every day ! My husband is a wargamer ( minutely detailed lead soldiers which he paints ) so although he has had a lot of games here and in the U.K. cancelled he can easily keep himself occupied.

We heard a plane the other day and almost took a photo of the vapour trail ! Our local market is operating and I bought vegetable plants and geraniums yesterday, and there are few shortages in the shops.

Yes, we really miss seeing all our friends and all the socialising - apéros, walks, lunches at home and at several local restaurants with excellent menus du jour, but, we email, we WhatsApp, we FaceTime and spend ages on the phone. It would be very different without the internet and all the technology. Luckily we spent a week in the U.K. seeing our two children just before the lockdown, and we had a day out with our local friends when we got back here.

Our diet has actually been very good - I got all the tins out of the store cupboards and did a freezer audit and we’ve been using all those out of date and nearly out of date items - makes for interesting meals ! I’ve been making cakes as a treat !

Still - looking forward to several months of social celebrations and get-togethers when all this is over !
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