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Flooding ine the Gard: Are you OK Gardian and garden girl?


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Norman ........

Thanks v much for your concern, but so far, so good.

We’re on high ground here, so we’ve always said that if we ever have a problem ........ then everybody else is in deep *****.

I know that GG isn’t ‘at risk’, so all OK.

Just now, it’s rumbling away and just starting to rain quite hard. It’ll get worse.

Let’s see what the evening / night brings. Normal operation is to disconnect everything - tiresome in the morning re clocks etc, but better than burned out computers etc.

Thanks again Norman.

p.s. thunder revving up big time !!

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I’ve had more trouble accessing the forum again, finally managed it.

Norman, thank you for your kindness in asking. I’ve been in the UK since December, medical matters kept us away for a couple of months, then came March and we all know what that brought..........

So, yes, no nasty September storms that occur in the Gard for us this time - there’s talk that it might be as bad as the floods of 2002, and at least one person has been swept away, believed drowned, sadly. The Gardon apparently rose 6 metres in 2 hours, very bad news for some of the villages.

Our little town is high up above the river Gardon and our apartment is on the second floor, so safe from any flooding.

I expect that Gardian will be along, but he and Mrs G also live high up and would be safe if at home.

Thank you again, GG

Edit: he beat me to it!
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Isn't it lovely when someone on this forum reaches out to ask about others from time to time.

I've been watching a website which shows lightning strikes in real time - and oh boy, oh boy - Montpellier has been taking the brunt of a terrific thunderstorm tonight.

Switch off everything and hunker down would be my actions !!


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Been incredible number of strikes; then Marseille and Toloun - and it's showing no sign of abating.

Looking at satellite images that is one heck of a thunder storm system - quite impressive to watch - but must be keeping a lot of people awake tonight.

Sadly there'll probably be reports of fallen trees, houses struck etc - let's hope the damage isn't too severe, and no-one's been injured.


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