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Well, there seems to be nothing left to sell in the village, any overhanging property having being sold. Young people coming in to replace the late blood.

And almost every roof has been renewed, extensions being built, huts constructed, terraces bullt.....

Ok, good, The village is a better place. Now can I have a bit of peace.
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Hereabouts .. since the incoming new mayoral team arrived some years ago .. new homes rising up have become very much the norm.

We have new building everywhere around us in a very old old, small area ..of what was, in olden days, a hamlet.

This hamlet has become incorporated into the adjacent, ever-advancing village, which has burst its bindings and is trying to absorb all around it into an ever-increasing bubble.

All was calm and peaceful before .. now the constant noise is getting me down. Noise from construction .. noise from every kind of upkeep maintenance such as gardening machinery, machinery belonging to the commune etc.

Perhaps it is time to sell-up and move on .. but it is a super spot with superb neighbours .. but the constant noise is really getting to me.
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Surely all the noise is at appropriate hours, the Bruits de Voisinage.

We both seem to have 'french' noise times imprinted on us now, as we take very badly to people making a noise at lunch time, or after a certain time on an evening and then at night, and most certainly on a Sunday afternoon.

And the noise, well, I know someone who escaped a village that they considered too noisy, to go and live out in the wilds, but in fact the farms who were now their neighbours, out in the middle of nowhere had some very very noisy critters, which they found even worse, as the critters didn't adhere to french noise restrictions.

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idun wrote the following post at 17 Jul 2020 0:46:

Surely all the noise is at appropriate hours, the Bruits de Voisinage.

The neighbours are fine .. it's the tree fellers in clearing land for building, who use professional chain-saws through lunchtime who are amongst the noisiest.

One argued with me that he could work all through lunch as he was not a 'particulier' but a pro .. but he had second thoughts after I mentioned the 'code de travail' and our Mairie's permissable hours of noisy operations.

Eventually he stopped for about 3/4 hour .. so we could eat in peace.
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Your post above made me laugh idun.

The other evening my friend and I were sitting with a G&T, in his garden in rural Wales with fields one side, a bracken covered hillside the other, and no human habitation in sight. There was a farmer on a quad bike (it's how they seem to farm these days) rounding the sheep up in the field below us, lambs and their mothers were yelling at each other, crows were squabbling, there was a chainsaw droning away somewhere down the hill. We had to shout at each other to make ourselves heard. But it didn't spoil the pleasure. Whereas, the constant sound of human voices or someone else's music or hammering, even at a much lower volume, would have sent us straight back indoors.
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We had many friends who were artisans and I know that they always had their proper lunch break and stopped at appropriate hours. As they said, if they were were working hard, from the start of permissable hours, then they were ready for their lunch, and ready to stop at the end of day too.

So this is what they service public says for the professionelles. I would have been at least contacting the mairie and asking them exactly what they had authorised.

En cas de gêne, vous devez contacter la mairie ou la préfecture pour connaître les conditions de réalisation du chantier et les horaires autorisés.

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idun wrote the following post at 17 Jul 2020 12:04:

En cas de gêne, vous devez contacter la mairie ou la préfecture pour connaître les conditions de réalisation du chantier et les horaires autorisés.

Fortunately it hasn't ever come to that .. (aimiable) face to face usually works .. or at least it has up to now (smiley face)
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I pleased to hear it.

Trouble is that this person knows the rules, and yet they made the decision to ignore them, embette'ing folk,  who, well, knows and who cares.What is the expression, 'trying it on'.

When I first moved to France, I sort of thought that those that did this

sort of thing didn't realise what they were doing, until I was no

longer naive and understood their arrogance.

This is what they do, and will continue doing, and dealing with whatever situation occurs if someone complains. Do they not realise that no one complains instantly, that they wait and wait, until that moment of realisation arrives when  unless they complain, this person won't stop. Almost as if the complainant is somehow becomes guilty and unreasonable  for complaining.

At least your are sorted Sue.

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idun wrote the following post at 17 Jul 2020 21:49:

Trouble is that this person knows the rules, and yet they made the decision to ignore them, embette'ing folk, who, well, knows and who cares.What is the expression, 'trying it on'.

Too true .. tho for the present I am, as you say, sorted.

Last evening he started again .. at 18h30 on a Friday ?.

I was inside watching the news and then cooking .. so the fan was going etc. So his noise didn't disturb me.

But 'he' continued until 20h .. when all went quiet.

My OH was weeding in the garden and heard a woman's voice complaining over the din .. she was obviously as fed up as I had been that lunchtime (this woman works, so wasn't around that time.)

Perhaps said arrogant person will get the message .. don't push us too far ?.

My conclusion .. altho this person is a pro tree-feller he is obviously finishing this job 'on the side' as he no longer does normal hours here ..

He was there for a while this am .. from about 10h30 .. but all was fairly quiet (no chainsaw) .. I had to go out but he wasn't there when I got back.

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Sadly does not surprise me.

And as I said, we all put up with appalling behaviour far too long, because 'we' are reasonable and hopeful that what ever it is, is momentary, but these people don't care. 

Hope you have a quiet Dimanche, they have from 10-12 to work and that is it!

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