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Mr Huge

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[quote user="Mr Huge"] How do I read my linky meter? All I want is my consommation since the last reading, but I can't find anything that resembles that, or anything that looks like a kWh reading.[/quote]

I'm not sure you can read the thing itself, though open (as always) to correction. As I understand it (eg from here: https://particulier.edf.fr/en/home/contract-and-consumption/meter/linky-meter.html), it sends data to EDF and they do the sums.
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Have a look at this link.  It shows you how to use the Linky.  I checked our usage online every single day during the confinement - bored out of my mind.  I also check our usage in our new home each day.  I can now tell you exactly how many kwh's I use doing laundry, ironing, using the cooktop and/or oven.

Love the Linky.

It really is quite easy once you get the habit of it.


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This web page https://particulier.edf.fr/en/home/contract-and-consumption/meter/linky-meter.html

short link https://tinyurl.com/y3s85tat

has the instructions for single- and three-phase Linky meters in English towards the bottom



You can download an app for your smartphone

https://particulier.edf.fr/fr/accueil/offres/choisir-edf/appli-edf-et-moi.html but it takes time for it to be set up.
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No smart meter for me where I live but I bought one of these and it paid for itself in the first couple of months.


Sensor clips over the incoming live cable and then talks wirelessly to the display. With a little tweaking of the fine tune facility it reads within 1% of the main meter.

Always on and easily monitored, no need for smartphone apps.
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[quote user="Mr Huge"]How do I read my linky meter? All I want is my consommation since the last reading, but I can't find anything that resembles that, or anything that looks like a kWh reading.


I assume you are close to the meter and able to touch the controls. I have a three phase Linky but hope that the basic actions are the same as single phase. If I want to see my consumption I press the + sign button and immediately the reading that appears on the display is the total units used, just like a traditional meter. Further presses run through several other parameters including the present rate of consumption. I do need to write down the reading each time to monitor the increase in usage.

Of course it may be quite different for a single phase Linky.

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napoleon wrote the following post at 05 Sep 2020 23:20:

If I want to see my consumption I press the + sign button and immediately the reading that appears on the display is the total units used, just like a traditional meter. Further presses run through several other parameters including the present rate of consumption. I do need to write down the reading each time to monitor the increase in usage.

Exactly the same on our monophase Linky.
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I downloaded the EDF app a few days ago. I didn't need to be near the meter to get it to start (although in the same house). As it said, it took a few days for the database to be updated.

But I am now have daily reports since the app was installed which show usage every 30 mins. There are also monthly and annual summaries. What I don't get is any present day data - but the app I have from my UK electricity/gas supplier doesn't do that either. I don't get the current meter reading either as the Linky sends that to Enedis who forward it to EDF.

There is a summary of my two-monthly factures but no breakdown as I haven't subscribed to online bills.

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