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How is this a Confinement?


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I guess I don't really get it.  Short of the salons and bars (restos with restrictions), what exactly is NOT allowed to operate?

I'm sure there must be more than salons on the 'not allowed' list, but the 'allowed' list looks wide open.  Absolutely nothing like our last Confinement.

I don't see case numbers going down under these circumstances.  Haven't been out since Friday - except for my dental surgery appointment yesterday.  Still, when I look out my window, life looks like normal.  No indication of a confinement here.

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I meant to post a link to the article.  Got distracted.  Here it is.


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The way I read it is these restrictions allow many 'essential' businesses to operate (safely, one hopes) and therefore continue to resurrect the economy but the businesses which encourage socialising and therefore casual spread of the disease are closed or operating in a reduced fashion. I suppose hair salons aren't necessarily a danger to the community (probably depends on what 'ancillary' services are offered [6]) but closing these and similar businesses reduces numbers of people out and about for 'frivolous' purposes.

Moving around for business purposes is allowed (with the appropriate attestation/s) but the 1km for 1 hour per day has been reintroduced for leisure / exercise. Which infuriates me (with superb beaches for walks within easy but not 1 km reach) but okay, greater good and all that.

I can see the value in Confinement Ver 2.0 but it's all ultimately pointless (apart from spreading out hospital and ICU admissions for a month or so) if people then behave inconsiderately / recklessly when the restrictions are lifted once more. This being a very rural area, I see the 4 / 5 / 6 cars parked outside houses where I know that only one couple or family live, I see the salle being let and a couple of dozen cars outside, I hear of others' experiences in the 'burbs of Paris holding wedding parties of 60+ people where social norms are those of pre-Covid times with not a mask in sight...

In my view, the problem is not governments getting restrictions and advice wrong - it's the undisciplined, self-indulgent, entitled, deluded behaviour of far too many ordinary people when restrictions are lifted.

But I expect I've said this before in another thread. [blink]

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I totally agree with you Catalpa. What is wrong with people.

Having listened to Macron's announcements in France, and Johnson's announcements in England, and Drakeford's announcements in Wales where I currently am, I think Johnson's messaging is dreadful and Macron's and Drakeford's messaging is pretty good. But people still turn a deaf ear and decide it doesn't apply to them.

Liverpool is the worst place for infection in the UK, the hospitals are overwhelmed, and a group of businesses including a hairdresser and a gym have proudly announced that they will disobey lockdown and open as usual. The hairdresser thinks that coronovirus is fake news and the gym claims that his premises are cleaner than an operating theatre. How do you fix stupid?
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Of course, if this is the type of person who is going to carry out the controls of the future, this confinement is as good as its going to get:

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I'm afraid that that is pretty typical of the attitude of this region.
As soon as term started there was a cluster in Montpellier...in the "fac de médecine" [:-))]    https://www.midilibre.fr/2020/09/15/montpellier-60-etudiants-testes-positifs-au-covid-19-a-la-faculte-de-medecine-9072323.php

And 16 of our  Police municipale have been infected 

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