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ECJ and Germany

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The omnipotent ECJ 's right to it's power has been called into question by the German Court system.

I keep wondering what this will this mean to the EU.

The reason ofcourse is down to money, and the way the EU is dealing with it at the moment, and I would suppose that as Germany and germans believe that they prop up the EU, that they should have more than a good say about how money is managed.

Any ideas as to how this will change things? Or won't it, is the EU so solid in it's present form that it can deal with this in an amicable manner?

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Read an interesting article this morning concerning the attempts since the end of the first world war to put the economic shackles on Germany. It has been continued to this day. As a former NATO commander said, the aim of the organisation is to keep (in europe) the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down. Macron is lining up to continue the trend, I believe, in trying to get the rich Northern European states (ie Germany) to help out with the eye watering C-19 debts the poorer EU states (everyone else!) has. Even if they succeed the odds are Germany will rise (financially) again.
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Before I would say a word about Boris at all these days, my first thoughts are that, if the election had not gone as it did, we could have had Corbyn! and that plays havoc with my vivid imagination.[blink]

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Well, I reckon he is as mad as his brother Piers whose antics are pathetic and sad.

Norman, it is a pity that you could not resist having another dig at your political bete noir in what could have been an interesting thread.

But then I guess you have your reasons.
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[quote user="NormanH"]
At least the Germans have a leader to be proud of...

as opposed to


Without making any personal comments about the writer, is that really a valid appraisal, coming from someone who lives in Berlin?

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[quote user="mint"]And what reasons would those be, Wools?  Go on, enlighten us[:D]


I do not feel I can divulge Norman’s secrets as they are personal. All I can say is that they relate to a beauty queen who was the daughter of a Tory Cabinet Minister, a boathouse and a late night tryst! As to the rest, even the court case, my lips are sealed.

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